Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) Update 1.003.000 Patch Notes

Baldur’s Gate 3 update 1.003.000 is available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official BG3 patch notes, the latest hotfix addresses crashes, bugs, and stability issues. It improves co-op and splitscreen multiplayer. Apart from this, Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 1.003.000 also fixes many graphical, animation, camera, and audio issues, especially in cinematics.

Previously, a big update 8 added the bard class, playable gnomes, Swarm AI, and countless other improvements and fixes. Unfortunately, since the last update, players are facing various issues with the game.

Read more details below.

BG3 Version 1.003.000 Patch Notes

  • Fixed a crash that would occur when listening in on some dialogues during a multiplayer session.
  • Fixed crashes caused by corrupted item stacks that could occur when unloading a level or moving to a new region.
  • Fixed a savegame issue when loading into a new region while Withers’ Wardrobe was still loaded in an old region.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when loading savegames with potentially invalid items in the inventory.
  • Fixed a savegame issue relating to traps.
  • Removed duplicated characters and items caused by items being taken across two different cached levels.
  • Fixed the preview for the text background option not changing height after you reduce the Dialogue Text Size.

The following changes were added previously.


  • The [spoiler]Emperor[/spoiler] will no longer leave you stranded in [spoiler]the Morphic Pool[/spoiler].
  • Starting to use the boat to go to the [spoiler]Morphic Pool[/spoiler], sending that character to camp, and then using another character to make the journey will no longer block you from progressing.
  • Fixed a bug where listening in on a conversation as Player 1 and then exiting the dialogue prematurely could result in not being able to interact with anything anymore.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Reaction UI to not work correctly and potentially block progress in combat if you save the game in the middle of a reaction.
  • Fixed loot in corpses sometimes not appearing in multiplayer until an item is dragged onto the corpse.
  • Fixed a bug causing you to get a Game Over screen after helping Downed party members.
  • Fixed the Helm of Arcane Acuity crashing the game. The condition is now capped to 7 stacks.
  • Attacking an NPC during a dialogue after being Downed will now get you arrested rather than giving you a Game Over screen.
  • Fixed an issue where characters could get stuck in an infinite falling loop.
  • Fixed an issue with Marcus being resurrected by players hitting him with a dual-wield attack – the second hit will no longer revive him.

Story Flow and Logic

  • Wyll should be able to talk about [spoiler]Ravengard being at Moonrise Towers[/spoiler], and will no longer have an exclamation point above his head without having anything new to say.
  • Wyll should now be able to tell you what to do next if [spoiler]Ansur[/spoiler] is killed and he has an exclamation mark above his head.
  • [spoiler]Ravengard[/spoiler] no longer addresses non-tadpoled characters as True Souls in [spoiler]Wyrm’s Rock[/spoiler].
  • Shadowheart should more easily follow up on her proposed romance moments in Act III.
  • Fixed conditions being updated before a savegame finished loading. This, for instance, caused [spoiler]the hag[/spoiler] to have 0 HP if loading an autosave created when entering the Lower City, preventing you from progressing through related quests.
  • Fixed Karlach not going to camp after [spoiler]being freed from the Wyrm’s Rock prison[/spoiler] if your party was full.
  • Jaheira and Minsc’s paths are tied after you save Minsc, so if you’ve forsaken him, Jaheira should now follow after him.
  • Fixed bug that made it possible to break up with Astarion without meaning to.
  • The drider will now recognise that you’re with him when reaching Moonrise Towers if you start following him in the middle of his route.
  • Art Cullagh and Fist J’ehlar no longer get so scared of bears and spiders that their quest breaks.
  • The Zhentarim will more consistently use the mines after their allies have fallen back to safety, and will no longer actively try to blow themselves up by checking active mines.
  • Minthara no longer references irrelevant topics or passes judgement on companions more than once.
  • Fixed the dialogue flow when dating Minthara.
  • Fixed Minthara’s body disappearing at camp after you decide to [spoiler]bring a sweet moment to a terrible end[/spoiler].
  • You can no longer recruit both Halsin and Minthara to camp in the same playthrough.
  • Changed several precise map markers into more appropriate general area markers, such as for investigating [spoiler]Kagha[/spoiler], investigating [spoiler]the cellar in the Blighted Village[/spoiler], and finding [spoiler]Halsin at the Goblin Camp[/spoiler].
  • Made it less ambiguous that you’re starting a romance with Gale when choosing certain dialogue options.
  • During Gale’s spell-teaching scene, you now have the option to picture a future with Gale that falls somewhere in between kissing him and kicking him in the head.
  • When confronting [spoiler]Raphael in the House of Hope[/spoiler], [spoiler]Raphael[/spoiler] will no longer target his own pillars or allies with [spoiler]Flames of Avernus[/spoiler].
  • The [spoiler]Rescue the Grand Duke[/spoiler] quest should now receive a proper update about [spoiler]the duke’s[/spoiler] whereabouts, regardless of the way the quest started.
  • Fixed an issue where using non-lethal attacks on Auntie Ethel would still kill her.
  • You can now opt to respect the privacy of the bugbear and the ogre outside the Blighted Village again. Don’t get in the way of real love.
  • Fixed a level design quirk that would allow you to use a spell like Misty Step or Dimension Door to skip part of the main quest sequence in Act II.
  • Fixed an issue where the Baldur’s Mouth headline about a cute cat could get accidentally overwritten.
  • If Wyll isn’t recruited, he will now recognise Avatar Karlach and initiate dialogue.
  • Made sure [spoiler]Mizora[/spoiler] can always interrupt Wyll, no matter where he runs off to.
  • Throwing a single coin at the beggars will no longer damage them.
  • If Dolly Dolly Dolly curses you with the A Clown in Town condition for making her angry while inside the Moonlantern, she will now paint your face. That’ll teach you.
  • The Zhentarim at the Goblin Camp should now be more tolerant if you approach them.


  • Made gold bounties more generous in several containers across the game.
  • Increased players’ HP bonus in Explorer Mode from +50% to +100%.
  • Fixed the Freecast tadpole power to properly reset on Long Rest. It was creating infinite spell slots and Sorcery Points for sorcerers.
  • Arcane Tricksters’ Mage Hand Legerdemain now does not expire until destroyed, and does not lose Invisibility on Long Rest.
  • You can no longer have multiple Mage Hands active at the same time.
  • The Shield reaction can no longer be used while Silenced.
  • Fixed not being able to create 5th Level spell slots from Sorcery Points.
  • College of Lore bards can now pick which additional skill proficiency they receive. Bards that are already of the College of Lore need to respec to get this choice.
  • Made sure proper spell DC is applied during multiclassing.
  • Added spells to bards’ Magical Secrets feature: Banishing Smite, Animate Dead, Crusader’s Mantle, Hunger of Hadar, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Rage of Enfeeblement, Web, Entangle, Hunter’s Mark, Sanctuary, Thunderous Smite, Bone Chill, Eldritch Morphic Blast, Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost, Sacred Flame.
  • The Club of Hill Giant Strength now increases Strength to 19 and not some puny 15.
  • Fixed a bug with ranged enemies reapplying Hunter’s Mark constantly, even when not needed.
  • Warlocks’ Pact of the Chain summons now get to use their Extra Attack more than once.
  • Fixed NPCs sometimes spotting you even if they’re not supposed to be able to.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple rolls trigger if you walk along the edge of a cone of vision.
  • Danse Macabre ghouls will no longer kill you when you Long Rest.
  • If you make a successful Saving Throw against a poison, you will now gain immunity to that specific poison for 2 turns.
  • Grym, [spoiler]the Protector of the Forge[/spoiler], now deals more damage in Tactician Mode.
  • Meenlocks are now immune to the shadow curse.
  • Increased the HP and AC of [spoiler]Orin[/spoiler].
  • [spoiler]Lorroakan[/spoiler] can no longer cast [spoiler]his signature reaction spell, Elemental Retort[/spoiler], when silenced.
  • Helped Minthara remember how to use her weapons.
  • Fixed enemies targeting you from above through the ceiling in the [spoiler]Gauntlet of Shar[/spoiler].
  • Enabled trespass warnings for any additional characters that trespass after the first instead of immediately triggering combat.
  • Fixed NPCs attacking outside of their turn when combat starts during forced Turn-Based Mode.


  • Fixed dialogue notifications, like approval ratings and roll results, disappearing too early.
  • The Launcher will now remember whether you chose DX11 or Vulkan.
  • Fixed the incorrect amount of gold being displayed in all UI menus if the amount is too large.
  • Fixed spells like Hex randomly shifting in order, causing you to misclick if you’re moving and clicking around intuitively.
  • Fixed players who are merely listening in on a dialogue being able to skip lines – only the speaker can now do this.
  • Fixed an issue with Camp Supply values for the second local player in multiplayer if they joined during a game. Long Rests will, alas, no longer cost nothing.
  • You can no longer interact with another player’s inventory (e.g. send multiselected items or use their items) if their inventory is locked.
  • Fixed the critical hit text sometimes not appearing.
  • Improved the performance of the minimap when new map markers appear or old ones disappear.
  • Dyed armour will now appear in the right colour in the Level Up screen.
  • Halsin’s Wild Shape tooltip will now correctly call him a cave bear.


  • Fixed the modesty filter not working on dragonborns.
  • Fixed earrings on tiefling female strong character models.
  • Added a Controller Style option, which allows you to override which controller’s icons are displayed.
  • Fixed an issue causing the clown makeup to not only not appear on Lae’zel’s face when applied, but also remove her characteristic tattoos and makeup.
  • Invoke Duplicity now works as an identical copy of your character. And they’re not naked.
  • Fixed a leather helmet, a metal helmet, and the Helmet of Smiting floating on some character models.
  • Undergoing [spoiler]partial ceremorphosis will now rot your[/spoiler] teeth!
  • Lae’zel’s underwear will now more accurately reflect the colour of dyes used on it.

Cinematic Scenes

  • Made fixes to kissing scenes with the Origin characters across the game, for example to make sure physical contact is made properly, to account for shorter races, and to account for uneven ground.
  • Made sure [spoiler]Dame Aylin’s[/spoiler] armour and [spoiler]wings[/spoiler] are correct in the scene where she [spoiler]kicks Lorroakan’s butt[/spoiler].
  • Fixed items like mugs and newspapers floating in the air during dialogues – the characters holding them were correctly hidden but the items themselves weren’t. Ghosties begone!
  • Fixed Scratch’s position so you can try to get that ball out of his mouth. Whether he’ll let you have it is another matter.
  • Improved Volo’s aim during your [spoiler]ice pick lobotomy[/spoiler].
  • Lae’zel no longer floats up and down during your dialogue where you discuss dating.
  • Made sure Wyll has room to [spoiler]dance[/spoiler] no matter where you’re camping.
  • Fixed some cameras that couldn’t contain the force that is Astarion in a dialogue with him at night at camp. Also tweaked and added facial expressions where needed.
  • The [spoiler]red dragon[/spoiler] you see through the telescope in the Emerald Grove will no longer remain blurry after you pass the Perception check.
  • Fixed a camera position when Karlach hugs you for the first time after getting her upgrade.
  • Fixed the mind flayer not appearing in the cinematic dialogue with Dror Ragzlin if you manually trigger the dialogue.

Loot and Trade

  • Traders who stock dyes now also stock dye remover.
  • Made Lady Esther available to trade with after you’ve completed her quests.
  • Fish vendors now have more fish to sell. That new bait must be doing the trick!
  • Popper the kobold at the circus now sells more oddities.
  • Lady Jannath will now have artsy items to trade.
  • Skeletons around the Selûnite Outpost no longer have fresh food in their inventory.
  • Lohse’s portrait is now reachable, chief.


  • Updated the credits and reformatted them into two neater columns.
  • The Digital Deluxe DLC’s D:OS2 bard songs are now also granted to companions as well, instead of just player avatars.
  • All the extra bard songs from the Deluxe Edition will now be available even if you use Lohse’s Lute of the Merryweather Bard from the Deluxe Edition.
  • DLC rewards will no longer get removed if you load a save with that DLC not installed. Any rewards that were removed due to this will be restored.
  • Steel Watcher idle sounds no longer take up streaming bandwidth.
  • You can no longer climb the Shambling Mound.
  • Optimised the walking bounds of Glut so that it navigates the world and the battlefield better.


  • Fixed possibly getting stuck in a dialogue in the first confrontation with a major boss.
  • Fixed a rare issue where player character states would not update properly after dying.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur related to one of Astarion’s cinematic dialogues in the endgame.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading an old savegame while at Last Light.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the brain reader in the Colony.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause you to get stuck in a loading screen when loading a savegame after dying.
  • Fixed a blocker during Character Creation preventing you from progressing if you chose a Zariel tiefling as your Guardian.
  • Fixed a potential crash triggered by the light system.
  • Added an error message to prevent crashes being caused by mods when starting the game.
  • Disabled Larian Account cross-saves temporarily to solve an issue blocking loads and saves. Steam cross-saves are unaffected.
  • Fixed a startup crash with the Steam API.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when quick-loading a game while a container or corpse was open for looting.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen if an item unlocked a spell for a game entity without stats.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching a race or a class in Character Creation.
  • Fixed potential crashes that could occur when closing screens like the options menu or when ending dialogues.
  • Fixed a potential crash when an enemy tries to use the Motivator during combat in the Steel Watch Foundry.
  • Fixed a blocker that could occur if you choose to attack the Emperor during a dialogue after you side with him.
  • Fixed a crash in PhysX.


  • Players will now correctly join cinematic dialogues that require all players to be present if they were listening in previously.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to listen in on private dialogues using the context menu.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck and not be able to join a dialogue if someone else is already in a dialogue.


  • Fixed hair physics on drow and elf male strong body types.
  • Fixed an issue causing phase spiders to skip their turn in combat if they’re standing on a web that’s been destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue with dice rolling, where retrying could cause the roll to fail if you were applying bonuses and clicking really fast.
  • Duplicate spells no longer appear on followers’ hotbars and you can no longer customise their radial menus. (Important to note: followers are not companions or full party members.)
  • Fixed Dark Urge randomisation in Character Creation for non-white dragonborn characters.
  • Fixed an issue preventing you from interacting with Withers in one of the camp locations.


  • Fixed issues in cinematic dialogues when listening in.
  • Fixed an issue causing the character models for half-orcs, dragonborn, and half-elves to not update correctly when unequipping armour in the character sheet.
  • Fixed some issues with prepared spells during Level Up, when multiclassing.
  • Hid the version number during dialogues.
  • Fixed splitscreen cinematics showing sampling garbage.


  • Fixed audio issues with grunts, shouts, and moans across gameplay and cinematics.
  • Fixed a line being cut off when speaking to the Restless Myconid in the Underdark.
  • Removed a clicking sound during the credits.
  • Fixed audio levels in a dialogue with Mayrina in the Lower City


  • Fixed a bug causing textures to appear in bright, neon colours.
  • Fixed a splitscreen issue causing characters to remain invisible after a dialogue ends.
  • Fixed an aspect ratio issue when FSR is active during splitscreen.
  • Fixed surface texture details not updating when changing Texture Detail in the game video options


  • Fixed characters looking in the wrong direction in a dialogue with Mizora.
  • Fixed the Emperor turning backwards in an endgame cinematic.
  • Fixed a camera issue with the deep rothé.
  • Fixed camera and lighting issues with the strange ox at Last Light.
  • Fixed a blank screen in the cinematic when you put on one of Auntie Ethel’s masks.
  • The nautiloid crash scene will now play even if your avatar is dead and a companion used the transponder instead.
  • Fixed an issue with clipping characters in a cinematic dialogue in the Colony.
  • Fixed the avatar’s head popping into place in a dialogue in the Colony.
  • Fixed Cazador’s staff disappearing in a cinematic dialogue.
  • Fixed a camera that was zoomed in too far on a wolf.
  • Fixed Lae’zel’s head popping in a dialogue with Vlaakith.
  • Fixed Orin and her victim clipping into an altar.
  • Fixed a blocked camera in the dialogue with Lunkbug and Laridda.
  • Fixed companions disappearing the morning after the Dark Urge gives into a particular Urge.
  • Fixed lighting issues in a scene with Z’rell at Moonrise Towers.
  • Fixed Araj’s hands clipping when talking to her in the Lower City.
  • Fixed some companions being visible in the background of dialogues where they shouldn’t be.
  • Fixed Ketheric’s corpse standing back up in an idle pose.
  • Fixed a blocked camera in the dialogue with the ogres at the Blighted Village.
  • Fixed Raphael popping during the dialogue with the orthon.
  • Fixed camera, audio, and character movement issues in the dialogue with the monk’s amulet.
  • Fixed a looping animation in the cinematic dialogue with the Brewer.
  • Fixed half-orc hirelings clipping when speaking to the pale individuals in Fraygo’s Flophouse.
  • Fixed male halfling Dark Urge’s hand clipping through his body when lying down.
  • Fixed lighting issues in the endgame cinematic.
  • Fixed Jaheira having jittering and popping hands in a dialogue in the Lower City.
  • Fixed a repeating animation on the submersible.
  • Fixed Wyll looking in the wrong direction when recruited.
  • Added reactions to the player character’s face when talking to the ox in Last Light.
  • Fixed clipping between two Zealots of the Absolute in the Colony.
  • Fixed popping issues with Cazador in several dialogues with Astarion.
  • Fixed some issues with where characters are facing, animations, and cameras in the final combat cinematic.

Download free Baldurs Gate 3 update 1.003.000 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.