Age of Darkness Final Stand Update 0.4.1 Patch Notes – Feb. 14, 2022

Age of Darkness Final Stand update 0.4.1 for PC players is now available to download. According to the official Age of Darkness patch notes, the latest update focused on Quality of Life improvements for the Siege Catapult and added extra Visuals around the Unit to clearly depict the min and max projectile range, along with some updated animations to make it behave in a more realistic manner.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Age of Darkness patch 0.4.1 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Age of Darkness Patch Notes – February 14, 2022

  • New Dynamic UI for Hardship icons on the Custom Difficulty select screen.
  • Improved the projectile speed for the Siege Catapult.
  • Buffering for Commands implemented when the Siege Catapult moves from Siege to Mobile mode.
  • Improved the Siege Catapult reload Animation.
  • Visual added to show the Range of the Siege Catapult.
  • Corrected the wording and spelling for the ‘Resourceful’ Blessing description.
  • Localisation improvements for non-English languages.
  • Addressed a crash that would occur from using Aelis’ Loyal Guards or Eradicate Abilities.
  • Addressed a crash that would occur when building on top of Units on the edge of the Map.
  • Addressed a crash that would occur when ejecting Units from Multiple Towers.
  • Addressed a crash that would occur when two archers are spawned from the same Barracks.
  • Addressed a crash that would occur when using Shift + Command.
  • Addressed a crash that would occur when Arbalests attack.
  • [Addressed] the Siege Catapults can be moved in Siege mode after auto-attacking enemies.
  • [Addressed] the Siege Catapult could be researched without having the Stone Keep Upgrade.
  • [Addressed] the Siege Catapult Damage values were not updating correctly when changing modes.
  • [Addressed] The Loyal Guards are displayed as Units.
  • [Addressed] the Nightmare Fuel Blessing does not fully heal Horrified Units.
  • [Addressed] the Day Break Blessing does not apply the correct Emboldened percentage buff to Units.
  • [Addressed] the Stalemate timer would not end on the Final Night.
  • [Addressed] Enemies are getting stuck during Death Nights.
  • [Addressed] the Shift-Right Click Move commands were not functioning.
  • [Addressed] Units would not move when commanded.
  • [Addressed] Units were not patrolling when using the patrol Group Commands.
  • [Addressed] using the Map keyboard shortcut whilst in the Pause menu will toggle the map size.
  • Addressed an issue when using the Next Building buttons, the type of Building that had been selected will change.
  • [Addressed] Target Priority was listed as “Attack Command” under the Hotkey Overrides menu.
  • [Addressed] the text ‘FPS’ would show next to the Frame Rate value in the Max Frame Rate sub-menu.
  • [Addressed] Horrified Units were displaying incorrect debuff Statistic values.
  • Addressed a UI issue where the Unit Movement Speed Statistics were showing a higher value than what has been applied to the Units.
  • [Addressed] the heading of the Skill in the Skill Tree would split over two lines.
  • Addressed a UI issue where the Horrified Statistics were not showing the correct value.
  • [Addressed] the Siege Factory research overlaps the UI bounds in non-English Languages.
  • [Addressed] the Rigged Defences description overlaps the UI bounds on the Blessing menu in some non-English languages
  • [Addressed] the Two for One description overlaps the UI bounds on the Blessing menu in some non-English languages.

Download free Age of Darkness patch 0.4.1 on PC(steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.