Warframe Update 1.61 Patch Notes for PS4 and Xbox One

Warframe update 1.61 is now available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. According to the official Warframe 1.61 patch notes, the new update comes with fixes for the several issues related to server performance, game client bugs, and UI bugs. In addition, Warframe version 1.61 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Recently, abig update was released with various gameplay changes and improvements. Unfortunately, since the last update, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play. Today’s Warframe patch 1.61 is expected to fix all these issues.

Warframe update 1.61 Patch Notes


Nakak has discovered a new oddity – Once you’ve reached Observer (Rank 2) with the Quills, visit her in Cetus to uncover its mysterious connection with the Plains of Eidolon…

Since this is a miniquest, and therefore isn’t included in the Codex for easy tracking of steps, we’ve laid out the process below for you all. This contains spoilers for what to do in the Quest, but not for the lore contained in it — read at your own risk!


Introducing the 36th Warframe, Revenant! Afflicted by Sentient energy, Revenant rises from the shadows to prey on the weak and unwilling.

PASSIVE:Shield depletion smashes nearby enemies with a knockdown shockwave.

Convert a target into a zealous thrall. Thralls turn on their allies and enthrall through damage. On death, they disintegrate into a damaging pillar of energy. The thrall horde remains under Revenants spell until this ability runs out.

Become enveloped in Sentient energy, which redirects damage and stuns all those who dare attack. Stunned enemies can be Enthralled at no energy cost.

Dash through enemies as a wall of Sentient energy, leeching shields and health from any encountered, enhanced for thralls.

Erupt with a multitude of Eidolon energy beams and sweep a circle of death around Revenant. Incoming damage is redirected to the beams. Hold fire to boost range and damage, while also increasing energy consumption. Damage type can adapt to select defenses. Thralls killed by this leave overshield pickups.*

* To invoke a more Sentient theme with Revenant, the damage output of the Danse Macabre can adapt to certain enemy defenses as seen by Sentients in the wild!
3 special adaptations exist for the damage types of Danse Macabre:

Striking Armor will adapt Danse Macabre into Corrosive Damage.
Striking Shields will adapt Danse Macabre into Magnetic Damage.
Striking Infested Flesh will adapt Danse Macabre into Gas Damage.

This will be at a base 20% Status Chance, amplified by holding the default “fire weapon” trigger.

Irradiate enemies with a continuous stream of deadly plasma. Charging secondary fire releases a glob of plasma that erupts with homing bomblets on impact.

A uniquely-style alternate helmet for Revenant.

Make Revenant whole with his signature armor.

The signature Kavat Armor of Revenant.

TENNOGEN ROUND 13 (Warframe Skin bundles)

TennoGen Round 13 Warframe skins created by talented Tenno artists have landed! To find these items, visit the in-game Market.

A fortress of ingenuity and style. Plus unique Citadel styled Tesla grenade!

Sunder all attackers with the signature weapon skin of Vauban Citadel.

The signature sugatra of Vauban Citadel.

Reinforce allies with this ingenious warrior. Contains the Vauban Citadel Skin, the Mortier Heavy Axe Skin, and the Marquis Sugatra.

Vauban Changes & Fixes:

  • Vauban’s Passive has changed! Vauban’s new passive: “Deal 25% extra damage to incapacitated enemies”.
    • Whether by Vauban’s own CC’ing abilities, or the abilities of others, Vauban can amplify his damage against the incapacitated!
  • Tesla is now ‘held to charge’ for increased Damage & Status Chance.
  • Increased the particle FX size for a fully charged Tesla.
  • Repelling Bastille Augment now pushes additional enemies outwards every 4s.
  • Fixed some particles on the projectile not using Energy colors for Clients.
  • Vauban’s Repelling Bastille Augment now functions as it did originally with the intended addition of pushing enemies on enter and every 4 seconds after.

New Noggles!
Limbo, Atlas, and Chroma Noggles are available in the in-game Market!

Designer Glyph Pack!
A collection of Glyphs created by artists in the Warframe community.

Keep an eye out for our TennoCon 2018 Legendary and Make-A-Wish custom Glyphs that will be sported by their respective Tenno!

Challenge your friends to a side-by-side duel — Warframes newest lunchtime project Frame Fighter has arrived!

Inspired by classic fighting games and long-time Warframe Fan LocoCrazy_, this arcade fighter will transform your Orbiter into a battleground! No quarters required!

Visit Simaris and acquire the Ludoplex — a new home for all of Warframe’s minigames — through Standing. Choose from Excalibur, Volt and Mag, each with their unique Ability. Unlock additional Frame Fighter Warframes by discovering Fragments throughout the Solar Chart.* If the scanned Warframe’s Prime is in your Inventory, you can toggle to the Prime version of the acquired character – custom Fashion Frame applied as well!

*With the addition of Frame Fighter Fragment spawns, we have changed the Spawn chances of Cephalon Fragments if you don’t have your Personal Quarters unlocked, to a 100% chance of a Cephalon Fragment spawning, instead of 50/50.

Frame Fighter Controller Bindings Guide:

  • Move– Left stick
  • Move Left– Dpad Left
  • Move Right– Dpad Right
  • Jump– Dpad Up
  • Crouch– Dpad Down
  • Special– R2
  • Heavy Attack– R1
  • Medium Attack– Triangle
  • Light Attack– Square
  • Grab– Circle
  • Block– X
  • Pause– Options

Additionally, blast enemies in the side-scrolling ‘Wyrmius’ minigame, and flap your way through obstacles with the ‘Happy Zephyr’ minigame, both available through Simaris.


Rahn Prism:Pulses void energy through a fine-cut pavilion to riddle targets with flashing fire.

Phahd Scaffold:Launch energy discs that ricochet off victims and surfaces, vectoring toward a new target with each strike.

Anspatha Brace: A dual-purpose brace that reduces void energy regeneration delay, and decreases regeneration time, though not as quickly as a single-purpose brace

Bring the outside inside to complete your hermit Dojo oasis! Choose from many nature themed Decorations such as (but not limited to):

  • Asteroid Rock Wall
  • Waterfall (Gentle)
  • Ice Stalactite
  • Spinklat Plant
  • And so much more!


  • Added new Lotus Transmissions for Kuva Siphon missions when attempting to destroy a braid. The new lines better emphasize the clouds being integral to success.
  • Added a HUD Damage indicator for Gara’s Splinter Storm ability.
  • Added a directional arrow Decoration for the Dojo Obstacle Course Architect!
  • Show your allegiance to the mighty Clem with the new Grineer Themed UI.
  • Added a watermark logo to vendor screens (Baro, Master Teasonai, etc).

Operator Amp Changes:

  • Mote Amp:
    • Converted to reflect the Beam behavior changes introduced earlier in the year
      • Damage increased slightly as part of the conversion
    • Added +10 meter Range when Gilded
  • Raplak Prism:
    • Damage increased from 1000 to 3000
    • Critical Chance increased from 30 to 38%
    • Critical Damage increased from 2.2 to 2.6x
    • Fire Rate decreased from 5.42 to 2
  • Granmu Prism:
    • Radial Damage increased from 1000 to 1400
    • Radial size increased from 3 meters to 3.5 meters
    • Direct Impact Damage decreased from 1200 to 1000
  • Pencha Scaffold:
    • Added a 2 meter Punch Through
  • Klebrik Scaffold:
    • Converted to reflect the Beam behavior changes introduced earlier in the year
    • Damage increased slightly as part of the conversion

Capture Mission Changes:
Capture Targets now have a 1 minute Bleedout timer after being downed for 30 seconds, upon which Lotus will now alert you that you’re running out of time to capture the Target. Capture missions had become an unofficial Endless mission with the tactic of leaving the Target squirming on the ground for hours while players dealt with the never-ending horde of enemies. The Bleedout timer has been added as a countermeasure to fix the unintended Endless Capture missions.


  • Updated the ‘High Contrast UI Theme’ based on feedback in an effort to better aid colourblind Tenno.
  • Submitting message when typing in the Chat window with a game invite open will now prioritize the Chat window over the game invite. This also applies when viewing the in-game Market while typing in Chat.
  • Weapons displayed on Hok’s Entitlement screen now show more information (Mastery Rank, Forma count, etc) to better reflect which weapon in your Inventory you’re Entitling.
  • Personal Platinum and Credit values now appear in the Arsenal UI when in Cetus or a Relay.
  • Empty Inventory Slots now appear with an ‘Empty Slot’ UI text for better recognition.
  • Increased the gain on the ‘Your Creator’ Somachord tune.
  • Improvements towards the Ki’Teer Sekhara being placed at your feet when equipping it.
  • Slightly tweaked the loading spinner to increase visibility on certain backgrounds.
  • Updated text across a wide range of text for better consistency, syntax, terminology, and grammar.
  • Optimized the Chesa Retrieve Precept to reduce significant frame-rate micro-stutters.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to the Helminth Charger Proboscis Precept.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to the Helminth Charger Trample and Huras Hunt Precepts.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to the Sahasa Kubrow Dig Precept.

Bug Fixes in Warframe 1.61

  • Fixed shared Affinity not properly spreading between all equipment, specifically when an Exalted weapon is active.
  • Fixed Fishing breaking when switching Spears if you have no Bait or Dye.
  • Fixed numerous missing Whip (Mios, Lacera, etc) animations.
  • Fixed equipping Vicious Frost on the Orvius reducing the Cold Damage instead of increasing.
  • Fixed Mod sets (Umbral, etc) not updating all values when equipping/unequipping Mods.
  • Fixed sometimes spawning in a mystical grey box room that you totally weren’t meant to see during some certain missions in The Sacrifice quest.
  • Fixed Umbra sometimes falling out of the level due to not teleporting to safety when using Transference.
  • Fixed Nyx Mind Controlled Shield Ospreys spawned from Corpus Tech and Attack Drones spawned from Fusion Moas not being friendly.
  • Fixed numerous situations (casting Harrow’s Thurible, casting Mesa’s Peacemaker, etc) deactivating ‘Toggle Sprint’.
  • Fixed sometimes becoming disarmed of all weapons in the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed the Tether Grenades Mod distorting the look of grenades.
  • Fixed inability to select/move Dojo Decorations that are perfectly embedded in the floor.
  • Fixed selecting Equip/Upgrade/Appearance on a claw weapon with the Deimos Claw Skin equipped resulting in the weapon oddly rotating.
  • Fixed Rhino’s Roar FX appearing on Nidus Phryke’s invisible armor (no stacks).
  • Fixed Kavats spawning inside the railing and twitching when loading into the Corpus Ship Freight Captura Scene.
  • Fixed the Ki’Teer Sekhara appearing dim and scaling incorrectly when in Archwing.
  • Fixed viewing the Penta in the in-game Market (specifically the Penta Shock-Camo Skin) resulting in the ammo in the gun taking a second to load upon viewing it everytime.
  • Fixed Platinum prices appearing when hovering over a Dojo Decoration in the ‘Place Decorations Menu’.
  • Fixed abilities being permanently blocked (until death) in Sanctuary Onslaught if you enter a portal as Operator but Transfer back to Warframe right before the fade/teleport starts.
  • Fixed zooming in on an Operator Focus tree too quickly resulting in one of the Focus tree schools will be missing.
  • Fixed seeing double Operators in the final cinematic of The Sacrifice.
  • Fixed choosing to skip the Relay fly-in cinematic resulting in your Landing Craft not docking correctly.
  • Fixed some accented letters in Chat appearing as *.
  • Fixed Ostron Standing earned persisting on the mission results screen.
  • Fixed the Jordas Golem Assassinate Star Chart node continuing to glow blue even after a successful completion.
  • Fixed ‘Solar Map Progress’ stat displaying that there are 229 Nodes needing completion when there are in fact only *227. This stat was including the “invisible” Sanctuary Onslaught nodes, which resulted in the unbearable 228/229.
  • Fixed inability to rotate Dioramas while in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed randomizing colours and changing loadout appearance in the Simulacrum Arsenal not updating your appearance when you exit the Arsenal.
  • Fixed certain Warframe Energy color customizing not reflecting change very well in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed a large hitch each time you click Randomize under the loadout button in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed inability to open the main menu after viewing certain cinematic scenes during The Sacrifice quest.
  • Fixed Drop Ships in the Plains sometimes carrying the Sabotage Beacon.
  • Fixed Clients not getting credit for completing Jordas Golem Assassinate and Mutalist Alad V Assassinate missions.
  • Fixed not being able to donate the Mote Amp if you have multiple.
  • Fixed Itzal Fighter Escort drones pausing if you get too far away from them.
  • Fixed Warframes playing the currently equipped Focus school idle animation instead of their standard Warframe idle animation when loading into the Plains.
  • Fixed join-in-progress Clients seeing previously dead enemies standing up.
  • Fixed Vomvalysts facing the move direction instead of target during combat.
  • Fixed using the Helminth chair not aligning the camera at the start of the animation.
  • Fixed presence and matchmaking problems that could occur in some cases if you relogged promptly after a crash or network outage.
  • Fixed cases of enemies not spawning after destroying an Antiserum Injector console in an Infested Salvage mission.
  • Fixed a scenario where Clients were unable to return to the Liset with their squad.
  • Fixed the Opticor occasionally damaging a single enemy multiple times.
  • Fixed Kuva Siphons disappearing when you get in close proximity.
  • Fixed the Wyrmius start screen having visible edges due to menu scaling and appearing stretched because of the aspect ratio.
  • Fixed ejecting from a Dargyn while in flight causing it to float in the air instead of landing.
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to Gild your Mote Amp.
  • Fixed Inner Gaze (Madurai) appling an added bonus and not a percentage bonus like it details in the description.
  • Fixed Nav and Menu options taking you to unfinished rooms in your Dojo.
  • Fixed inability to select Maple Trees to contribute/delete/move once placed in the Dojo.
  • Fixed missing ‘Hit Indicators’ for Operator Amps.
  • Fixed unscannable Kuria in the Grineer Sealab tileset by placing it in a different location.
  • Fixed an issue where default Loadouts would save localized text in the database, which could include illegal characters. Players with such a loadout would find the name displaying incorrectly when playing in other languages.
  • Fixed numerous broken lighting textures in the Infested Corpus Ship tileset.
  • Fixed dead enemy corpses sometimes appearing as giant black squares.
  • Fixed a blocky volumetric light during a cinematic in The Sacrifice quest.
  • Fixed the Little Helper Hat not sitting correctly when equipped on the Helminth Charger Metus Kubrow Skin.
  • Fixed the Metus Kubrow Armor clipping on Kubrow butts.
  • Fixed the Nossos Syandana being offset on Hydroid.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Eclipse ability causing some Syandanas (eg. Repala, Vasa, etc.) to change colour to match her Warframe Energy.
  • Fixed the Dax Nikana Skin not properly applying the chosen Energy color.
  • Fixed numerous Syandanas appearing to float or twist when equipped.
  • Fixed offsets for several TennoGen Syandanas on Banshee Prime.
  • Fixed projectiles that have trail FX sometimes stretching wildly when they kill an enemy.
  • Fixed door materials clipping in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed wonky door holograms being offset in the Grineer Sealab tileset.
  • Fixed getting stuck in a small pile of debris on the Infested Corpus tileset.
  • Fixed Hok facing in the wrong direction when viewing the Zaw creation screen.
  • Fixed wonky FX when casting Mirage’s Eclipse on certain Armor Attachments.
  • Fixed sometimes getting unintended colors on Venari when using the Randomize feature.
  • Fixed inability to colour some lines on the Spektaka Liset Skin.
  • Fixed Old Man Suumbaat Decorations appearing too close in the in-game Market diorama.
  • Fixed Ki’Teer Sekhara so it appears properly when equipped.
  • Fixed clients not being able to hear pitch changes on remote player weapons.
  • Fixed Kraken sounds not being muffled correctly during stealth effects.
  • Fixed “Falcon” Operator voice missing dialog during first mission in The Sacrifice quest
  • Fixed missing Lotus VO in sections of Vor’s Prize quest.
  • Fixed Ordis saying idle VO lines during Vor’s Prize.
  • Fixed sometimes getting an incorrect Lotus transmissions when playing a Kuva Siphon mission.
  • Fixed Nekros’ Shadow of the Dead Infested Brood Mothers producing looping/stacking maggot sound effects.
  • Fixed Drop Ships not playing incoming sound.
  • Fixed volume being too low on Shield and Health bullet impacts.
  • Fixed sound spam when auto installing mods.
  • Fixed returning to an unfinished Observatory when you launch a mission from a finished one.
  • Fixed Grineer textures popping out of view in cinematics.
  • Fixed Grineer Dropships not having their escape FX.
  • Fixed some enemies walking slower than intended.
  • Fixed issue where enemies would spawn in alerted to players in Mobile Defense.
  • Fixed a script error when entering Operator Void Mode.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Rhino Stomp ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Prowl ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Rhino Stomp ability.
  • Fixed a script error when attempting to use Hok’s ‘Donate’ menu.

Conclave Changes:

  • Reduced the damage of Vauban’s Tesla in Conclave.

Warframe update 1.61 is now available for download.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.