War Thunder update 2.29 for PS4 and PCs is now rolling out for players. According to the official War Thunder 2.29 patch notes, the new update brings new features, changes and bug fixes. Additionally, War Thunder version 2.29 also includes various stability and performance improvements. US, German and Soviet ships are available to research and purchase for all players.
The game files data compression algorithm has been changed. It will significantly increase the ressources loading speed, lowering the amount of freezes and game stuttering for affected computers, and improve performances on dual-core systems. As a result of those changes and due to implementation of the fleet to the War Thunder, the update have to be around 19GB.
War Thunder update 2.29 for PS4 Patch Notes
Naval Forces
Great Britain – Available to Royal Navy CBT participants
- Torpedo boats:
- MTB-1 series 1
- MTB Vosper series 1
- MTB Vosper series 2
- Dark class MTB
- Fairmile D (617)
- Fairmile D (697)
- Fairmile D (5001) (bundle)
- SGB-304
- Gun boats:
- Fairmile A (ML100)
- Fairmile B (ML345)
- Fairmile C (1941)
- Fairmile C (332)
- Fairmile D (601) (bundle)
- MGB-61 (70ft)
- Dark Class MGB
- Light cruisers:
- Enterprise
- Trawlers & Corvettes:
- Isles class trawler
- Flower class Corvette
- Destroyers:
- Clemson (Churchill)
- Grafton
- Tribal
- Haida (bundle)
- N-class (Nepal)
- Battle class (Armada)
USA – Naval OBT available to all players
- Higgins 81 ft PT-6
- Elco 77 ft PT-20
- Higgins 78 ft PT-71
- Elco 80 ft PT-103
- 80 ft Nasty (PTF-7)
- 110 ft SC-497
- LCS(L)(3)
- 165 ft PC-451
- Elco 80 ft PT-314
- Higgins 78 ft PT-200
- Elco 80 ft PT-565
- PT-810
- Elco 77 ft PT-59
- USS Tucumcari (PGH-2)
- Asheville (PGM-84)
- Clemson (DD-336)
- Clemson (DD-213)
- Fletcher (DD-445)
- USS “Trenton” (Omaha class)
- Elco 80 ft PT-109
- “Bennion” (DD-662) — exclusive for Xbox One
- “Cowell” (DD-547)
- Sumner Destroyer (DD-692)
- 58 ft PT-3 (premium)
- Elco 80 ft PT-556 (premium)
Germany – Naval OBT available to all players
- LS 3
- LS 4 (premium)
- S-38
- S-38b
- R-41
- R-130
- R-301
- SF40 Leichte
- SF40 Schwere
- AF D1
- AF D3
- MZ1
- S-100 (1945)
- S-100 (1944)
- VS-10
- Klasse 140/141 (Jaguar)
- Pr. 206 GDR
- Typ-Klasse 143 (Albatros)
- Type 1924, modernization of 1932
- Type 1939
- К-2
- Type 1936
- KMS Emden (1944)
- S-204 Lang
- VS-8
- Z-20 «Karl Galster»
- Type 1934А Destroyer
- LS 4 (premium)
- VS-8 “Schell I” (premium)
- Type M 1943 (premium)
USSR – Naval OBT available to all players
- G-5
- D-3
- Project 123bis
- Project 123K “Komsomolets”
- Project 183
- Project 206
- Project 206M
- OD-200
- MO-4
- MPK pr. 122А
- MPK-163
- Pr.191М
- Pr.1124 (1940)
- Pr.1124 (1945)
- Pr.1124 MLRS (bundle)
- MBK pr.186
- MBK-161 (1944)
- Pr. 1204 (late)
- SKR Pr. 159
- Project 7y
- Pr. 7U “Stroyny” (bundle)
- Frunze
- Krasny Kavkaz
- Pr.191
- G-5 (ShVAK) (premium)
- Pr. 123K (A-11) (premium)
- MBK pr. 186 (MK-85) (premium)
Helicopters (Available for all players)
U.S, Soviet and German helicopters are now available for research.
New germans helicopters
- SA.313B Alouette II
- UH-1D
- BO 105 PAH-1
- BO 105 PAH-1A1
- Mi-24P
- BO 105 CB-2 (bundle)
Ground vehicles
- T32E1
- SU-57B
- Т-80B (researchable modification of the dynamic protection “Contact-1” has been added)
- Type 75 MLRS (premium)
- F4F-3 (model has been updated)
- F4F-4 (model has been updated)
- Ju 288 C (premium)
- M.B.175T
New locations and missions
- New naval location “Black Sea port”.
- Increased detalization of the naval location “Green mountains gulf”.
- Full rework of roads and bridges on the following aircraft battles locations locations: Khalkhin Gol, Ardennes, Korsun. Now bridges correctly coincide with the roadway. They now have “embankments” and bridges are much better combined with the landscape. The structure of roads and routes of AI ground vehicles has been corrected: crossroads have been added, new route points and new roads and routes needed for the missions have been added.
- Helicopter missions have been refined in accordance with player feedback: more light vehicles have been added, helicopters respawn points have been placed further away from AI target clusters. The players will have to choose if they want to protect its own ground vehicles or go hunt enemy ones. By analogy with the aircraft “Front Line” missions, destruction of any ground vehicle counts for the victory of the team:
- heavy vehicles — 100 scores;
- medium — 40 scores;
- light — 20 scores.
Location and mission updates
- Naval missions are now available in custom battles.
Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:
- SU-5-1, M4A1 (76)W, M4A2 (76)W, Flakpanzer I Gepard — The order of ammunition usage has been refined.
- The vertical elevation speed of cannons for tanks and self-propelled guns where the guidance was done manually with a shoulder rest has been increased:
- For cannons of calibres up to 40 mm — 15 degrees per second;
- For cannons of calibres between 40 and 57 mm — 10 degrees per second.
- Great Britain: A13 (all), Crusader Mk.II, Crusader Mk.III, Churchill Mk.I, Churchill Mk.III, Tetrarch Mk.I, Daimler AC Mk.II, Valentine Mk.I, Cromwell Mk.I, AEC Mk.II
- Japan: I-Go Ko, Ha-Go, Ha-Go Commander, Ke-Ni, Ka-Mi, Chi-Ha, Chi-Ha Kai, Chi-He, Ro-Go
- France: AMC.34YR, AMC.35, FCM.36, H.39, H.39 “Cambronne”, H.35, R.39, AMR.35 ZT3, S.35, B1 bis, B1 ter
- Germany: Pz.II C/F, Pz.35(t), Pz.38(t)
- Flakpanzer 341 — The name of the Flakpanzer V “Coelian” has been corrected. Sources: Panzer Tracts No.20-2 Paper Panzers – Aufklarungs-, Beobachtungs-, and Flak-Panzer (Reconnaissance, Observation, and Anti-Aircraft).
- Marder III H – The values of the angles for elevation and traverse have been specified. Elevation: was -2/+22, is now -9/+9.
- Traverse: was -30/+30, is now -28/+28.
- Source: Waffen-Revue Nr.81.
- M247 — a bug where no lead marker was displayed whilst firing at aircraft has been fixed. “Hull-break” effect bug of the chassis has been fixed.
- FV4005 – Fire rate has been changed from 1,8 to 2 shots per minute. Source:
- AORG (1955) Tank effectiveness : heavy gun tank no 2 – FV 215.
- Centurion Mk.I – Engine power has been changed from 600 to 635 horsepower. The mass of the vehicle has been changed from 48,7 to 46,9 tons. Maximum speed has been changed from 35 to 37 km/h. Source: WO 291_1439 Vol 1 British tanks.
- M1 Abrams – The durability of the frontal hull part has been changed from 378 to 355 mm. Source: Stridsfordonidag och imorgon Ett föredrag om Svenskt Pansar med utgängspunkt і historien Arsenalen den 8 november 2012 av Rickard О. Lindström.
- M46 // M46 Tiger – The magnification of the sight has been changed from the fixed value of 5х to variable value 4-8х. Source: ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK – FIRE CONTROL SERIES – SECTION 1 FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS – GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, U.S. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND JANUARY 1968 // TM 9-718 MEDIUM TANKS M46 AND M46A1 DEPARTMENT OF ARMY APRIL 1951.
- M47 // mKPz M47 G – The magnification of the sight has been changed from the variable value 6-7,5х to fixed value 7,5х. Source: ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK – FIRE CONTROL SERIES – SECTION 1 FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS – GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, U.S. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND JANUARY 1968 // DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL TM 9-718A 90-mm GUN TANK M47 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JANUARY 1952.
- Leopard 2K – The magnification of the sight has been changed from 8-12х to 8-16х. Source: Carl Zeiss Archive.
- IS-2 —a bug when you could separately control coaxial MG has been fixed.
- AEC Mk.II — The Maximum speed has been reduced from 78 km/h to 68 km/h/ Source:
- The Bovington Tank Museum Plans Packs: A.E.C. ARMOURED CAR MK II // Canadian Archives Microfilms, DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE -ARMY- BRITISH A.F.V. SPECIFICATIONS.
- Strv 81 — 8.4 cm Rökgr m/53 smoke round has been added. Ammo and weapon names have been updated (Source: Firing table: 8.4 cm Kan strv 81 – 1956.):
- gun — 8.4cm kan Strv 81
- HE shell — 8.4 cm Slsgr m/53
- AP — 8.4 cm Slpprj
- APDS — 8.4 cm Slpprj m/54
- New type of explosive material “Smoke-forming composition” has been added to the smoke shells. This type of the explosive substance has been used for all smoke shells and replaced the “TNT” used previously.
- 120mm DM13 — Round mass has been increased from 3 to 4.4 kg. Source: FT 120-D-2 Firing Tables Cannon, 120mm Gun, M256. April 1994.
- 100/115mm 9М117 — max ATGM controllable distance has been increased from 4 to 5 km. Source: МО СССР. Выстрел 3УБК10 с управляемым снарядом 9М117. Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации.
- 30mm APDS (30mm HSS 831L/A, L21A1) – The type of shell has been changed from APCR to APDS. The penetration of the shell at meeting angles other than normal has been increased.
Aircraft model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:
- 18 inch Mk. XV Torpedo mass is now correctly displayed in the info card.
- S.M.79 series 4 – injection modification has been removed.
- PBY-5 – engine display in x-ray view has been fixed, and number of engine cylinders is now displayed correctly.
Flight Model changes:
- Oblique flow calculation effect has been added for helicopter rotors (more accurate flight behaviour at different speeds).
- Ground effect performance has been changed (esp. noticeable during take-off and landing).
- Bf 109 E-4, 7 — automated control of the radiator doors have been changed to manual in full control mode.
- Ju-288c – tuned according to the data sheet.
- M.B.175T – tuned according to the data sheet.
Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes in War Thunder version 2.29
- Multiple vessels now have side and bow mounted bomb launchers as modifications. They can be launched by pressing the “R’ key in the direction of the camera view.
- New armour types have been added. Now naval vessels have bullet-proof, fragmentation-proof, rolled or cast homogeneous armour depending on the vessel.
- The fragmentation effect has been reworked. Spread and damage have become more realistic. Depending on the ammo weight and shard type, the resulting fragmentation may be different in weight, number and total damage. All shards spread according to diagram for a “damage sector”. Additionally, one round may produce shards that vary in their weight and penetration power.
- Naval Vessel DMs have been reworked:
- Artillery, upper structures, torpedo launchers and other deck-based components are now more vulnerable to explosions, shards and direct hits. Any unarmoured upper structures can be damaged so they won’t function even with MG fire.
- Internal modules may also be damaged by explosions, kinetic damage, shards and fire in different situations. Thus boiler compartments are more vulnerable to direct hits and shard damage, unlike controls that are much more vulnerable to explosions.
- Engines situated in drowned compartments as well as transmission and ammunition rooms will be damaged or become unavailable until the water is pumped out of that section.
- Fragmentation-proof blankets or screens whilst whole will prevent shards from penetrating dependant on the blankets thickness and the damage power of the fragments.
- Survivability and resistance towards different types of damage have been reworked for the sections occupied by the crew; an explosion or dense fragmentation will inflict much greater damage than a single AP round that penetrates through a vessel without internal fragmentation.
- Larger vessels can survive a hit by a light torpedo (SET-40 for example), however they still suffer severe damage.
- DM has been reworked for the German SF-40’s:
- The crew has been moved to the upper deck and artillery deck.
- Upper deck structure is now protected with 10mm rolled armour that contains most of the crew, however the control cabin remains unprotected.
- All MGs and autocannons up to 20mm now have stabilization by using of the gunner’s shoulder rest.
- Correct radio cabin dimensions have been added for all vessels. The crew is placed depending on the vessel type and historical data.
- A new criteria for vessel destruction has been added. When massive damage from an explosion is received (it depends on the vessel size and class) they may still be destroyed even if their total crew value is not lower than required minimum standard to class the ship as previously inoperable.
- MBK 161 mod.1944 Soviet armoured boat has received its historical camo.
- The German LS class reserve torpedo boat has been renamed to LS 3.
- The maximum speed of the German K-2 Kanonenboot has been changed from 30 to 18.6 knots according to historical information.
- Looping torpedoes around the same area by launching during a sharp turn has been fixed.
- The appearance of fuel tanks in X-Ray view has been visually improved and is now the same for all ships.
- Support for a new type of texture compression (incompatible with game version 1.81 and older) has been added).
Economy and research
- Achievements for naval vessels have been added.
- Battle tasks for naval vessels have been added.
- U.S, Soviet and German helicopters are now available for research.
- The purchase cost in Silver Lions of the pr.159 Soviet vessel has been significantly reduced.
- New 3d decorations “helmets” (both armour and infantry) have been added for various nations. Old 3d decorations have been moved to the respective section.
- New camo has been added for F4F-3 and F4F-4.
- New camos have been added for Т-80B.
- New camo has been added for BMP-2.
- Naval vessel control tips have been added to the loading menu.
Game mechanics
- A bug that caused the third-person camera view to reverse has been fixed.
- A bug where the camera focused on the rear end of a naval vessel at the start of a battle has been fixed.
- It is now possible to capture points in Naval battles with hydroplanes/seaplanes.
War Thunder 2.29 changes for PS4 platform.
- A new setting for cursor speed in the menu has been added (available when the cursor control by stick is enabled)
Changes specific to the Xbox One platform.
- Pre-release of Xbox One is over. The game is now available for everyone with an Xbox One.
- Xbox players are now able to add PC players as friend, can squad and join game with them.
- Sounds for new helicopters have been added.
- Small changes to optimize the usage of the sound game resources.
War Thunder update 2.29 for PS4 is now available for download.