BF2042 update 1.06 (1.000.007) released on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official BF2042 1.06 patch notes, the latest update added various adjustments, tweaks, and improvements. Apart from this, today’s BF2042 version 1.06 also includes balance changes for bullet dispersion and recoil.
Currently, Battlefield 2042 servers are down. You can check Battlefield 2042 server status here.
Previously, an update 3 was released with a long list of gameplay changes and quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, since the patch, players are facing various disconnection and login issues with the game. Today’s BF 2042 update 1.06 will fix a few of these issues.
BF 2042 1.06 Patch Notes – December 9, 2021
Update 0.3.1
Fixes, Changes, and Improvements
- Players that are not the Party Leader can now cancel while waiting in a queue
- Xbox – Cross-Play can now be enabled/disabled in the Options menu on Xbox
- Your Sort settings will now be correctly remembered when refreshing the Battlefield: Portal Server Browser
- Addressed a bug where loadouts would sometimes be empty on the spawn screen after joining a server, preventing weapon selection
- Added improvements to ensure Aim Assist is more consistent during console gameplay
- Ranger’s effective combat range and overall health has been decreased
- Added various tweaks to the overall audio experience to improve clarity, distance, and directional perception
- Addressed a bug where soldiers would not always play indoor specific footsteps
- Today’s BF2042 update 1.06 bounce from Underbarrel Grenades when firing at short distances
- 40mm AP Grenades now properly damage vehicles
- Fixed some weapons displaying wrong ammo counts for specific magazines
- DXR-1 and NTW-50 Bolt Action rifles reload animation increased by 0.2 seconds
- Adjusted dispersion values for most weapons, which results in a faster dispersion decrease when tap firing or doing short bursts
Adjusted dispersion increases for most weapons. It now takes slightly longer for weapons to become overly inaccurate in sustained fire
- Adjusted the recoil values to prevent over aggressive recoil jumps for the AK24, LCMG, PKP-BP, SFAR-M GL, and PP-29
- Improved hip fire accuracy for all SMGs to make them better stand-out from other automatic weapon archetypes
- LMG dispersion and recoil The latest BF 2042 lowered to improve performance in sustained fire
- Additional improvements to recoil control for all weapons, more specifically automatic weapons.
- Increased close range damage and consistency of the MCS-880 when using Buckshot Shell or Flechette Shells
- Addressed an issue that caused bullets to be fired below the player’s aims for the SFAR-M GL and the K30
- Addressed an issue where vehicle weapons sometimes did not deal blast damage on a direct hit
Reducing the Ground Vehicle 30mm Cannon effectiveness versus infantry. It now overheats faster, has a slightly reduced rate of fire and blast damage, and increased fall off damage at distance
- Rate of Fire 350 -> 330
- Heat Per Bullet 0.13 -> 0.14
- Heat Drop Per Second 0.5 -> 0.475
- Blast Damage 20 -> 18
- LCAA Hovercraft – 40mm GPL Grenade Launcher
- Blast Damage The latest BF 2042 lowered from 55 -> 35
- The 40mm Utility Pod upwards firing angle is now easier to use
- EBAA Wildcat – 57mm Cannon
- Today’s BF2042 update 1.06 dispersion
- Ammo 12 -> 8
- Impact Damage 85 -> 75
- Blast Damage 70 -> 35
Frag Grenade
- Increased the time to detonate a Frag Grenade from 1.1s -> 1.4s after first bounce on a hard collision
- Increased damage of Frag Grenades across game modes to deal 120 damage and guarantee a kill on armored players too
- Reduced Frag & Incendiary Grenade max ammo account from 2 -> 1
Prox Sensor
- The latest BF 2042 lowered spotting radius from 30m -> 20m
- Lowered uptime from 30s -> 14s
- The latest BF 2042 lowered amount of Prox Sensor a player can carry and deploy from 2 -> 1
Battlefield Hazard Zone
- Addressed a bug that caused the roaming Occupying Forces LATV4 Recon to spawn at the wrong times or not at all
Kaleidoscope – Rooftop Capture Objective has been removed. There are now two Capture Objective at the bottom in BT large and one at the bottom in BT small
- Orbital – Rooftop Capture Objective has been removed. There is now a single Capture Objective at the bottom in BT large and BT small
Hourglass – Rooftop Capture Objective has been removed. There is now a single Capture Objective at the bottom in BT large and BT small. Also Addressed a bug where players were spawning out of bounds
- BF2042 update 1.06 added improvements on back pedaling into objects when being in prone position
- Fixed a rare issue where players could turn invisible when spawning on a full/destroyed vehicle
Download free BF 2042 patch 1.06 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox One.