[Age of Empires 4] AOE4 Update 8.1.185 Patch Notes

Age of Empires 4 Definitive Edition (AOE4) update 8.1.185 is available to download on PC (Steam). According to AOE4 patch notes, the latest update adds AI improvements include fixing building damage calculation, enhanced resource gathering logic, and better army formation during attacks. Apart from this, Age of Empires 4 (AOE4) patch 8.1.185 also includes UI changes involve centered relic icons and improved resource display in Ovoo.

Previously, a big update was released with new Maps, Spectator chat is now activated, and lots ofbug fixes.Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game.

Today’s Age of Empires 4 patch 8.1.185 will fix a few of these issues.

AOE4 Patch 8.1.185 Notes – August 23, 2023

Gameplay: AI Updates

  1. Fixed Building Damage Calculation: Addressed an issue causing AI to miscalculate damage to buildings with garrisoned units.
  2. Outpost Handling: AI will no longer disregard outposts with units inside, recognizing their potential threat.
  3. Mongol AI Improvement: Improved Mongol AI’s strategy by relocating blacksmith and certain military production buildings near Ovoo for technological advantage.
  4. Resource Gathering Logic: Enhanced AI’s decision-making for assigning villagers to gather resources.
  5. Improved Army Movement: AI armies now attempt to move in formation when traveling for attack or defense, allowing better coordination of units.
  6. Idle AI Archers: Fixed an issue causing AI archers to be idle after fleeing.
  7. Optimized Mining Camp Placement: AI will construct its initial mining camp near the Town Center early in the game.
  8. Landmark and Wonder Construction: AI now utilizes more villagers for constructing landmarks and wonders.
  9. Reliable Fall Back Behavior: AI now retreats from battles it’s losing more consistently.
  10. Monk Support: AI monks correctly travel with allies, providing healing and buffs.

User Interface

  • The display of resource in the deposit and extraction rate stats for Ovoo has been improved, eliminating player name cutoff.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.