BG3 Cutting Words Guide – the Lore Bard’s Ability

BG3 Cutting Words is one of the signature abilities of the Lore Bard. This handy debuff allows bards to sap an enemy’s strength right when they need it most. However, to get the most out of Cutting Words, you need to understand exactly how it works and the best ways to utilize it in combat. This guide will break down everything you need to know to master Cutting Words in Baldur’s Gate 3.


Key Takeaways:

  • Cutting Words imposes a penalty to attack rolls, ability checks, and damage rolls
  • Use it to disrupt dangerous enemy attacks, reduce damage, and foil enemy spellcasting
  • Target powerful attacks against allies and crucial rolls from bosses
  • Combine with Bardic Inspiration to get the most from your support abilities
  • Build Charisma, Dexterity, and Wisdom as a Lore Bard
  • React quickly to enemy rolls and focus on the most impactful targets

How Does Cutting Words Work in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Cutting Words is gained at 3rd level by bards who choose the College of Lore subclass. It allows you to use a reaction when an enemy makes an attack roll, ability check, or damage roll to impose a penalty to their roll.

Here is how it works:

  • Action:Reaction when enemy makes attack roll, ability check, or damage roll
  • Range:18 meters
  • Targets:Any hostile creature in range
  • Penalty:1d6 at 3rd level, increases to 1d8 at 5th level and 1d10 at 10th level
  • Duration:Until the start of your next turn

You can use Cutting Words a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). It recharges after a long rest.

The penalty imposed by Cutting Words directly subtracts from the enemy’s d20 roll. This can cause attacks to miss, lower damage, or result in failed ability checks. It’s an extremely useful tool for foiling enemy plans right when they need them to work.

Best Uses for Cutting Words in Baldur’s Gate 3

Cutting Words is versatile, but there are certain uses that will get you the most mileage out of this ability. Here are the best ways to leverage Cutting Words for maximum impact:

Stop Dangerous Enemy Attacks

One of the best uses for Cutting Words is stopping an enemy from landing a really dangerous attack on your allies. If you see an enemy winding up a massive strike against your low HP companion, cutting their attack roll can cause it to completely miss. This protects your friend and denies the enemy their best option.

Minimize Enemy Damage

Similarly, Cutting Words can minimize the damage dealt by enemy attacks and spells. If an enemy cricket is about to hit your party with a fiery explosion, cutting their damage roll can greatly reduce the harm. This helps keep your party alive.

Disrupt Enemy Concentration

When you see an enemy spellcaster preparing a nasty spell, slap them with Cutting Words. This can break their concentration and interrupt the casting. Stopping crucial enemy spells from going off can completely change the tide of battle.

Aid Ally Checks

Cutting Words isn’t just for enemies – you can also use it to help allies! If your rogue friend is trying to pick an important lock or your cleric is making a key Wisdom save, giving them an edge with Cutting Words can increase their odds of success.

Counter Enemy Checks

Foil important enemy ability checks with Cutting Words to really mess with their plans. Stop their Athletics checks to escape your grapples or cut their Perception checks to make them easier to sneak by. This creativity will allow you to use Cutting Words in exciting and unconventional ways.

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Cutting Words vs. Bardic Inspiration

Cutting Words and Bardic Inspiration might seem similar, but they work in different ways:

  • Bardic Inspiration– Bonus added to attack, check, or save (buff)
  • Cutting Words– Penalty to attack, check, or damage (debuff)

While Bardic Inspiration boosts allies, Cutting Words reduces enemies. Use them in tandem to maximize your support capabilities!

Optimal Use By Level

Your effectiveness with Cutting Words improves as you gain levels and progress as a bard:

Level 3: 1d6 penalty. Good for minor debuffs.

Level 5: 1d8 penalty. Decent for disrupting enemy attacks.

Level 10: 1d10 penalty. Excellent for stopping crucial enemy rolls.

In general, Cutting Words becomes more impactful the higher level you are. The larger die size directly increases your odds of imposing a significant penalty.

Cutting Words Builds, Synergies & Counters

There are certain bard builds, synergies, and enemy counters to be aware of to maximize your Cutting Words potential:

Builds: Half-elf Lore Bard with Resilient (Wisdom) and War Caster is optimal. Focus Charisma, Dexterity, and Wisdom.

Synergies: Pair Cutting Words with Bane, Dissonant Whispers, and other debuffs for stacked penalties.

Counters: Enemies with Resilient, high Wisdom/Charisma saves, and psychic resistance counter Cutting Words.

Use your build, party synergy, and knowledge of enemy counters to support and enhance your Cutting Words capabilities. Stack the odds in your favor.

Cutting Words Step-By-Step Instructions

Here is how to use Cutting Words effectively step-by-step:

Step 1: Monitor enemies for dangerous attack rolls, ability checks, or damage rolls.

Step 2: When you see one, use your reaction to activate Cutting Words.

Step 3: Roll your Cutting Words die (1d6, 1d8, or 1d10).

Step 4: Subtract the number rolled from the enemy’s d20 roll.

Step 5: If subtracted roll fails, the attack misses, check fails, or damage is reduced.

Step 6: The penalty remains until the start of your next turn.

Follow these instructions, and your Cutting Words will sap enemies right when they need their rolls to succeed. With practice, you’ll learn to quickly recognize and react to priority targets.

Top Cutting Words Targets

To get the most bang for your buck, prioritize using Cutting Words on:

  • Dangerous enemy attackers– Stop them from crushing your party.
  • High damage enemies– Minimize their damage output.
  • Powerful enemy spellcasters– Disrupt their crucial spells.
  • Bosses and elites– Cut down mighty foes.

While Cutting Words works on any enemy, focusing your efforts on these crucial targets will enable you to strategically sway key moments in battle.

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Common Cutting Words Questions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Cutting Words:

Q: How many times can I use Cutting Words per day?

A: Equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). Regain all uses after a long rest.

Q: Does Cutting Words work on saving throws?

A: No, only attack rolls, ability checks, and damage rolls in BG3.

Q: Can I use Cutting Words on allies?

A: Yes! You can aid allies with attack rolls, ability checks, and damage rolls.

Q: Is there a limit to how much Cutting Words can reduce damage?

A: No. If you roll high, Cutting Words can negate all damage from a single attack or spell.

FAQs: – August 17, 2023

What is the difference between Cutting Words and Bardic Inspiration?

Bardic Inspiration is a bonus added to ally rolls while Cutting Words imposes a penalty to enemy rolls. They work in tandem as buff and debuff abilities.

How many times can I use Cutting Words per day in BG3?

You can use it a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, minimum of once per day. All uses reset after a long rest.

What are the best uses for Cutting Words in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Stopping dangerous enemy attacks against allies, reducing enemy damage, and disrupting enemy spellcasting. Also aiding ally attack rolls, ability checks, and saves.

What level do you need to be to get Cutting Words in BG3?

You gain access to Cutting Words at level 3 as a Lore Bard. The power increases at levels 5 and 10 as the die size increases.

Can Cutting Words be used on multiple targets in Baldur’s Gate 3?

No, each use of Cutting Words can only affect one target and their singular attack roll, check, or damage roll.


Cutting Words is an extremely powerful support ability. Learning to quickly recognize opportunities to use it and targeting the right rolls will enable you to strategically debilitate enemies. Combine Cutting Words with party synergy, a Lore Bard build, and smart tactics to become a formidable controller. Sap the strength from your foes and turn the tide of battle in Baldur’s Gate 3!
