Arma Reforger update 1.030.130 is available to download on PS5, PC(Steam) and Xbox. According to the official Arma Reforger patch notes, the latest update adds new vehicles, weapons, destructible environments, and gameplay features such as mortar functionality and helicopter rearming. Today’s Arma Reforger version 1.030.130 also resolves animations, interactions, vehicle mechanics, various bugs, crashes, and performance issues.
Arma Reforger Update 1.030.130 Patch Notes – March 27, 2025

Arma Reforger 1.3 Summary
Key Highlights:
New Vehicles: LAV-25 and BRDM-2 bring fresh firepower.
Offensive Helicopters: Gunship variants of Mi-8 and UH-1H added.
Mortars Introduced: Soviet 2B14 and US M252 enhance battlefield artillery.
Destruction System: Buildings and trees now fully destructible.
Game Mode Enhancements: Conflict mode adjusted, AI significantly improved.
New Vehicles & Weapons
LAV-25 and BRDM-2
LAV-25 (US Forces): Armed with a 25mm M242 autocannon (HE rounds) and a 7.62mm M240 coaxial machine gun. Features a 7x optical sight.
BRDM-2 (Soviet & FIA): Equipped with a 14.5mm KPVT machine gun and 7.62mm PKT, offering high mobility and firepower.
Offensive Helicopters
Gunship Variants: Mi-8 and UH-1H now available in attack configurations.
Features: Adjustable collimator sights, detachable rocket pods, multiple ammo options.
Mortars Introduced
Soviet 2B14 (82mm) & US M252 (81mm) added for long-range support.
Effective in disrupting enemy movements, cutting off supply lines, and leveling structures.
Added: LAV-25 – Olive green and MERDC variants
Added: BRDM-2 – USSR and FIA variants
Added: UH-1H gunship
Added: Mi-8 gunship
Added: US M252 mortar
Added: Soviet 2B14 mortar
Added: Buildings can now be destroyed
Added: Trees can now be destroyed
Added: PKMN machine gun added for Soviet side
Added: Civilian Mi-8 and UH-1H variants
Added: BTR-70 FIA variant
Added: Multiple variants of UAZ-452 Buchanka – Cargo, transport, FIA, and civilian
Added: Cargo variant of Šárka 1203
Added: UK-59 4x scope
Added: Vehicle light probes for selected vehicles
Added: Possibility to turn out as commander in BTR-70
Added: Keybind (Z) to open/close vehicle door/hatch
Added: Weapon information HUD element for gunship helicopters
Added: Custom composition for helicopter rearm points, arsenal boxes replaced by ammo boxes fitting faction-specific helicopter ammo
Added: Missing configuration of a combination of taillight and brake light
Added: Switch sounds to light on/off animations
Added: Driver seat up/down sound events
Added: LAV-25 can be reloaded by user action near repair trucks and vehicle depots
Added: Crew uniforms and helmets for both US and Soviet side
Added: Ballistic table gadgets that contain all mortar shell ballistic data
Added: Separate map kits for the US and Soviets that contain different protractors
Added: Soviet O-832DU HE shell, D-832DU smoke shell, and S-832S illumination shell
Added: US M821 HE shell, M853A1 illumination shell, M819 smoke shell, and M879 practice shell
Added: Special mortar ammo containers that can store the shells
Added: Field Manual: Mortar page
Added: Gunships: Attached rocket pods, rocket pod carriers, and pilot sights
Added: UH-1H and Mi-8 gunship rocket pods can be rearmed at helicopter landing pads
Added: UH-1H gunship variants with HE and HEDP rocket pods mounted
Added: Ruins for all buildings
Added: USSR Peaked cap (Officer cap) to the Soviet arsenal, costs 20 supplies, and is unlocked at the rank of Captain
Added: Majority of gunner positions in light vehicles now have animated getin and getout actions
Added: Turned out character always gets out of the door it is turned out from. It is now possible to close the door of other compartment when turned out.
Changed: Sitting down and sitting up animation added to the helicopters
Changed: Vehicle’s Get In action is now be hidden if that space in the vehicle is occupied by an unconscious or dead character
Changed: Supply cost of bayonets (M9 and 6Kh4) reduced to 0, down from 10
Changed: Disabled destruction on Medium Transmitter Tower
Changed: Added turret to BTR-70 wreck
Changed: Enabled and configured destruction on Concrete Pipe prefabs to fix collision problem
Changed: Added the ability to reload the LAV-25 and helicopter rocket pods with ammo truck and arsenal truck
Tweaked: Transport variants of Ural-4320 and M923A1 now carry up to 1,500 supplies
Tweaked: Accessibility settings on UH-1H doors
Tweaked: Dispersion of weapons – especially mounted ones. Removed reduction of dispersion from static weapons since the reduction in those weapons is coming from reduced recoil (aim modifiers) and not the better barrel.
Tweaked: Made 14.5 MDZ spall more appropriate for such a small round
Tweaked: PIP reticle material
Tweaked: User actions priority unification and improvements
Tweaked: Sitting down animations when getting into the Mi-8
Tweaked: Player won’t play the door opening/closing animation when interacting with doors from other compartments
Tweaked: Deployment for UK59 bipod, now should work better on angled surfaces
Tweaked: EditorPreview for UAZ-452 ambulance
Tweaked: Added Remove casualty actions for vehicles where the door can be opened
Tweaked: Tent destruction particle effects
Tweaked: Reload time for mounted UK-59
Tweaked: New icons should be used for randomized soldiers
Tweaked: BTR-70 visual placement of available magazines inside
Tweaked: Interaction priority and visibility on UAZ-452
Tweaked: UH-1H repair contextual actions
Tweaked: Increased engine damage coefficient on helicopters to be in line with the rest of helicopter hitzones
Fixed: Attached truck beds didn’t have working wreck models
Fixed: Get out animation for the Mi-8 navigator was not correct
Fixed: Wobbling of the passengers in the back of the UH-1H
Fixed: Doors on Wooden Barn and related light portals
Fixed: Head White 02 was not matching body mesh precisely
Fixed: Mi-8 vehicle graph could not recognize between the pilot and copilot and was not playing animation on the pedals or collective
Fixed: Guard Tower type 01 couldn’t be climbed
Fixed: Incorrect UK-59 weapon dispersion
Fixed: UAZ-469 missing interaction for closing/opening rear door
Fixed: VZ-58 recoil
Fixed: It wasn’t possible to switch to M151A2 M2 Gunner position
Fixed: PGO-7 – Moved the eyecup closer to the lens to get rid of the visible tube inside
Fixed: Passengers should no longer clip when getting into the Šárka 1203
Fixed: UAZ-452 was missing in Entity Browser
Fixed: 4×20 glass was glowing in the dark
Fixed: Inconsistency in contexts of passenger seats on vehicles
Fixed: Light flash was missing from some muzzle particles
Fixed: Character was clipping when switching the seat
Fixed: Some inaccessible ladders on Everon
Fixed: Rotated get-in/out point on the UAZ-452
Fixed: Greenhouse door was not opening correctly for MP client
Fixed: Missing light portals in Aircraft Shelter
Fixed: AK magazine was clipping during some animations
Fixed: BTR could phase through the gate without destroying it
Fixed: Gunner in the Mi-8 was using the incorrect animation and now is no longer clipping through the helicopter
Fixed: Decommission was not available for certain civilian vehicles when spawning it with a randomized version
Fixed: Interior lights of UAZ-452 were shining through to the outside and through the medic
Fixed: UAZ-469: Get in interaction was in place of Switch seat for middle passenger seat
Fixed: Missing getin/getout animations on the UAZ with UK-59
Fixed: Gunner on the M998/M1025 can no longer see the open/close door actions that caused the wrong pose
Fixed: Players should not be able to equip US pilot overall suit over pants

Added: Backblast damage for RPG-7 and M72 LAW
Added: Arsenal has items that are rank-locked. Certain items are gated behind a specific rank, and arsenals cannot be used if a player has the Renegade rank.
Added: Perceived faction. The game now knows if a player is disguised as another faction or an unknown faction. Killing a disguised friendly player no longer punishes the killer. However, killing enemies while disguised does punish the killer.
Added: Hand slot for carrying gadgets when the player doesn’t have space in their inventory
Added: Enabled showing of friendly nicknames while in build mode
Added: Freeze Detection – mode and fallback to kill application instead of forced crash
Added: Interior reverb for dampers, impacts, and hatch animations
Added: Server name display in the top right corner. This can be turned off in the Interface settings.
Added: Razor wire damage effects. Razor wire can be walked through, but only slowly, and applies damage to characters.
Added: Extended identity for characters, allowing them to have a more advanced identity along with a bio. This identity can be found as Personal Belongings in the character’s inventory, and depending on the game mode, these identities might even contain valuable intel that can be handed in.
Added: Mortar muzzle blast functionality
Added: Mortar recoil functionality
Added: Functionality that allows for adjusting of charge ring amount used to propel mortar shells
Added: Functionality that allows for setting fuze time for selected mortar shells
Added: Medical Arsenals back into the field hospitals.
Added: New type of supply box for cargo trucks with canvas
Added: PS5 vibration trigger effect for car throttle
Added: Gravity-aware motion sensor handling
Changed: Conflict variants of vehicles (less equipment in inventory) are now the only buildable option in the Conflict game mode. GM still spawns the variants with gear
Changed: Added buttons on every entry in the BlockList. The old version (button at bottom) was clunky to use given the focus change on mouse hover
Changed: Added missing vent to M21 SWS fire last animation
Changed: Configured ammo dispersion coefficients and adjusted the accuracy of the weapons
Changed: Enabled by default showing of friendly nicknames while in photo mode
Changed: In vehicles, holding ALT will only reset the horizontal angle
Changed: Added missing vehicle light events and made them all interruptible if player pressed L again
Changed: Server Hosting – A2S protocol will now stop responding when application is frozen
Changed: 3rd-person vehicle camera was feeling stiff/locked onto the vehicle
Changed: Disabled the setting tab for the Deploy faction menu and respawn menu
Changed: Disabled the settings from the pause menu if the player is in the deployment screen
Changed: Commanding entries can have rank requirements
Changed: Commanding entries now support “Cannot perform reason” same as user actions
Changed: Tutorial – Special Weapons: RPG disposal stage now requires simply dropping RPG out of player inventory
Changed: Refactored User Action HUD elements
Changed: Supply cost, capacities, and rank limitations for all vehicles and items
Changed: Climbing and jumping are not possible while walking through razor wire
Changed: Added more informative notification texts for situations where a player is unable to place an item
Changed: Added fire geometry colliders to 6B2, PASGT, and M69 vests so they fully use ballistics
Changed: Friendly fire kills in the kill feed are now visible to the entire team of the players involved, showing both the killer and the victim. The game master is still able to change the setting to the default killfeed, as well as the players involved only killfeed setting.
Changed: Medical items are no longer available in the ammunition supply point compositions
Changed: Repair truck range has been increased so it can more easily allow for helicopter repairs
Changed: Reworked character impulse to be more realistic and effective in case of explosion impulses
Changed: Weapon now cannot be deployed during animations that heavily alter weapon aiming direction
Changed: Changing map gadget scale and resetting their rotation switched to double-click from single-click
Changed: Protractor rotation can now be reset
Changed: The contents of vehicle inventories have been changed
Changed: The M2HB now comes equipped with 4-ball to 1-tracer magazines again; associated vehicle inventories have been adjusted to this change
Changed: Removed virtual ballistic protection from all armors
Changed: Vehicle inventories’ configuration (volume, max weight, and size) has been updated to a more consistent and logical state
Changed: Default motion sensor aiming space changed from Local Space to more intuitive Player Space
Tweaked: Increased movement penalty on leg damage effect
Tweaked: Armor hitzones of physical body armor so more resiliencedamage is passed to the wearer
Tweaked: Get in animation tweak for the gunners
Tweaked: Effective bayonet distance lowered
Tweaked: Bleeding thresholds of various hit zones
Tweaked: Extended limits for ADS during weapon deployment.
Tweaked: Increased GarbageSystem lifetimes of bodies and items to 15 minutes for Combat Ops
Fixed: PS5 keyboard after reconnect
Fixed: Detaching from animation events
Fixed: Faulty bone name in tourniquet prone remove animation
Fixed: Disabled user action input context when user is ADS in vehicle turret
Fixed: Vehicle Assistance mode desync
Fixed: Voice got stuck in activated state when the player used either radio or proximity chat
Fixed: Nametags not being visible if too close to the edge of the screen
Fixed: Character actions were not getting interrupted if two or more players exited/entered vehicle at the same time, causing them to get stuck
Fixed: Explosion damage falloff, area, and fragment count calculations weren’t using tweaked hitzone position
Fixed: Supply duplication through the inventory
Fixed: Bad blending out of prone ADS camera when starting to move
Fixed: Center point of support system radius was not set to the correct location
Fixed: Walking almost parallel to a curb would sometimes shake the character up and down
Fixed: Character could get stuck falling after reverting movement
Fixed: Character sometimes died when jumping on sloped surfaces
Fixed: Rotating a weapon during inspection using controller no longer switches weapons
Fixed: Nametags rendering further away if using optics/binoculars
Fixed: AI turret aiming wouldn’t work correctly for all turrets
Fixed: 3rd person camera going through the ground on BTR at steep angles
Fixed: Character got stuck in the gunner seat when switching seats from the passenger in the Mi-8 Armed variant
Fixed: Small weapon roll in prone position on slopes
Fixed: Wrong weapon movement when aiming on slope without having character pitch.
Fixed: Broken left hand in weapon deployment with UK-59
Fixed: Deactivated AIs causing AI drivers to stop and honk
Fixed: It was possible to put a vehicle into a crate
Fixed: Nametag not following players head after changing screen resolution
Fixed: Nametag visibility not being restored properly
Fixed: Wrong weapon roll on slopes
Fixed: RplComponent pivot point sync with AutoHierarchy enabled
Fixed: “Do not perform” switch action when kicking dead or unconscious character from vehicle
Fixed: Large portal flickering due to incorrect projection tests
Fixed: Compositions placed by Game Master from the entity browser did not have author info
Fixed: Undefined key bind in Game Master Map Field Manual page
Fixed: Character spawned for client that crashed during the spawning procedure would not lose its invincibility
Fixed: Arsenals could fail to initialize their content if they were loaded with the map
Fixed: Camera was locking when interacting with doors from the inside
Fixed: Inability to spawn armed helicopters on helipad
Fixed: Build mode blur would not start if switching from Arma Vision to build mode
Fixed: Some user actions were available beyond character reach
Fixed: Wrong holster animation when switching to first weapon from grenade while having second weapon on sling
Fixed: Falling unconscious character wouldn’t change its stance to prone
Fixed: Trying to open the map while swimming queued the action to be triggered
Fixed: Inventory actions were not properly unregistered from weapon/magazine
Fixed: Previews in inventory were linked to render scale
Fixed: Turret 1st person camera on helicopter was not working as expected
Fixed: Character was frozen stuck on the turret when another character tried to open the doors of the vehicle
Fixed: Proxy characters sometimes didn’t have gravity enabled after leaving vehicle
Fixed: Background for input hints in field manual – for improved readability of white elements
Fixed: VZ-58 bayonet was not applying same damage/force as other bayonets
Fixed: Opening the map prevented marker deletion when other player moved it
Fixed: Visualization of area sometimes stayed stuck for player when provider entity was deleted
Fixed: Commanding suppressive fire uses the correct string now
Fixed: Free building mode was still displaying the shortcut even if it was removed
Fixed: Morphine and Saline item usage prevented the character from moving
Fixed: Placeholder flag was sometimes visible in the group menu
Fixed: Removed “Block” and “Unblock” texts appearing in the top-left corner when blocking/unblocking using a keyboard or gamepad
Fixed: Tutorial: Obstacle course – Final time is missing in a hint if you leave the course area and come back
Fixed: Weapons were deleted on player respawn after killing soldiers around HQ
Fixed: Navmesh settings default stepHeight – lower values made characters slide over the terrain
Fixed: AimY seemed to be wrong on characters operating a mortar in MP
Fixed: When failing to attach to another compartment after detaching, we just leave the character detached from any compartment.
Fixed: Case where we didn’t clear compartment/manager when it failed to prepare for attaching to another compartment
Fixed: Character is not rotated on remote proxy when loading the mortar
Fixed: Emissive lights were not visible for MP clients
Fixed: If a client equipped a gadget, the host wasn’t able to use his weapon
Fixed: Parts of the vest disappeared when looted from a dead body after moving some distance
Fixed: Adding a character to an existing group resulted in a negative budget value for the system
Fixed: Fall to ragdoll transition is now much smoother and more natural
Fixed: Character position desync when streaming in a character that was getting out of a turret
Fixed: Characters getting killed right after getting out of a vehicle
Fixed: Characters standing next to a burning vehicle did not properly get their instigator
Fixed: It was possible to load containers stored inside other containers to the point that they exceeded the parent’s storage limits
Fixed: It was possible to scale the protractor
Fixed: Limited movement penalty on leg damage effect to a preset value, so you aren’t fully blocked from moving
Fixed: Multiple bugs when calculating new GM budget costs
Fixed: Rain was not visible in PIP scopes
Fixed: Refunding items with storages (such as backpacks) with items in it now refunds the correct amount of supplies
Fixed: Turrets animated from an old position when switching gunners from different clients
Fixed: Unconscious characters always played animation on their back
Fixed: Weapon deployment sometimes didn’t find the most suitable deploy point on window frames
Fixed: Weapons would be inserted into backpacks rather than into their respective slots
Fixed: You can no longer refund items at arsenals if the Game Master has disabled the arsenal
Fixed: Vehicles would continue to smoke when player fully repaired them
Fixed: Gadget slots wouldn’t update their content when an item was transferred from the arsenal
Fixed: The pilot would be blamed for a helicopter crash even when the rotor was destroyed by another player
Fixed: The pilot/driver would be blamed for the crash of the vehicle when they were knocked out or killed by another player
Fixed: Main Menu: Recent Scenarios section now displays the last played scenarios
Fixed: PlayStation 5 controllers incorrectly swapping inputs due to missing profiles
Playable Content
Added: Singleplayer Scenario: Elimination
Added: Western Everon and Montignac Conflict variants
Added: Effect modules to Game Master (GM), allowing the GM to place mortar strikes, smoke grenades, minefields, and flares
Added: GM can now set faction relationships for playable factions
Added: ScenarioFramework: On cinematic ends Action
Added: Fire Support Course to Tutorial
Added: Compositions that don’t belong to any base now spawn a crate that holds refunded supply upon disassembly, allowing players to collect and use it
Added: HQ command posts now have basic Ammunition and Medical Arsenals
Added: Commands for requesting AI to fire mortars by players and Game Master
Added: New temporary ban options for admins
Changed: Base capturing logic. Defending faction can no longer deploy on bases that the enemy is capturing. The capturing timer is now also increased per each radio connection to a friendly base, giving defenders more time to react to an attack on a base in the rear.
Changed: Redesign of Search and Destroy waypoint for GM
Changed: Disabled destruction on Fuel depot in Tutorial
Changed: Ammo pack supply cost increased to 50
Changed: Conflict: Preplaced helicopters now use civilian variants
Tweaked: Fast travel point in weapon cache Bohdan to prevent clipping with rock
Tweaked: Increased max player count from 5 to 8 for Combat Ops Everon
Tweaked: Opening/closing vehicle doors not locking camera movement
Fixed: It was possible to place a defend waypoint outside of building radius
Fixed: Spawning construction truck too fast during Combat Engineering course caused soft lock
Fixed: Tutorial Fast Travel text could be cut off
Fixed: Potential error message when opening gamemaster without player spawned
Fixed: Use dynamic simulation only in the play mode
Fixed: GM was not showing saves in load menu
Fixed: Conflict: Occasional invisible radio connection lines
Fixed: Game Master: Game save button was too small for most languages and would bleed through
Fixed: Combat Ops: Quick Reaction Force could sometimes spawn visibly in front of player
Fixed: ScenarioFramework: Change Weather action “Random weather change” checkbox had the opposite result of what was expected
Fixed: GM was locked while in Pre-Game even if the user had the permissions
Fixed: Misaligned controller GM hint
Fixed: Vehicles that were neutralized by the Game Master wouldn’t emit burning sounds and wouldn’t deal damage from fire
Fixed: Players with permissions could access GM while in the debriefing menu
Fixed: You could use the hotkey to open GM while in the endscreen
Fixed: Gadgets block certain driver animations of character
Fixed: Hands were not moving when controlling the steering wheel on remote proxy
Fixed: Jerry cans dropped from hand couldn’t be refueled in MP
Fixed: Opening/closing fake door by input button crash
Fixed: Turret ADS camera being destroyed when turret is broken/deleted
Fixed: Weapon inspection spinbox should now contain all possible attachment points
Fixed: Grenade throw was sometimes interrupted when switching between idle and locomotion
Fixed: Light did not terminate when flare hit the water
Removed: Conflict: FIA ambient patrols around unused HQ base locations
Stability and Performance
Added: Multiple performance improvements related to multithreading
Changed: Performance optimization when processing controls
Changed: Optimized some of Workshop requests
Tweaked: Heartbeat packets reliability
Tweaked: Performance of VicinityComponent on server
Tweaked: BaseSlotComponent memory consumption optimized
Tweaked: DoorSlot and door memory consumption optimized
Fixed: Mod Dependencies were not loading properly
Fixed: Crash related to terrain data
Fixed: Crash when dumping GPU memory data
Fixed: Crash when loading packed data when inheritance of unrelated classes is encountered
Fixed: Changing scenes with a controller headset plugged in sometimes crashed the client
Fixed: Crash when deleting a vehicle that was being avoided by another vehicle
Fixed: Possible Explosion crash
Fixed: Crash when serializing tasks without valid resource name
Fixed: Crash when checking whether a vehicle door can be closed/opened from outside
Fixed: Crash related to weapon inverse kinematics
Fixed: Client mass crash with unknown animation issue
Fixed: Crash related to blocklist
Fixed: Crash when getting out of a vehicle is interrupted by teleporting outside
Fixed: Freeze on navmesh tile generation
Fixed: Crash when handling falling damage on character with no damage management
Fixed: Crash related to use of deallocated memory
Fixed: Crash possible when processing remote proxy characters
Fixed: Freeze detection was sometimes not able to force crash on Linux servers
Fixed: Improved performance of bloody clothes logic
Fixed: Crash when getin vehicle action was interrupted when teleporting to the seat
Fixed: Crash when a lot of vehicles were colliding in the water
Fixed: Assert about doors missing ActionsManager on Castle_01_Tower doors
Fixed: Crash when using user actions parented to an entity with no ActionsManagerComponent
Fixed: Crash when passing nullptr anim binder to AnimationPlayer
Fixed: Crash when deleting a vehicle with unfinished wheel traces
Fixed: Crash when generating a preview for an inventory item entity with no model
Fixed: Script errors when opening an arsenal
Fixed: Doors components did not recreate the original roads without crashing
Fixed: AI vehicle agent being simulated while the driver is a player
Fixed: Distance based visibility calculation of BSP subscenes – it wasn’t correctly calculated from AABB centroid
Fixed: GetResourceObject took up to 90% of the time when streaming in a large forest being destroyed
Fixed: Crash when calling BallisticTable::GetAimHeightOfNextProjectile on missiles with very small positive distance
Fixed: Crash when inspecting UGL after firing it
Fixed: Crash when ReplicatedCamerasSystem is not present
Fixed: Crash when turning on a radio broadcast while RadioBroadcastManager has no tracks
Fixed: Performance issues when controlling a compartment overriding another one on a vehicle with complex entity hierarchy
Fixed: Crash on pathfinding by using NavLinkIDs instead of instances
Fixed: Crash on virtual road connections
Fixed: Crash in WeaponSoundComponent if the weapon owner entity disappeared before the weapon activation task was executed
Fixed: CharacterVicinityComponent not always unsubscribing to bindings which sometimes lead to a crash
Fixed: Crash when destroying buildings with navlinks by removing unnecessary rebuild requests to road network
Fixed: Crash when calling BallisticTable::GetAimHeightOfNextProjectile on missiles with very small positive distance
Fixed: Crash caused by unsafe access to clothing when putting them on/off and slight improvements
Fixed: VME when player would open the inventory while having saline or tourniquet applied
Fixed: Crash when opening and closing doors in quick succession
Fixed: Possible crash when evaluating interior query resulted too late
Fixed: GPU crash during rain ripple rendering
Fixed: Changing scenes with a Playstation 5 Controller headset plugged in could crash the client
Fixed: Possible fix for BaseWeaponStatsManagerComponent crashes
Fixed: Bug in optimization of terrain occlusion raycasting
Fixed: Crash when a part of turret hierarchy disappeared
Fixed: Crash when permission request callback arrived after the game was being transitioned out
Fixed: Crash when SocialComponent deleted callback before call upon callback
Fixed: Potential crash mitigation for loadout manager accessing dangling pointers
Fixed: PropertySet leaking memory
Fixed: Assert when a character was loaded before the compartment it was in
Fixed: Removing ragdoll from parent would cause it to be teleported to 0.0.0 for a single frame
Fixed: GetHandlerLeaderAgent access invalid agent
Fixed: GamepadIOHandlerComponent was sometimes leaking memory
Fixed: Character in vehicle desync when dying in a spawnable turret
Fixed: Possible GPU crash in particles when there were too many emitters in a batch
Fixed: Various memory leaks
Fixed: Crash when permission request callback arrived after game was being transitioned out
Fixed: DoorSlotComponent entity attachment handling
Fixed: JIP crash in RocketEjectorMuzzleComponent
Fixed: Screen effects sometimes caused warnings and possible memory leaks
Fixed: Broken replication of bird movement state
Fixed: Crash when sending a feedback message
Fixed: Several Memory Leaks with RenderTarget on PS5
Fixed: Crash on loading thread on PS5
Fixed: Memory alignment for display buffers on PS5
Fixed: Sometimes dark terrain tiles were visible on PS5
Fixed: Crash when closing virtual keyboard on PS5
Tweaked: Improved vehicle avoidance
Fixed: AI will not accelerate infinitely when avoiding a car
Fixed: AIs not spawning in certain conditions
Added: “LooseLayer” variations for rubble footsteps
Tweaked: “Physical” weapon drop sounds were missing surface layers
Fixed: Sounds not terminated when out-of-range
Changed: Nearby Interaction visuals
Added: “Action cannot be done” notification now “blinks” to catch the attention of the user
Added: Setting in Interface → Interactions → Disable Control Hint
Added: User Actions now show keybinds
Changed: Spacing between icons has been reduced
Changed: Interaction Hold now uses the new textures
Changed: Interaction Menu visuals
Changed: Simplified the layouts and logic for the action menu list
Changed: Disabled some unfunctional parts of feedback window
Fixed: UI – Task system – No item’s description under “Destroy radar” tasks
Fixed: Action button and icon would sometimes overlap in frozen transition
Fixed: Get in gunner not using the right Icon
Added: Arsenal Refund effect on item refunded, allowing any item to execute logic on server when it is refunded at a (friendly) arsenal
Added: Arsenals with overwrite configs now support an optional faction check, allowing the arsenal to only show the items of the arsenal faction rather than always showing all items in the overwrite config at all times
Added: Callback “OnPilotingCompartmentChanged” that is called when switching pilots in vehicles (helicopters)
Added: CanTurnOut flag and TurnOutDoorIdx to specify which door to open when turning out
Added: Catalog Inventory items can now have a separate refund amount from the supply cost
Added: Config templates of wheeled vehicle engines under path Prefabs\Vehicles\Core\Configs\Engines
Added: Control hints: New attribute SCR_AvailableActionContext.m_iTimeToShow, which determines how quickly the control hint will be shown to the player
Added: Created SCR_FilteredInventoryStorageComponent that can only store items with compatible ECommonItemTypes
Added: Event_OnEntityBudgetUpdatedPerEntity, which is invoked every time the budget of an entity changes. This used to be Event_OnEntityBudgetUpdated
Added: Exposed CharacterControllerComponent::CanJumpClimb
Added: GarbageSystemConfigComponent that can be added to the GameMode entity to override the global configuration for scenario-specific needs.
Added: Helper function BaseDamageEffect.IsValueChangeAllowed. It can be used to know when a DamageEffect has been added to an ExtendedDamageManager
Added: MultiFireWeaponManagerComponent which can fire more than one weapon per frame
Added: New perceived faction logic has been added to the game. Characters no longer have the FactionAffiliationComponent but instead, a new SCR_CharacterFactionAffiliationComponent, which handles the perceived faction. SCR_ItemOutfitFactionComponent can be added to items, which allows modders to assign one (or more) factions to an item. The new SCR_PerceivedFactionManagerComponent allows you to tweak the settings. By default, the perceived faction system is disabled.
Added: Possibility to add and remove weapons from turrets
Added: Possibility to limit character’s max speed using CharacterControllerComponent::OverrideMaxSpeed
Added: SCR_CharacterAnimationComponent.c with an attribute to tweak explosion impulse intensity
Added: SCR_UniversalInventoryStorageComponent.GetEstimatedCountFitForResourceWeight()
Added: Weapon group functionality to TurretControllerComponent
Added: Weapons can now be added and removed from turrets
Added: Slotted entities now have a “count as parent for explosions” field when registering. Slotted entities with this box checked will not block explosion traces to their parent
Added: Support for more than three custom damage states
Added: LongRangeSoundData property, where you can select if you want the sound to be sent reliably or not
Added: Assert and log when a maximum number of ragdoll bones is exceeded
Added: Script bindings for programmatic portal intensity control
Changed: Moved commonly used destruction methods like CalculateMomentum to SCR_DestructionUtility
Changed: Added new flags to EAmmoType enum
Changed: Added script invoker to SCR_ExplosiveChargeComponent, which contains information about the changed fuze type
Changed: Added scripted getters for min, max, and current value to the SCR_AdjustSignalAction for improved modability
Changed: Catalog data getter now checks if the class is equal to or inherited from another class
Changed: Control hints: Added a bool for checking the persistent state of SCR_VehicleTurboCondition and SCR_CharacterSprintingCondition
Changed: Control hints: Reworked SCR_CharacterBleedingCondition, SCR_CharacterSprintingCondition, and SCR_VehicleTurboCondition to not accept a float as an attribute
Changed: Converted all private methods and variables to be protected
Changed: Converted Endscreen text to RichText
Changed: DamageEffects can’t change their damage type, instigator, or affected hitzone once they are added to an ExtendedDamageManager
Changed: Due to the rework of AI gunshot reactions, the SCR_AIObserveUnknownFireBehavior class is now obsolete. Avoid using it. Instead, gunshot reactions utilize the class SCR_AIObserveThreatSystemBehavior
Changed: Event_OnEntityBudgetUpdated now only happens once a frame.
Changed: Game Over screen now sends over the SCR_BaseGameOverScreenInfo class, which can be used to obtain data from
Changed: Implementation of fall damage for ragdolls and animated characters is now fully in script
Changed: Changed priority of storages and increased storage priority of all character slots to 100
Changed: Made SCR_GadgetComponent.CanBeHeld() return m_bCanBeHeld attribute that can be configured in the prefab
Changed: Proxies can no longer change the damage type of a DamageEffect
Changed: Removed restriction for value of AdjustmentStep from SCR_AdjustSignalAction
Changed: Renamed image widgets in InventoryAmmoType.layout to be in line with names of corresponding enums of EAmmoType
Changed: SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent has been updated to allow support stations to also generate supplies, not just consume. Including some variable changes in the SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent.IsValid() method, and the GetSupplyCostAction() has been renamed to GetSupplyAmountAction()
Changed: Sight illumination switch sound now supports turrets
Changed: Spawning entity prefab with variants (game.SpawnEntityPrefab) has been renamed with the Ex (Extended) prefix to separate it from the base spawn functionality.
Changed: Those methods in SCR_AICombatComponent are not used internally and thus are now marked as obsolete: ResetCombatType, SetDefaultCombatType, SetCombatType, GetCombatType, SetHoldFire, SetActionAllowed, GetAllowedActions, IsActionAllowed
Changed: LongRangeSoundComponent now has a name instead of an index property
Changed: Maximum of ragdoll bones was increased from 15 to 25
Changed: Improved error handling for JsonApiStruct (T183237)
Fixed: A bug where DamageEffects could be applied to hit zones not contained in the ExtendedDamageManager containing the effect
Fixed: Adding more than 12 character slots to the InventoryUI.conf would result in the creation of a second column with duplicated slots
Fixed: Character slots that would go beyond the max row size were not moved to the next column.
Fixed: CharacterCommandClimbResult variables were not working properly.
Fixed: GetEstimatedCountFitForResource now correctly returns a value based on volume
Fixed: HitZone.OnDamage damageContext.damageValue now contains the effective value instead of the raw value.
Fixed: Calls to HandleDamage from script weren’t passing the damage source.
Fixed: Turrets that want to receive updates when empty now also update TurretComponent, not only TurretControllerComponent
Fixed: Crash when switching input language in Workbench Launcher window
Removed: Unused count parameter on some inventory methods and callbacks.
Added: GM Saves can now be published to Workshop
Fixed: Download progress not showing properly when joining server
Fixed: It was not possible to cancel the download after it started when joining server
Fixed: Download manager wasn’t detecting ongoing download of mods
Fixed: Workshop: Removing mod from favorites
Fixed: Disabled mods couldn’t be deleted
Fixed: 2FA dialog when linking Bohemia Account was not working
Changed: Timeout during addon upload will now retry instead of completely failing the process of upload
Changed: Workbench: CLI Addon Packing and Publishing will now exit with code 1 if scripts cannot be compiled (T181951)
Changed: Workbench: Increased addon publish size limit from 5 GB to 7 GB
Fixed: Workbench: Addons could not be deleted from Workshop (T187289)
Fixed: Workbench: Cleanup of old data from previous addon version when uploading new version
Fixed: Workbench: Addon publishing via CLI param was not respecting size limits
Fixed: 2FA dialog when linking Bohemia Account was not working
Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Arma Reforger patch 1.030.130 will fix a few of these issues.
Download Arma Reforger update 1.030.130 on PS5, PC and Xbox.