Warframe version 1.51 update brings new changes and fixes

Warframe update 1.51 is now available on PS4 and Xbox One. Warframe 1.51 brings Ghoul Purge with new Grineer Ghoul Enemies and Variants. In addition, there are various bug fixes and game improvements.

The new update also fixed an issue where Operators not being able to instantly Void Dash via crouch+jump in some cases, particularly when using a controller and trying to do crouch+jump simultaneously because crouch normally needs to be held on controllers to enter Void Mode. Crouch still needs to be tapped to roll and held to Void Mode, but you can now crouch+jump together to instantly Void Dash instead of having to wait for crouch to work.

Warframe update 1.51 patch Notes

Known colloquially as the ‘drill sergeant’, the Augur is fast-grown into its enhancements. As with all Ghouls, no regard is given to the proper development of its higher functions. Cantilevered leg augments propel the unit toward the fray at speed, while over- and under-mounted extendable drill carriages magnify both reach and penetrating power.

Whether through aberrant cognition or sheer brutality one specimen always moves to the front of each pack. It is from this individual that the other units take their lead.

Vay Hek’s personal favorite, the Devourer is a maximal terror unit. Draped in shreds of the diapause bag that birthed it, this gap-mawed monstrosity barrels toward prey with furious intensity. Wrist-mounted hooks are welded to elbow joints and hyperpowered by a myotechnological winch system for maximum impact-and-pull.

The Expired are Ghouls who have succumbed to malnutrition or environmental poisoning during the early stages of development. Their backup nervous systems continue to drive them forward, however, making them ideal suicide troops.

Why this emaciated monstrosity chose to abandon its pack remains to be seen.

So named for its terrifying leer, the Rictus (AKA ‘the Sawman’) lives to divide and conquer its foes – literally.

This specimen shows evidence of advanced cognitive abilities and greater, if rudimentary, situational analysis. Cold blooded and ruthless, t is easy to see how this specimen led its pack so ably.

Objective UI & UX Improvements:

  •  All non-endless Solar Map and quest missions now display short objective instructions for each stage with a matching marker icon in the UI, similar to those displayed on the Plains.. Some endless missions also have new objective text.
  •  Simplified and cleaned up any existing objective UI’s general alignment, ordering and spacing to make it more readable.
  •  Reworded language in some existing missions’ objective UI for clarity, and added more appropriate text to some timers instead of the generic ‘Time’.
  •  Fixed many small consistency issues and bugs with objective markers and replaced some existing mission markers with area markers where appropriate.
  •  Added area markers to Hive missions to cover highlight areas where the destroyable tumor nodes spawned around each hive.
  •  During long dialog stages in quests, there will now always be an area marker so that players don’t get confused about where they should be.
  •  Changed timer description in Rescue missions to “Time Limit” instead of “Time Left”.
  •  In-world markers for Incursion/Bounty objectives locations will no longer disappear for others when someone reaches it first – it will persist for players who aren’t in the area yet.
  •  In-world markers for Incursion/Bounty objectives will reappear if you leave the objective area.
  •  The countdown timer when leaving the perimeters of an objective in the Plains has moved to a more visible spot in the UI. It also states that you are “abandoning objective”.
  •  Changed the marker for downed Capture targets from red to a yellow objective marker – this will make it clearer to players that they need to use the context action instead of continuing to damage the target.
  •  Objective timers are now greyed out when paused.
  •  Get to extraction’ objective appears on the UI when extraction is enabled (excludes missions where extraction is optional).
  •  Extraction Timer text changed from ‘Time:’ to ‘Extracting In:’ so it can’t be confused with other active timers.
  •  Some missions with large extraction zones like landing pads now use a green area extraction marker. Adjusted some extraction zones so that they fill the whole landing pad and marker area, instead of half of a landing pad.
  •  Removed panels from Corpus doors which never did anything to avoid new player confusion because they would light up during lockdowns.
  •  Fixed missing markers on Corpus co-op doors.
  •  The Rescue Target in the Plains now has a HUD health indicator located under your mini-map.
  •  Fixed objective waypoint not disappearing after successfully destroying the Reactor in Sabotage missions.
  •  Fixed Bounty waypoint directing players to extraction when Archwing is immediately deployed upon entering the Plains.
  •  Fixed objective waypoint not disappearing after successfully taking the Vessel from the tomb in the last mission of the Sands of Inaros Quest.
  •  Fixed some Markers being stuck in the at origin on the minimap.
  •  Fixed unlocked icon appearing very dimly on Grineer doors.

You can read full Warframe Update 1.51 changelog here.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singhhttps://updatecrazy.com
I am passionate about Web development and networking. When i am not hacking away on my computer, i enjoys exploring new places, watching movies and biking.

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