Age of Darkness Final Stand Update 0.2.2 Patch Notes – Nov 30, 2021

Age of Darkness Final Stand update 0.2.2 hotfix for PC players is now available to download. According to the official Age of Darkness patch notes, the latest update added a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Age of Darkness patch 0.2.2 also included a bug fix for the Buy and Sell rate from the Trade Bazaar being 1:1.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Age of Darkness patch 0.2 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Age of Darkness Patch Notes – November 30, 2021

  • Hero Icons now appear on players’ Saved Files and End of Round Screens.
  • Improved visual feedback on Aelis’ Queens Range Ability AOE.
  • Added PFX to Aelis for when she steals Health using her Queen’s Range Ability.
  • Updated visuals for Edwin’s Crackfire Ability.
  • Edwin’s Crackfire Ability range increases with each Level.
  • Anchoring changes to the Fishing Port so it can’t be built too far inland.
  • New Progress Bar on Fishing Ports to indicate Fishing Progress.
  • Improved Visual Feedback on the Resources Progress bar to indicate when a Resource Building can’t accrue more due to Max Resources being reached.
  • Fish Icon on the Fishing Port Progress bar now indicates when no Nets are being Spawned.
  • Added Audio Effects for when a player collects a Fishing Net.
  • AOE Ring added to the Storehouse.
  • Updated Localisation for Simplified Chinese.
  • Updated Farm Visuals to include Tomato Crops for all the Tomato Farmers out there.
  • Added extra visuals to the Farms so every Tile within the Farms Radius has Crops.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when loading Save Files that had a Fishing Lodge that spawns 0 nets.
  • Fixed an issue where Aelis’ Loyal Guards would not have their stats increased when Aelis levels up.
  • Fixed an issue where Aelis’ spawned Loyal Guards would not Level Up to match newly spawned Guards with a Higher Level.
  • Fixed an issue where Aelis’ Queens Rage Ability can be cast outside of her castable range.
  • Fixed an issue for missing Text Strings on the Loyal Guards Ability UI when Aelis has her maximum amount of Guards spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin’s Enflame Ability burning effect only lasts for one Tick.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin’s Enflame Ability wouldn’t do damage to enemies spawned on the Map.
  • Fixed an issue where using Edwin’s Crackfire Ability would turn him invisible. Finally!
  • Fixed an issue where the Exclamation Mark UI would appear above Fishing Lodges with no Nets to collect.
  • Fixed an issue where the Exclamation Mark UI would appear on the wrong Fishing Lodge.
  • Fixed an issue where the AOD Logo on the Main Menu would change when a player is in the Languages Menu but has not changed their language.
  • Fixed an issue where enemy Units spawn inside of Trees and Cliffs after a Death Night.
  • Fixed an issue where the Eject button on Towers was not bound to any key.
  • Fixed an issue where the Storehouse would only apply the Buff to one Quarry on the Map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Budget Carpenter Blessing didn’t decrease the amount of Resources needed to Upgrade.
  • Fixed an error for Loss of Focus Bugs.
  • Various Localisation fixes for Aelis.
  • Various UI bug fixes.
Known Issues
  • The Nightmare difficulty mode Icon will appear as white when loading from a save file.
  • The end of game screen will incorrectly display the Heroless Hardship after a match with no Hardship active.
  • Visual issue with the Buildings where they are being constructed from the top down rather than the ground up.
  • Units showing incorrect buff values when Aelis’ Queens Rage Ability is applied to them.

Download free Age of Darkness patch 0.2.2 on PC(steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.