Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 update 1.006 (version 1.006.000) details released for PS5, Xbox and PC(Steam). According to the official Space Marine 2 1.006 patch notes, the latest update 6.0 Datavault Update brings a massive overhaul to the game, introducing new features, and balancing changes. Apart from this, WH40K Space Marine 2 version 1.006.000 also includes a variety of general fixes and improvements.
Previously, a major Space Marine 2 update 1.003.001 added quality of life changes and fixes. Unfortunately, since the Space Marine 2 day one patch, players are facing several problems including joining server issue. Today’s WH 40K Space Marine 2 patch 1.006 will solve a few of these problems. More fixes are coming in Space Marine 2 update 1.006.001 Check out more details below.
Space Marine 2 version 1.006.000 patch notes – February 6, 2025
New Features
- Battle Barge Expansion: Datavault
- A new area on the Battle Barge where players can complete Ordeals in Campaign, Operations, and Eternal War modes to earnResearch Datacurrency.
- Use Research Data in theResearch Centerto unlock information about enemies and allies, earning rewards like icons, weapon skins, and armor parts.
- New PvP Map: Tomb
- A compact PvP map with fast flank routes and a close-quarters central battle zone.
- New Enemy: Biovore
- A mobile Tyranid artillery unit that fires spore mines from a distance but can also defend itself with melee attacks.
- Emotes System
- Six new emotes (e.g., chest pound, battle cry, handshake) accessible via an emote wheel in any game mode.
- Armoury Data Refinement
- A new Tech-Priest workshop allows players to:
- Exchange low-tier Armoury Data for higher-tier variants.
- Sell Armoury Data for Requisition points.
- A new Tech-Priest workshop allows players to:
- New PvE Difficulty: Absolute
- A challenging difficulty with diverse enemy packs and limited resources.
- FOV Slider on PC
- Players can now adjust the camera’s field of view for a personalized experience.
- Opt-in PvP Crossplay for Consoles
- Console players can now choose to enable crossplay with PC players.
- New Finishers
- Added finisher animations for Zoanthrope, Rubric Marines, and Scarab Occult Terminator.
- Additional Mastery for Full Weapon Progression
- Players earn an additional mastery point when fully upgrading a weapon.
- Quick Match Bonus XP
- Players receive bonus XP for using Quick Match.
New Season Pass Content
- Salamander Champion Pack: Adds a Sniper class cosmetic set.
- Raven Guard Cosmetic Pack: New customization options.
- Shared Slots for Skins Recolor: A new tab allows players to create shared color presets for all classes.
- Chapter Decals for Right Pauldron: All base chapter decals are now available for the right pauldron.
- Bug Fixes: Fixed issues with Dark Angels DLC pauldron emblems, armor preview bugs, and Champion’s backpack coloration.
Gameplay & Balancing
Class Perks Update
- Tactical, Assault, Vanguard, Sniper, Heavy, Bulwark: Perks have been reworked, with most changes being buffs to underused perks.
- Weapon Perks: Melee weapons and firearms (PvE only) have been updated for better balance.
- Key Changes:
- Auspex Scan: Fixed stacking issues and adjusted damage bonuses.
- Heightened Vigour: Increased knockback immunity and added melee/gun strike bonuses.
- Communion of Fire: Added ranged damage bonus against Extremis enemies.
- Close Targeting: Reworked to increase melee damage when Auspex Scan is on cooldown.
- Plasma Boost: Lowered activation threshold and increased bonus damage.
- Emperor’s Vengeance: Fixed grenade restoration for Grenade Launcher.
- Target Lock: Bonus damage increased from 25% to 75%.
- Concentrated Fire: Bonus damage increased to 120%, and Auspex Scan duration extended.
- Armour Reinforcement: Fixed armor restoration mechanics.
- Adrenaline Rush: Health restoration reduced to 5% to prevent solo play dominance.
Melee Weapons Update
- Power Fist: Reduced charge time, added partial charging, and increased AoE range.
- Perfect Block: Buffed to make blocking more viable against Chaos enemies.
Bolters Rebalance
- Base damage increased across all Bolt Rifle and Bolt Carbine variants.
Grenade Launcher Rebalance
- Reduced damage for AUX Grenade Launcher to prevent one-shotting bosses.
Equipment Changes
- Melta BombandKrak Grenade: Damage increased.
- Bosses: Reduced sensitivity to explosive damage.
Gameplay QoL
Kick votes can no longer be launched in the final stages of an Operation.
Grapnel Launcher Ability:
- Incapacitated enemies that were hit by Grapnel Launcher (which allows Vanguard to automatically finish off an enemy upon landing) can no longer be finished off by other players while Vanguard is being pulled
- Vanguard can no longer take damage when pulled to an enemy
Jump Pack:
- Fixed a bug with Assault flying up after using Jump Pack in some cases
- Fixed a bug where character could hit the air when performing a ground pound in Story mode in some cases
- Fixed an issue where Gunstrike may get canceled during usage
- Fixed a bug where the Heavy class couldn’t turn on/off Iron Halo ability during the sprint
- Fixed a rare issue where if Parry was pressed at the exact same time as melee attack – no action would take place
PvP Match Ending:
- Added short delay between post match screen and triggering of the win condition
- Added smooth fade-in on the screen and lock on all inputs from the player
- Fixed a bug where Heavy’s Iron Halo could stay if activated right before the death in some rare cases.
- Fixed a rare bug where Iron Halo was not disabled when enemy Vanguard hooked at Heavy.
- Fixed an issue where there was no shield sight mark while hitting the enemy shields with plasma.
- Fixed a bug where Assault couldn’t hover on the jump pack after making a Ground Pound.
- Fixed an Infinite loading screen onto the Battle Barge after the end of a PvP match in some rare cases.
- Many small fixes in level geometry collision
- AI Synaptic shock and AI friendly fire damage now scales with difficulty
Hierophant Bio-Titan
- Reduced damage sensitivity to normal weapons (you can still damage it)
Zoanthrope & Neurothope Gun Strike:
- Perfectly dodging Zoanthrope and Neurothrope “beam” attacks will now trigger Gun Strike
- Fixed a bug where Neurothrope would freeze in the air when incapacitated after some attack
- Added more variations to his AI reactions to getting hit
- Fixed an issue that would make Carnifex stay idle when getting shot
Tyranid Warrior Lash Whip:
- Fixed a rare issue making the enemy enter idle state during combat after getting hit
Tzaangor Enlightened:
- Dodge desirability and cooldown are increased, now it will use dodge less likely when it is under aim and will dodge rarely
- Explosive spear attack damage reduced
Rubric Flamer:
- Flamer shooting distance is slightly decreased
- Slightly increased time for players to react the Flame attack
Rubric Bolter:
- Slightly Increased time for players to react on precise shot attack
- Burst fire attack length is slightly decreased
Scarab Occult Terminator Ranged:
- Reduced the number of rocket barrages that Terminator can shoot in a row
- Increased desired range for rocket barrage, now terminator will less likely shoot rocket barrage in the player that are close to him
- Lots of minor animation fixes for various enemies.
Fall of Atreus:
- Fixed a bug that would cause enemies to not spawn in some areas of Fall Of Atreus
- Added notification about the chalice forgotten on the holder when leaving the location
- Fixed VO bugs related in the cave part of the level.
Vox Liberatis:
- Fixed a bug where dying on Vox Liberatis after interacting with the last altar may show Defeat Screen after Victory cinematic
- Many small fixes in level geometry collision and Terminus enemies getting stuck in some areas
General Fixes
- Fixed an issue that was causing partial save loss in some rare cases
- Fixed a bug where Heavy’s primary weapon would not shoot after joining in progress
- Fixed a rare bug that would cause a player to be kicked from the party after a leadership transfer
- Many minor fixes in perks, how they stack and how they trigger in rare cases
- Minor UI fixes and improvements
- Localisation fixes
- Crash fixes and general stability improvements
- General connectivity improvements
- Slightly optimised memory consumption
- Slightly improved performance
- Slightly improved texture streaming speed
- Improved Anti-Cheat
Render Improvements
- Fixed an issue with capsule shadows tech
Download free Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 update 1.006 on PlayStation 5, Xbox and PC.