World War Z Aftermath Update 1.28 Patch Notes – October 18, 2021

World War Z Aftermath update 1.28 is now available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official WWZ Aftermath 1.28 patch notes, the latest update made some changes to the Vanguard Class, Rats, FP Mode, Weapons, and fixes to improve gameplay. Apart from this, Today’s World War Z Aftermath patch 1.28 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a big update added the flexible Dronemaster Class, the Advanced Combat Weapon, a user report system, and much more.

Unfortunately, since the last update, players are still experiencing several issues when trying to play the game. Today’s WWZ Aftermath version 1.28 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

World War Z Aftermath Patch 1.28 Notes – October 18, 2021


• The Vanguard no longer takes friendly fire damage when using the shield
• The shield’s protection will be retained for an additional 0.7 seconds after the block or charge ends
• The shield now protects from any damage coming from the front, including Bomber explosions, Infector attacks and automatic turret fire (it won’t protect from the Gasbag cloud though)
• Base charge damage and kill count increased. Now it kills up to 14
enemies (was 8) and kills the Lurker and Gasbag on any difficulty.
• Vanguard can perform 3 blocks per charge (was 2), but the blocking ends after 6 kills (was 8)
• Ending a block without killing anyone will no longer spend an ability charge
• Slightly increased base charge maneuverability
• Slightly increased base walking speed in block
• Slightly increased shield charge hit area
• Slightly increased shield block protection angle
• Shield block will no longer be interrupted by the Lurker’s jump attack
• Made blocking a charging Bull easier even if it is not targeting you
• Fixed several bugs that were significantly affecting shield usability and
efficiency: Sometimes the Bull could grab the player while the player was blocking or charging
o In some circumstances, shield charge couldn’t kill the intended
amount of zombies
o Shield was not regenerating while playing with the Looter mutator
o Block was ending too fast when player was surrounded by a swarm
o In some cases, shield ability stopped regenerating when using Outer
Shell and Recuperation perks
• Now you won’t be able to get onto invalid objects and get stuck when
charging over the edge from heights


• Reworked Armor Plated perk effect. Now applies 3 seconds of
invulnerability when player starts interacting with anything (10 second
• Switched positions of Hurry Back perk and Armor Plated perk in the perk tree
• For the On Your Feet perk, player no longer loses the rest of his charge when the perk is triggered
• Player gains 2 charges instead of 1 for the Conditioning perk
• Decreased speed and distance bonus from 30% to 20% for the Long Run perk
• Increased charge duration bonus from 0.5 second to 1 second for the
Linebacker prestige perk
• Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 30 seconds for the Pickpocket perk
• Sturdy perk grants temporary health when the block ends


• Rats can no longer be “woken up” by zombies
• Rats can no longer change their target from a downed player to his
teammates if they are far away

• Adjusted zoom and weapon position when aiming for more comfortable close-quarters combat


• Tomahawk, Fire Axe and Hammer animations are more responsive now
• Increased max ammo capacity for Special SMG
• Fixed issue with non-explosive crossbow bolts not penetrating chain link fences
• Fixed several minor bugs with firearm models


• Fixed the inability to unlock the Wakizashi and the Extreme Mk110 Sniper Rifle version when playing private games with mutators that are not decreasing the rewards
• Fixed several bugs with firearm sounds
• Fixed rare cases where the player could take damage and die right after a level intro
• Fixed issue with “Well, What Did You Achieve?” trophy not getting awarded for finishing all base levels on Insane difficulty
• Improved responsiveness of using the Medkit to heal teammates
• Fixed a bug that prevented the explosion effect in the outro cinematic of “The Final Push” level from playing
• HUD can now display up to six carried items
• Fixed several gameplay crashes
• Fixed several connectivity issues
• Dedicated servers in Australia added


• Improved overall image sharpness when using FSR
• Fixed issue with gamma when using FSR

Download free World War Z Aftermath update 1.28 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.