War of Rights Update Patch Notes (Added 300 Players Support) – December 14, 2021

War of Rights update is now available to download on PS4, PS5, and Xbox One. According to the official War of Rights patch notes, the latest update added 300 Players Support to the game.

Previously, anupdate added quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game.

Today’s War of Rights patch will fix a few of these issues.

War of Rights patch notes – December 14, 2021

Today, we’re pleased to be announcing the next major step in realizing the vision of War of Rights as 300 player support is now officially supported!

Our programmers have been hard at work at optimizing both client and server performance to allow for this increase in server player capacity. while the recently tested 400 player cap is not in a stage ready to be officially supported at this point in time, work will continue towards it and so you should expect to see the 400 player test server become available every now and then going forward.

The 300 player server cap feature released today is free for anyone that already owns a 150 slot War of Rights server thanks to Gportal’s willingness to be working with us to provide our community with the best possible service.

However, there is one important additional step for server owners to take after having selected the 300 slot setting via the dropdown menu on the Gportal website and saved it:

It is of key importance that Gportal is contacted about the change to 300 slots as they will need to upgrade the server hardware of your server in order to be able to properly make use of the many multithreaded optimizations implemented by our programmers. This is required to be able to run War of Rights servers at 300 slots (and possibly even 400 in the future) at acceptable tick rates.

Download free War of Rights update on PC(Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.