Battlefield 2042 Update 1.03 Patch Notes (1.000.004) – Official Day One Patch

Battlefield 2042 update 1.03 (1.000.004) released on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Battlefield 2042 1.03 patch notes, the latest update addressed some critical issues with the game. Apart from this, today’s Battlefield 2042 version 1.03 also added stability fixes.

Currently, Battlefield 2042 servers are down. You can check Battlefield 2042 server status here.

Recently, the game was released with positive reviews. Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing various disconnection and login issues with the game. Today’s Battlefield 2042 update 1.03 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

What is new in Battlefield 2042 Update 1 Patch Notes? – November 18, 2021

Update 0.2.1

Fixes, Changes, and Improvements

  • Implemented Server Side upgrades that are targeted at reducing instances of Rubber Banding, often experienced in the later part of a round in All-Out Warfare modes.
  • Significantly reduced instances of stuttering when playing on Breakaway. If the Silo’s are destroyed, it should no longer reduce performance on the server.
    • A note that we are continuing to investigate similar occurrences that have been reported to us on other maps.
  • When looking at allies on your team, their names will now correctly display.
  • Adjusted the animations for Falck during the End of Round sequence to ensure that she is displayed correctly.
  • Updated a skin earnable for Boris via Mastery Progression with a new name: Gator.
  • Ensured that TDM Rounds in Battlefield Portal always start with Random Deploy set as active. We observed that this sometimes wasn’t active when moving from round to round, but have now fixed this.
  • Applied a set of measures that ensure the correct number of AI spawn in Custom Battlefield Portal modes using the Free for All preset.
  • PC Only – Enabled Specialist Selection in Hazard Zone via mouse interaction, removing the need to lock in your selection with the Spacebar.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence in Hazard Zone that would sometimes cause the End of Round flow to not activate correctly, ensuring that the correct amount of bonus XP was awarded.
  • Repaired an issue found in Hazard Zone that could cause players to be shown on the Map when they were not visible, or spotted.
  • Provided a fix for Hazard Zone players who were not seeing their Extraction Streaks updating correctly.

Download free Battlefield 2042 patch 1.03 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.