Where is Karlach in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Karlach, a Zariel Tiefling Barbarian, is a fierce and likable companion in Baldur’s Gate 3. Finding her location and recruiting her early on provides significant benefits through her personal questline. This guide covers everything you need to know about Karlach’s whereabouts, how to recruit her, and the rewards for completing her quest.

Key Takeaways

  • Karlach is found at the Risen Road past the Blighted Village
  • Recruit her by exploring the Risen Road after the Druid Grove
  • Complete her “Hunt the Devil” quest to get rewards
  • She joins as a powerful companion adding DPS
  • Her quest involves choices with consequences

Where is Karlach in BG3?

Karlach is located along the Risen Road, just past the Blighted Village area. To find her specifically:

  1. Enter the Blighted Village region
  2. Head north through the village
  3. Jump across the gap in the broken bridge
  4. Go down the path to your right (east)
  5. Fight through Hyenas and Gnolls along the way
  6. Continue along the path till you reach the river
  7. Karlach can be found resting on the other side of the river

How to Recruit Karlach

Recruiting Karlach as a companion happens early in Act 1. Follow these steps:

  1. After dealing with the goblin assault on the Druid Grove, go west from the grove
  2. Cross the stone bridge
  3. Head north from the bridge to reach a clearing with a river
  4. Carefully jump across the rocks to cross the river
  5. Go east from the river to find Karlach enveloped in flames

Note: You need an open party slot to recruit Karlach. She will not join if your party is full.

Karlach’s Quest – Hunt the Devil

Upon recruiting Karlach, you can complete her personal quest “Hunt the Devil.” This involves taking down Anders and his cultists hiding out in the Risen Road region.

Position your party properly before initiating combat with Anders. Use the environment strategically to defeat them and complete Karlach’s quest.

Rewards for Karlach’s Quest

Completing the “Hunt the Devil” questline nets you the following rewards:

  • Sword of Justice – A powerful weapon looted from Anders
  • Soul Coin – Found on a shelf in the adjacent room
  • Karlach joins as a worthy companion, adding major DPS through Rage

Requirements for Karlach’s Quest – August 7, 2023

To complete Karlach’s quest and reap the rewards, you’ll need:

  • An open party slot to recruit Karlach initially
  • To explore the Risen Road area past the Blighted Village
  • Locate and eliminate Anders the Paladin and his followers
  • Position your party correctly before the battle against Anders’ group
  • Acquire Infernal Iron and a knowledgeable Tiefling to control Karlach’s Infernal Engine

Where is Karlach in the Blighted Village?

Karlach cannot be found within the Blighted Village area itself. She is located along the Risen Road, which lies just past the Blighted Village.

Specifically, her exact location is along the Risen Road near the river, east of the Blighted Village.

How to Get to BG3 Karlach’s Location

To reach Karlach, you need to:

  1. Enter the Blighted Village region
  2. Head north through the village’s ruins
  3. Exit the village and go east above it
  4. Deal with any Gnolls along the Risen Road
  5. Continue east till you find Karlach near the river

Karlach’s Quest – Hunt the Devil

The name of Karlach’s personal questline is “Hunt the Devil.”

This involves defeating Anders and his cultists who have set up camp nearby.

Choices in Karlach’s Quest

During the “Hunt the Devil” quest, you have several options and choices:

  • Side with Karlach to hear her story
  • Help Anders and Wyll pursue Karlach
  • Make an informed decision after learning motivations of both sides

Each choice has consequences affecting the outcome of the quest.

Consequences of Choices in Karlach’s Quest

  • Siding with Karlach allows her to join as a companion, giving access to her rewards.
  • Choosing against Karlach risks losing a potential companion and her rewards.
  • The choices reflect the complex moral dilemmas in Baldur’s Gate 3.
  • Outcomes vary based on understanding the characters and motivations involved.

Where are the Broken Ones in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The Broken Ones are a group of tieflings led by Zevlor in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here is where you can find them:

  1. They are located at the Temple of the Moon within Baldur’s Gate.
  2. To reach the temple, head to the southeast section of the city map.
  3. Look for a large, circular stone structure along the cliff walls. This is the Temple of the Moon.
  4. Enter the temple to encounter Zevlor and the Broken Ones inside.
  5. Alternatively, you can meet Alfira, a scout for the Broken Ones, earlier at the Druid Grove.
  6. Convincing Alfira to return to Zevlor will lead you to the Temple of the Moon.

The Broken Ones seek refuge at the temple after being forced to flee their home of Elturel. They play a role in the major events unfolding in Baldur’s Gate 3’s story.

How to Recruit Shadowheart in BG3

Shadowheart is an elusive cleric companion who can join your party in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here is how to recruit her:

  1. Your first encounter with Shadowheart is on the beach after the shipwreck.
  2. Agree to remove her manacles when prompted to gain her cooperation.
  3. After the fight on the beach, explore the cliffs and you’ll find Shadowheart again.
  4. She will offer to join your party if you help her locate her artifacts. Accept to recruit her.
  5. Optionally, refuse to recruit her on the beach initially for a different introduction later on.
  6. Shadowheart is found imprisoned at the goblin camp if you skip recruiting her at first.
  7. Defeat the goblins and free Shadowheart from captivity to have her join you.

Recruiting Shadowheart as early as possible is recommended to take advantage of her healing powers and ranged attacks during battles. Her questline also provides rich lore and insights into her mysterious character.

How to Find the Owlbear Cave in BG3

The Owlbear Cave is an optional dungeon found in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here are directions to its location:

  1. From the Druid Grove, head north across the stream.
  2. Follow the path as it winds east then south.
  3. A ransacked village can be found along the way.
  4. Continue following the path south past the village ruins.
  5. Eventually the trail will open up into a large clearing.
  6. The entrance to the Owlbear Cave dungeon can be found on the southern edge of this clearing.
  7. A threatening owlbear guards the cave entrance. Defeat it to gain access.

The Owlbear Cave contains valuable loot to collect, including enchanted weapons and armor. An Intellect Devourer also lurks inside, presenting the chance to harvest its brain for rewards.

How to Defeat Minthara in BG3

Minthara is a powerful priestess of the Absolute found in the goblin camp. Here are some tips for defeating her:

  1. Minthara is resistant to fire damage, so avoid fire-based spells and weapons.
  2. She summons exploding Bulette hatchlings that can overwhelm your party. Take them out quickly with AoE attacks.
  3. Minthara stays in the back during the fight. Use ranged attacks or reposition your melee characters to reach her.
  4. Her Wisdom saving throw is low, making her vulnerable to being charmed or stunned.
  5. Target her with spells that impose the Prone or Restrained conditions to limit her actions.
  6. Keep your party spread out to minimize the damage from her explosive AoE spells.
  7. Focus attacks on Minthara while using Control spells on her minions to defeat her more easily.

With the right strategy and positioning, Minthara and her cronies can be taken down in BG3. The experience reward for winning is significant.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.