World War Z Update 1.55 Patch Notes (WWZ 1.55)

World War Z update 1.55 is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the World War Z 1.55 patch notes, the latest update brings significant additions including new mutators, weapon perks, and quality of life improvements. Apart from this, Today’s World War Z patch 1.55 also includes new mutators for Horde Mode: Gladiators, Banshee, Toss a Coin, Sinusitis (+Challenge Mode), Anthrax (+Challenge Mode), No Deliveries.

Previously, WWZ update 1.44 added new content (Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Chibi Trinkets). Unfortunately, since the last major patch, players are still facing a number of issues with the game. Today’s World War Z version 1.55 will address a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

WWZ Update 1.55 Patch Notes – March 28, 2024

New Content

  • Mutators: Introducing Gladiators, Banshee, Toss a Coin, Sinusitis, Anthrax (with Challenge Mode), and No Deliveries for Horde Mode.
  • Weapon Perks: New perks like Guardian, Soul Collector, Electro Shot, Over the Heads, Powder and Steel, Gravedigger, Camper, Sound Body, and Plague Doctor for various weapons.
  • Prestige Perks: 4 new prestige perks now available for all classes.

Quality of Life

  • Monitor Support: Added support for 21:9 and 16:10 monitors on PC.
  • Language Support: Japanese and Korean language support now available for Xbox One and Xbox Series.

General Fixes

  • Character Bug: Addressed issue where female characters held 1877 SBL incorrectly.
  • Mutator Fix: Fixed bug where conflicting mutators could occur in Challenge and Horde mode.
  • Performance: Improved performance during bomber explosions in Episode 8: Phoenix – The Low Road.
  • Supply Bag Protection: Shotguns no longer destroy supply bags in PvE.
  • Player Movement: Resolved issue where players got stuck when climbing inclined surfaces.
  • Collision Bug: Fixed bug causing invisible collisions when firing certain weapons.

Download free World War Z aftermath update 1.55 on PlayStation 4, PS5, PC, and Xbox consoles.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.