Warhammer Vermintide 2 Update 1.52 Patch Notes (v5.5.2)

Warhammer Vermintide 2 update 1.52 (v5.5.2) is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox. According to the official Warhammer Vermintide 2 patch notes, the latest update introduces new features such as additional loadout slots, Skulls event buff duration increase, and quality of life improvements. Apart from this, Warhammer Vermintide 2 patch 1.52 also addresses various bugs, including fixes for unreachable respawn spots, UI issues, career-specific problems, and crash-related issues.


Previously, a big update 4.7 added contains the new presence to Chaos Wastes — Be’lakor! Together with Be’lakor there will also be some fixes and tweaks, as well as new Premium Cosmetics available on PC and Xbox. Unfortunately, players are facing several problems when trying to play the game on the consoles. Today’s WV2 patch 1.52 will solve a few of these problems.

Check out more details below.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 Patch 1.52 Notes (5.5.2) – May 30, 2024

Features & Tweaks

  • Added 3 more loadout slots to all careers.
  • Increased the duration of the Skulls event buff by 50%. Get crazy for longer! Suffer from withdrawal less often!
  • Added an option to quit the game directly without going to the main menu.
  • Added an option to rebind the Chaos Wastes miracle keybind (Default: i)
  • Implemented a way to patch sanctioned mods until they are updated by the owner. This should increase the lifespan of sanctioned mods, most importantly abandoned ones.
  • Loadout Manager mod no longer gives bots adventure items in Chaos Wastes.
  • Loadout Manager mod can also no longer overwrite the player’s versus loadout with adventure items.
  • (Chaos Wastes) ‘Taal’s Roar’ boon: Increased radius by 67%. Increased stagger power against armored enemies by 67%.
  • (Chaos Wastes Skulls Event) Event boon rarity reduced from 60% chance to 37.5%.


  • Fixed an issue with unreachable respawn spots in the Citadel of Eternity.
  • Fixed the host crown icon failing to display on the Holseher’s Map in the Chaos Waste.
  • Fixed a bug where using the Hide HUD option while posing did not hide Grail Knight quests.
  • Fixed the Twitch mode “More Info” description text going out of bounds and overlapping with search Tab.
  • Fixed the “Curse of tainted blood” effect on the player’s health UI going out of bounds until the player stayed idle for the curse recovery.
  • Fixed a localization issue in all languages.
  • Fixed the Bloodthirster Frame in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders having an outfit icon instead of a frame icon in its thumbnail.
  • Fixed the icons for the equippable careers for the Bloodthirster Frame going out of bounds.
  • Fixed a placeholder icon being shown for the Bloodthirster Frame when accessing it from the Featured tab.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with Outcast Engineer’s career skill attack charge sound sometimes not triggering
  • Fixed “Piston Power” Engineer talent sound effect being heard by the non-engineer Host if their engineer bot had the talent.
  • Fixed Be’lakor homing skulls curse not playing related sounds when outside of a Be’lakor node (due to weekly event, for example).
  • Fixed Huntsman longbow not displaying an arrow when weave skin is applied.
  • Fixed a bug where players were not able to apply weave skins to Bretonnian Sword and Shield and Bretonnian Longsword if they didn’t own the Grail Knight cosmetic dlc upgrade.
  • Fixed a Ranger Veteran infinite stealth exploit from using ability again before first one runs out. Huh, I’m getting Deja Vu…
  • Fixed a bug where oil barrel challenge was completable in levels than other A Parting of the Waves.
  • Fixed the Inventory Details screen failing to close while pressing the I/Esc on the Holseher’s Map in the Chaos Wastes.
  • Fixed a bug where Taal’s Roar boon did not receive lower cooldown depending on missing health. Now cooldown is halved at 30% health.
  • Fixed a bug where Anath Raema’s Cruel Volley boon does not increase cost on moonfire bow
  • Fixed a bug where subtitles were not displayed when enemy lords hold dialogues.
  • Fixed occasional crash when switching loadout to a loadout with different weapons, and swapping a weapon.
  • Fixed a crash when the game tried to remove a buff that no longer existed.
  • Fixed crash related to being affected by multiple support or aura boons at once.
  • Fixed crash for voip when getting broken connection to the host
  • Fixed crash when throwing javelins or throwing axes and swapping weapons before it lands.

Download free Warhammer Vermintide 2 version 1.52 on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.