Wolfenstein 2 Update 1.08 now available for Download

Wolfenstein 2 Update 1.08 is now available for download. Unfortunately, the official Wolfenstein 2 1.08 changelog is not available yet. However, players are reporting that the new Wolfenstein 2 version 1.08 comes with various bug fixes and improvements. The update size is around 2.5GB.

The Deeds of Captain Wilkins DLC is also now available for players. The Freedom Chronicles will also conclude with The Deeds of Captain Wilkins. The new content is around 3.5GB to 3.7GB depending on region/version installed to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

However, there are some known issues with the DLC wherein Kodiak Island: when the player is tasked with destroying the Super Cannons on Kodiak Island using two different Gunstations (Alpha and Beta), there is a lever that the player must use to rotate the Gunstation, and a button the player must press to fire the Gunstation. If the player activates the rotation lever during the fire button pressing animation, it can cause the player to be control locked. To fix this issue, you will require to load a previous save.

Previously, the major update 1.07 was released with ‘The Diaries of Agent Silent Death‘ DLC with the following fixes.

  • Added Various optimizations and bug fixes.
  • Updated difficulty balancing.
  • More prominent damage direction indicators.
  • Preparation for Episode 2 of Freedom Chronicles for users with entitlements.

We’ll update this article with more details as soon as the official Wolfenstein 2 1.08 changelog goes live.

Check your game update and download latest Wolfenstein 2 update 1.08 on PS4 and Xbox One.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singhhttps://updatecrazy.com
I am passionate about Web development and networking. When i am not hacking away on my computer, i enjoys exploring new places, watching movies and biking.