World War Z Aftermath Update 1.29 Patch Notes – October 27, 2021

A new World War Z Aftermath update 1.29 is now available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official WWZ Aftermath 1.28 patch notes, the latest update added new Booster Zombie and daily challenges. Apart from this, Today’s World War Z Aftermath patch 1.29 also includes general stability fixes.

Previously, a big update made some changes to the Vanguard Class, Rats, FP Mode, Weapons, and fixes to improve gameplay.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues when trying to play the game. Today’s WWZ Aftermath version 1.29 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

World War Z Aftermath Patch 1.29 Notes – October 27, 2021 (Updated)


Added new special enemy – Booster

• Added new daily challenges system

• Added new documents pickup that will spawn in daily and weekly challenges maps

o Collecting documents will unlock additional lore and level perks

Bug Fixes


• Melee attacks against prone and sitting zombies while wielding light melee weapons now deals the same damage as medium weapons


• Reworked block mechanic:
– Block stamina (progress bar over the crosshair) is spent gradually
each second you block. Full block stamina allows you to take any
amount of hits for 5 seconds, no matter how many zombies attack
you and how many are killed as a result.
. Each time you spend block stamina, a small portion of equipment
charge (progress bar over the equipment icon on the HUD) is also
spent. Full block spends half of the charge. If you haven’t blocked
incoming damage – you won’t spend any equipment charge.
. You can activate the block even if you’re low on equipment charge,
but you’ll also have less block stamina. If you don’t have any
equipment charge left, you’ll only have stamina to block a single
attack and won’t be able to use block for the next 5 seconds.

• Passive Aggression perk changed from:
*Players can kill 40% more zombies with a Shield Block” to:”Shield Block can withstand incoming hits for 3 more seconds (base: 5 seconds)”
• Study perk changed from:
“When your Shield Block ends due to reaching your kill limit, you
gain a temporary health boost” to: “When your Shield Block is completely expended, you gain a temporary health boost”
• Quick Hands perk changed from:
“Your primary and secondary weapons are reloaded after using a
Shield” to: “Blocking a zombie hit or performing Shield Charge reloads your primary and secondary weapons”

Adrenaline Rush perk changed from: “Using a Shield fully restores melee stamina” to: “Blocking a zombie hit or performing Shield Charge fully restores melee stamina”
• Long run perk: additional speed and distance bonus decreased to 20% from 30%
• Now Shield won’t protect you from deadly threats such as fans in the
Jerusalem Episode


• Explosive bolts fired from Repeater X crossbow will damage Rats as


• Fixed freezes on next gen consoles
• Various fixes and improvements
• Fixed several gameplay crashes
• Fixed issue with not being able to control character movement speed when using controller


• Added option to rebind scoreboard to another button
• Added Steam Input support

Other Fixes

  • Fixed several minor bugs with the firearm.
  • Addressed issues with firearm sounds
  • Fixed issue related to trophies.
  • Addressed several gameplay crashes.
  • Addressed several connectivity issues
  • Added stability fixes
  • Added performance improvements.

World War Z is coming to Nintendo Switch on November 2 and Google Stadia this Winter. Survivors will also enjoy the game on next-gen starting 2022 with a brand new free update on PS5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S

Download free World War Z Aftermath update 1.28 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.