Warhammer Vermintide 2 Update 1.50 Patch Notes (v5.5.0)

Warhammer Vermintide 2 update 1.50 (v5.5.0) is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox. According to the official Warhammer Vermintide 2 patch notes, the latest update introduces significant updates, including the addition of a Loadouts system, new boons in Chaos Wastes, Weekly Expedition mode, and improvements to the Weaves game mode. Apart from this, Warhammer Vermintide 2 patch 1.50 also includes various tweaks and fixes.


Previously, a big update 4.7 added contains the new presence to Chaos Wastes — Be’lakor! Together with Be’lakor there will also be some fixes and tweaks, as well as new Premium Cosmetics available on PC and Xbox. Unfortunately, players are facing several problems when trying to play the game on the consoles. Today’s WV2 patch 1.50 will solve a few of these problems.

Check out more details below.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 Patch 1.50 Notes (5.5.0) – May 23, 2024

Features & Tweaks

* **Added a Loadouts system**, letting you save and quickly switch to and from presets of gear & talents that you’ve made.

  • Chaos Wastes boon update:Added over 25 new boons and introduced the concept of Boon Sets.
  • Chaos Wastes Weekly Expedition:Similar to Adventure mode’s Weekly Event, embark on a Weekly Expedition with unique modifiers! Earn the weapon illusions of Bitter Dreams.
  • Chaos Wastes Chest of Trials:Added a chest of trials for the Chaos Warrior with Mace & Shield.
  • Chaos Wastes Chest of Trials:Did a balance pass on the infamous Ungor Warherd chest of trials. Should be a bit more reasonable now!
  • Athanor Illusions:Made illusions from the Winds of Magic Athanor available in Adventure mode.
  • Weaves no longer end on timeout.
  • Bots are now useable in non-private Ranked Weaves.
  • Changed theWeaves leaderboardsto default to friends only.
  • Temporarily enabled theSkulls for the Skull throne Keep decorations.You’ll be seeing red for a while…
  • Re-implemented the feature tore-connect to hoston temporary disconnection. This was originally disabled because it could cause crashes.
  • Added new voicelinesfor pinging monsters near you.
  • Added new voicelinesfor pinging warpfire throwers.

* Fixed hotjoining client crash if the joining client replaces a Necromancer bot just as it uses its ability.

  • Fixed a really obtuse crash in Chaos Wastes relating to the Coruscation staff and weapon shrines.
  • Fixed players crashing in chaos wastes when completing a level after the previous host left during last map session.
  • Fixed a small time window during loading screen where players in the game swapping weapons may cause the joining client to crash.
  • Fixed the issue that caused voicelines to not trigger when picking up or dropping Grimoires.
  • Fixed several issues with erroneous subtitles and mistargeted dialogue events that affected all characters.
  • Fixed a bug where Handmaiden’s 2-2 talent “Oak Stance” didn’t grant non-host players the increased critical strike chance.
  • Fixed an issue with the inspect animation on the repeater handguns that made the cocking hammers act all wonky.
  • Chaos Wastes level fixes:
    • The Foetid Gorge: Fixed a misplaced killzone that players could walk into and instantly die.
    • The Foetid Gorge: Fixed an upgrade shrine and a boon altar that could spawn inside the terrain.
    • The Foetid Gorge: Fixed several spots where Heroes could get stuck in.
    • The Foetid Gorge: Fixed an issue where the event barrel could spawn in an unreachable location.
    • Count Mordrek’s Fortress: Fixed some issues with Heroes respawning behind events when they shouldn’t.
    • Count Mordrek’s Fortress: Fixed the geometry around some stone steps to be smoother to navigate.
    • Bel’sha’ziir’s Mine: Fixed several spots where heroes could get stuck due to geometry or invisible collision.
    • Bel’sha’ziir’s Mine: Moved some decorations around in the Slaanesh version that could block movement.
    • Cinder Peak: Adjusted a couple of pillars that could make movement difficult.
    • Cinder Peak: Fixed an issue where enemies could not spawn in a certain spot due to a boon shrine.
    • Cinder Peak: Fixed several spots where heroes could get stuck.
    • Cinder Peak: Fixed a spot where players could hang from a ledge inside the terrain.
    • Cinder Peak: Fixed a rare issue where players joining half way would see a wrong, lower detail version of the level, making progression through certain parts impossible.
    • Cinder Peak: Fixed a rare issue where players joining half way would not see the gate open and thus couldn’t go through it.
    • Slaughter Bay: Fixed an issue where the first respawn point available was too far from the level start.
    • Slaughter Bay: Fixed a spot where enemies would just fall over, dead.
    • Slaughter Bay: Fixed several spots where heroes could get stuck.
    • Citadel of Eternity: Fixed an issue where players joining mid-way would be missing some moving floors and stairs, making progression impossible for these clients.
    • Citadel of Eternity: Fixed an issue where specials could spawn on invisible stairs.
    • Arena of Determination: Fixed a spot where enemies would spawn dead. Enough pranking the Nurglites, Tzeentch!
    • Arena of Determination: Fixed an issue where the purifying torch from the Nurgle curse would spawn in an unreachable spot.

Download free Warhammer Vermintide 2 version 1.50 on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.