WZ2 DMZ Smuggler’s Drop Key Location and Use

The Warzone 2 DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key opens a locked crate brimming with valuable items. This guide is designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and tactics to locate this key. Learn more details below.


What is the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop Key?

The DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key is a unique item in the DMZ game, hidden in the far southeast corner of the Verdansk map. This key is a golden ticket to a locked crate filled with valuable loot, waiting to be discovered by the players. The key is strategically placed beneath the museum, making it a thrilling quest for the players.

Why is the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop Key Important?

The DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key is a crucial item in the game, as it unlocks a crate filled with valuable loot. Without this key, players are denied the opportunity to acquire the coveted items held within the crate. Therefore, finding this key enhances the gameplay experience, providing players with additional resources and items to aid in their adventure.

How to Locate the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop Key?

Step 1: Finding the Location

The first step to obtaining the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key is to locate its position on the Verdansk map. The key is situated on the far southeast side of the map, specifically beneath the museum.

Step 2: Heading towards the Museum

After identifying the key’s location, players should make their way towards the museum area. This is where the quest to find the key begins. It’s essential to prepare and equip oneself before initiating the search.

Step 3: Choosing the Path

There are multiple paths that lead to the equipment crate containing the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key. Players can select their preferred route based on their strategy and playstyle. Two common routes are available:

Option 1: Stairways from The Atrium and Gardens Players can opt to ascend the stairways located in The Atrium and Gardens areas. These stairways will guide them towards the destination, providing a potential route to reach the key.

Option 2: Entering the Underground Waterway Alternatively, players can choose a more direct approach by entering the underground Waterway. This route offers a straightforward path towards the key’s location.

Step 4: Navigating through the Waterway

For those who decide to take the underground Waterway route, once inside, players will need to swim across to a specific roof section beneath the museum. This requires traversing the water until reaching the designated spot.

Step 5: Climbing onto the Ledge

After successfully swimming across to the roof section beneath the museum, players should climb up onto the ledge. From this vantage point, they will discover a locked crate that houses the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key.

Step 6: Unlocking the Crate

The final step involves using the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key to unlock the crate. Once the crate is unlocked, players can collect the key and proceed with their quest or any subsequent tasks that require its use.

How to Use the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop Key?

Once the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key is located, it can be used to unlock the crate and gain access to its valuable contents. The key is the only means to open the crate, making it a valuable asset in the game. Using the key on the crate will unlock it, allowing players to claim their rewards.

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What is the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key?

The DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key is a unique item in the DMZ game that unlocks a crate filled with valuable loot.

Where is the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key located?

The key is located on the far southeast side of the Verdansk map, specifically beneath the museum.

How can I access the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key?

There are multiple paths leading to the equipment crate where the key is located. Players can choose their preferred route, either through the stairways from The Atrium and Gardens or by entering the underground Waterway.

Howto use the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key?

Once located, the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key can be used to unlock the crate and gain access to its valuable contents.

Why is the DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key important?

The DMZ Smuggler’s Drop key is a crucial item in the game, as it unlocks a crate filled with valuable loot, enhancing the gameplay experience.