Square Enix has released a new Marvel’s Avengers update 1.71 (1.000.046) on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Avengers 1.71 patch notes, the latest update brings Elite Villain Sector, Hero updates, and much more. Apart from this, today’s Marvel Avengers version 1.71 (2.6) also includes various fixes for the Mighty Thor.
Previously, a big update introduced Spider-man to the game. Recently, a hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, players are still facing problems with the game. Today’s Marvel Avengers version 1.71 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Marvel’s Avengers 1.71 Patch Notes – September 20, 2022
Iron Man Updates
- Damage from Unibeam will no longer be reduced when attacking targets that are beyond mid-range.
- Increased Unibeam Specialization Reserve Capacitors’ Attack Damage by 265%.
- Increased Unibeam Specialization Reserve Capacitors’ Stun Damage by 275%.
- Increased Unibeam Specialization Omega Beam Attack Damage by 175%.
- Increased Unibeam Specialization Omega Beam Attack Stun Damage by 455%.
Arc Overload
- Damage done with Arc Overload, along with Valor, also scales with Might.
- Software updates to Hulkbuster’s operating system have been intermittently deployed within past updates to bring Iron Man’s skill and gear functionality proportionate to other Hero’s Ultimate Heroics. Hulkbuster (2.0) will now utilize any Hero skills, gear perks, and other status effects equipped on Iron Man and will retain these abilities even when another pilot operates Hulkbuster.
- Increased Hulkbuster’s Magno-Missile Attack Stun Damage by 135%.
- Damage from Hulkbuster’s Unibeam will no longer be reduced when attacking targets that are beyond mid-range.
Hulk Updates
- Hulk’s Rage Intrinsic Ability now deals Gamma damage.
- Willpower recovered through Rage, when struck by an enemy, has been increased to properly scale with enemy power levels beyond level 1.
- Increased the duration of Rage’s Overcharge from 3 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Willpower recovery generated through Rage will also generate when Rage is Overcharged.
- Just as Stranglehold initiates Takedowns on Adaptoids and Exo enemies, Crawlers are now susceptible to Hulk’s Stranglehold Takedown attack due to their noticeably large size.
- Takedown Damage initiated by Stranglehold, along with Might, now additionally scales with Valor.
- Increased Stranglehold Attack Damage by 106%.
- Increased Stranglehold Attack Stun Damage by 40%.
- Increased Stranglehold Specialization Irradiated Destruction Hazard’s duration by 2 seconds.
- Increased Stranglehold Specialization Irradiated Destruction Hazard’s Stun Damage by 400%.
- Increased Stranglehold Specialization Irradiated Destruction Hazard’s Status Damage by 1900%.
- Stranglehold Specialization Irradiated Destruction now activates the radial hazard when attacking Exos, Adaptoids, and Crawlers.
- Damage done by Boneshaker, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Increased Boneshaker Attack Damage by 115%.
- Increased Boneshaker Attack Stun Damage by 200%.
- Damage done by Thunderclap, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Increased Thunderclap Attack Damage by 85%.
- Increased Thunderclap Specialization Ground Zero Hazard’s Stun Damage by 40%.
- Increased Thunderclap Specialization Ground Zero Hazard’s Status Damage by 99%.
Thor Updates
- Increased the duration of Odinforce’s Overcharge from 3 seconds to 10 seconds.
God Blast
- Damage done by God Blast, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Precision.
- Increased God Blast Attack Damage by 50%.
- Increased God Blast Shock Damage by 200%.
- Increased God Blast Specialization Thunderstorm’s Damage by 200%.
Warrior’s Fury
- Damage done by Warrior’s Fury Attack, along with Valor, now scales with Might instead of Precision.
- Damage done by Warriors’ Fury Lightning Strikes, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Precision.
- Increased Warrior’s Fury Attack Damage by 225%.
- Increased Warrior’s Fury Attack Stun Damage by 30%
- Damage done by Bifrost, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Hazard Damage done by Bifrost Specialization Muspelheim’s Torment, now scales with Valor.
- Increased Bifrost Specialization Muspelheim’s Torment Hazard Damage by 180%.
- Increased Bifrost’s Attack Stun Damage by 500%.
Black Widow Updates
- Increased the duration of Shadow Ops’ Overcharge from 3 seconds to 10 seconds.
Widow’s Bite
- Increased Widow’s Bite Attack Damage by 70%.
- Increased Widow’s Bite Specialization Taser Dart Attack Damage by 70%.
- Increased Widow’s Bite Specialization Taser Dart Attack Stun Damage by 33%.
- Increased Widow’s Bite Specialization Taser Dart Attack Shock Damage by 25%.
- Increased Widow’s Bite Specialization Lightning Fist Attack Damage by 80%.
Veil of Shadows
- Damage done by Veil of Shadows, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Increased Veil of Shadows Attack Damage by 60%.
- Corrected Veil of Shadows Specialization Dark Thorn description from 20% to 420% increased damage.
Power Surge
- Damage done by Power Surge, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Increased Power Surge Attack Damage by 400%.
- Increased Power Surge Attack Stun Damage by 100%.
Black Panther Updates
King’s Mercy
- Increased King’s Mercy Attack Damage by 450%.
- Increased King’s Mercy Attack Stun Damage by 100%.
- Increased Stun Damage from Medium to High.
- Increased King’s Mercy Specialization ABC Attack Damage by 630%.
Kimoyo Beads
- Increased Kimoyo Beads Attack Damage by 30%.
- Increased Kimoyo Beads Specialization Kimoyo Stinger Attack Damage by 11%.
- Increased Recovery Beads Specialization Kimoyo Blast Attack Damage by 66%.
Bast’s Chosen
- Damage done by Bast’s Chosen Attack, along with Valor, now scales with Might instead of Precision.
- Increased Bast’s Chosen Attack Damage by 100%.
- Damage done by Bast’s Chosen Specialization Adored Ones, now scales with Might and Valor.
- Increased Bast’s Chosen Specialization Adored Ones Attack Stun Damage by 100%.
- Increased Bast’s Chosen Specialization Adored Ones Attack Vibranium Damage by 900%.
Captain America Updates
- Increased Steamroller Attack Damage by 240%.
Rally Cry
- Increased Rally Cry Attack Damage by 60%.
- Damage done with Rally Cry, along with Valor, also scales with Might.
- Increased Stun Damage from Low to Medium.
Brooklyn Brawler
- Increased Brooklyn Brawler Attack Damage by 400%.
- Damage done by Brooklyn Brawler, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Increased Stun Damage from Low to High.
Hawkeye Updates
Recovery Arrow
- Damage done by Recovery Arrow, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Precision.
Kate Bishop Updates
Warp Arrow
- Damage done by Warp Arrow quantum explosion, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might. Damage done by the Warp Arrow itself continues to scale with Valor and Ranged as designed.
- Increased Warp Arrow Attack Damage by 80%.
- Increased Warp Arrow Attack Stun Damage by 115%.
- Damage done by Warp Arrow Specialization Singularity, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Precision.
- Increased Warp Arrow Specialization Singularity Attack Damage by 80%.
- Increased Warp Arrow Specialization Singularity Attack Stun Damage by 325%.
- Increased Warp Arrow Specialization Singularity Stun Damage from Medium to High.
- Increased Decoy Attack Damage by 150%.
- Increased Decoy Specialization Probability Matrix Attack Damage by 150%.
- Damage done by Afterimage, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Afterimage now breaks block on an enemy guard, as designed.
- Damage done by Self-Destruct, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Ranged.
- Increased Self-Destruct Attack Damage by 8%.
- Increased Self-Destruct Attack Stun Damage by 30%.
Quantum Overdrive
- Damage done by Quantum Overdrive, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Might.
- Increased Quantum Overdrive Attack Damage by 565%.
- Increased Quantum Overdrive Attack Stun Damage by 150%.
Mighty Thor Updates
God Blast
- Damage done by God Blast, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Precision.
- Increased XYZ Attack Damage by 50%.
- Increased God Blast Shock Damage by 200%.
- Increased God Blast Specialization Thunderstorm’s Damage by 200%.
Warrior’s Fury
- Damage done by Warrior’s Fury Attack, along with Valor, now scales with Might instead of Precision.
- Damage done by Warriors’ Fury Lightning Strikes, along with Valor, now additionally scales with Precision.
- Increased Warrior’s Fury Attack Damage by 225%.
- Increased Warrior’s Fury Attack Stun Damage by 30%.
The All-Weapon
- Increased The All-Weapon’s Fury Attack Damage by 135%.
Ms. Marvel Updates
High Five
- Increased High Five Attack Damage by 240%.
- Increased High Five Stun Damage by 400%.
- Increased High Five Specialization Up High Damage by 240%.
- Increased High Five Specialization Up High Stun Damage by 400%.
- Increased High Five Specialization Too Slow Attack Damage by 240%.
- Increased High Five Specialization Too Slow Attack Stun Damage by 400%.
Spider-Man Updates
- Increased Web-Bomb’s Attack Damage by 725%.
- Increased Web-Bomb’s Specialization Web-Retraction Attack Damage by 930%.
- Increased Web-Bomb’s Specialization Stuck on You Attack Damage by 410%.
Wrecking Ball
- Damage done by Wrecking Ball Attack, along with Valor, now scales with Might instead of Precision.
- Increased Wrecking Ball Attack Damage by 100%.
- Increased Wrecking Ball Specialization Spider’s-Nest Attack Web Damage by 150%.

- During the ‘Private Eye’ Flashback Mission, the supply depot locks can now be interacted with.
- Spider-Man’s web on the Helicarrier will no longer be missing for some players.

- While wearing Thor’s ‘Ultimate Thor’ Outfit, Thor’s hair will no longer be invisible with invisibility is applied.
- The sides of Hawkeye’s tunic will no longer clip into themselves when wearing the ‘Retro’ Outfit.
- We’ve removed a black spot on Hawkeye’s right hand when wearing the ‘Retro’ Outfit.
- Iron Man’s suit lights will flicker properly now when using the ‘Low Battery’ Emote while wearing the ‘Sunny Days’ Outfit.
- Fixed the right backpack strap on Ms. Marvel’s ‘Avengers Day’ Outfit that was experiencing stray polygon stretching with certain Emotes.

- Updated Summer Vacation Bundle text to include the word “Bundle.”
- Revised several perk descriptions for The Mighty Thor with correct grammar.
- Updated the war table to include Heroic Gauntlets’ gear rewards.

- Captain America’s Ultimate Heroic Ability no longer multiplies lasting damage, as intended.
- Fixed an issue where performing certain actions would not activate invisibility as intended.
- Black Widow’s “Ranged Capacity” Perk now increases ammo capacity on all weapons as intended.
- Spider-Man’s “Targeted Explosion” perk now causes a damage explosion as intended.

- The Mighty Thor’s ‘Eitri’s Breaker’ Perk now increases the damage of ranged attacks and the ‘Mjolnir’s Chosen’ skill, as designed.
Download free Marvel Avengers version 1.70 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.