Victoria 3 Update 1.7.4 Patch Notes

A major Victoria 3 game update 1.7.4 is available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Victoria 3 patch notes, the latest update brings a range of balance changes, AI improvements, bug fixes and more. Apart from this, today’s Victoria 3 patch 1.7.4 also includes stability fixes.

Victoria 3 1.7.4 Patch Notes – July 10, 2024


  • Added a journal entry for the reunification of China


  • It is once again possible to start Reduce Autonomy & Annex Subject diplomatic play against subjects, even if their Liberty Desire is high. However, doing so will result in taking on the full infamy cost of the wargoal rather than the usual reduction for targeting subjects.
  • Peasant Levies now simply prevents Conscripts from being raised as Cavalry or Artillery, as selective limits on which specific types of Infantry etc could be raised as conscripts do not work correctly
  • Russia/Britain now start with a neutral attitude towards Persia, ensuring they don’t immediately go for the throat until Persia does something to earn their ire
  • Reduced the rate at which “The Russian-British Agreement” fires for player Afghanistan during the Pamir Delimitation
  • Added Vilnius to the required states for Poland-Lithuania
  • Renamed “Semireche” state to “Semiplatinsk”
  • Removed Uighur homeland from Semiplatinsk
  • Autonomous Investment is now able to execute multiple investments per tick for countries with extremely large (500k+ income) investment pools, so that even massive economies can continue to make full use of the investment pool
  • Homesteading & Collectivized Agriculture now also impacts subsistence farms, causing them to be partially or fully self-owned and adding some Farmers to the Workforce
  • Military Treaty Power Bloc leaders can no longer enact National Militia, and Religious Convocation Power Bloc leaders can no longer enact Total Separation or State Atheism
  • The Cohesion in Military Treaty Power Blocs is now impacted for any member with the National Militia law, while the same goes (to a greater extent) for members of a Religious Convocation Power Bloc who has Total Separation or State Atheism
  • Defensive Cooperation II now permits the Power Bloc leader to impose their Army Model law across the Bloc
  • Treaty Ports are now only functional against a market if they are adjacent to an incorporated state from the market
  • Moved or removed some military units from formations in the history setup so that they adhere to the law set in that country.
  • The ‘overlord compliance’ AI strategy is now invalidated if the subject ends up opposing their overlord in a diplomatic play
  • Power Bloc statues are now removed when leaving a Power Bloc
  • The Autonomous Investment AI should now properly focus on Privatization when construction is blocked due to a lack of workforce or infrastructure
  • Under Cooperative Ownership, buildings in foreign countries that are owned by local Manor Houses & Financial Districts will now be collectivized by the workforce in those countries over time


  • Added a new entry for “Your Leverage” to all country’s details panel.
  • Removed tooltips for some modifier values to reduce duplicated information


  • Improved Construction Lens performance after having opened it once before. Note that the first time will still be slow.


  • Restored the +clout modifiers to Landowners from slavery laws, as the Landowners ended up too weak in some countries after other related balance changes to subsistence farms
  • Reduced Advanced Research 3 principle’s max innovation gain per institution level from 15 to 10
  • Political Movements to get rid of Traditionalism and Serfdom now attract more supporters from literate pops once Empiricism is researched (loosely representing enlightenment thinking)
  • Increased the lobby appeasement impact of Support Regime
  • Haiti now starts the game with debt instead of half-filled gold reserves
  • Haitian independence payments now cost less each week but much more to pay off in increments
  • Fix some setup issues in France that caused the July Monarchy to collapse too quickly due to unprofitable buildings and trade routes
  • Improving Relations will now give leverage on yourself, and will not auto-break at 50 relations if the target is a Power Bloc leader
  • When a civil war ends in victory for either side, a larger number of pops are now deradicalized to represent civil war fatigue and prevent a second civil war from immediately gaining steam
  • Italian states with relations above 20 with Austria will no longer be able to spawn Italian radicals in it.
  • Reduced Austrian radical gain from Italian minor powers.
  • Divided Monarchists now requires 50% radicals in capital to fail (up from 25%)
  • Reduced the number of radicals generated over time by Movements to Preserve
  • Lowered the base and max weights for Wine in luxury drinks need, as adding it to Intoxicants made it overdemanded compared to other goods and hurt the demand for Tea/Coffee
  • Take Treaty Port can no longer be added as a wargoal against a state without a port constructed, as this results in an inactive treaty port. However, demolishing the port after the wargoal is added will not invalidate the wargoal.


  • The AI is now more inclined to accept requests for Support Regime and Knowledge Sharing under favorable conditions
  • The military power score increase for accepting reverse-sways is now properly capped at 50, preventing the AI from accepting reverse-sways that they should be utterly unwilling to accept
  • Rebalanced AI aggression. The base aggression (chance to start diplo plays) is lower, but the impact of the aggression game rule on it is higher. However, the impact of the AI aggression game rule on strategic desires was toned down, so that aggressive AIs still try to make strategic alliances etc.
  • Fixed another bug causing the AI to take a bunch of Treaty Ports they should have no real interest in
  • The AI is now significantly more likely to try to get rid of Traditionalism and Serfdom when not pursuing a conservative agenda or when there are movements present to change those laws
  • Fixed the logic for when the AI carves up china to be more consistent in how and when it’s applied to the AI’s desire to take states there
  • More tweaking of the AI for Egypt/Ottomans early conflicts to give the Ottomans a better chance of beating Egypt
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not correctly evaluate Placated political movements as able to start a revolution and would cancel laws that would result in a very powerful evolution to avoid a much weaker one
  • The AI is now generally less willing to cede territory when Demand State is used when that is territory is important to its owner, even if it’s owned by one of their other subjects
  • Fixed some issues with AI strategy logic for isolationist countries which was inadvertently applied to non isolationist countries, causing the AI to generally avoid befriending other countries
  • The AI will now never accept having ‘cut down to size’ pressed on them as part of a peace deal, but will have to be capitulated
  • The AI will now try much harder to get rid of peasant levies unless they are very reactionary
  • The AI will now make use of Enforce Military Access on its subjects to create fronts when needed in wars
  • Fixed an issue where the AI was setting way too high targets for its army/navy size (partially caused by AI including investee countries in its population census)
  • The AI is now far less willing to give up wargoals in peace deals unless those wargoals are actually being contested
  • The AI will now instantly capitulate in a war where they and all their allies are 100% occupied
  • The AI is now more likely to target their own domestic states and subjects with government-funded constructions, and less likely to target foreign states. This change does not impact autonomous investment, which has its own logic for domestic vs foreign


  • Added new trigger has_inactive_journal_entry
  • Added scripted list war_participant (any_war_participant/every_war_participant etc)
  • Added console command ai_evaluate_mobilization to print AI mobilization data

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the MP lobby while the game was unpaused
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to use Demand State against your overlord’s homelands
  • Fixed a bug where if you saved the game on the exact tick when a country was annexed and then loaded that save, the country would never be properly removed causing diplomatic pacts with it etc to linger forever
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for foreign investors to buy worker-owned buildings in countries with Cooperative Ownership enacted
  • Fixed the issue with invalid diplomatic pacts in the outliner
  • Fixed a bug where Agitators who did not have a valid law from their ideology to support would almost always end up picking from just a tiny handful of laws to start a movement for (Homesteading and National Militia, for example)
  • Fixed some issues with the changes to Honorable Restoration that made it too difficult to complete when not going the traditional market opening route and ensured it’s always completed when you defeat the Shogunate in a civil war
  • Fixed sorting trade routes by owner in the trade routes panel
  • Fixed an Out of Sync related to diplomatic catalysts
  • Fixed trade routes being incorrectly moved to another market after a market split
  • Fixed some production methods being incorrectly considered unavailable in the building panel
  • Fixed some issues with conscripts after states being transferred to another country
  • Fixed a crash that could happened when showing modifier breakdowns
  • Debts accrued just after declaring bankruptcy now count as debts rather than disappearing in a powerful bout of creative accounting
  • Fixed some mobilization options not properly providing their benefits to combat units
  • Fixed an issue causing predicted loyalist changes from successful enactment of political movement to not apply or apply incorrectly
  • Savegames are now cleaned of broken construction queue items when loaded
  • Fixed a bug where Pops that got all their income from dividends would not pay poll taxes (ie, Capitalists and Aristocrats now pay about 0.1% more taxes compared to before)
  • Replaced the static english text for “Inactive Treaty Port” with a string that is translated into all languages
  • It is no longer possible to sway-transfer subjects that are opposing their overlord in a play or war
  • Fixed a bug where the ‘Join Power Bloc’ diplomatic play would not work correctly after a country declined an invite to a power bloc
  • Fixed a bug where downsized military buildings would not properly remove the units from their formations
  • Tanzimat JEs are now pinned by default.
  • The Tibet Expedition decision will no longer spam errors when Tibet is annexed
  • Power Bloc emblems are now properly centered
  • Adjusted inconsistent conditions of Grant and Request own market. You can now only do these actions if the junior partner is either a direct subject (compared to indirect before) or if they are independent and you are the Power Bloc leader in a shared market.
  • Removed the Liberty Desire impact display from the Grant Market interaction if the target is not actually a subject.
  • The Disrupt the Russian Caucasus Great Game subgoal now fails properly if Circassia is defeated
  • Updated descriptions for migration laws to reflect that they only limit migration in and out of the country
  • Fixed a construction queue tooltip to indicate that the constructing country is paying the cost
  • Rewrote the placeholder tooltips on the column headers when sending a Military Formation somewhere (Destination, Travel Time, Status).
  • Fixed a bug that would lead to foreign investments in split states potentially leaving around NULL_OBJ constructions in the investor’s queue; particularly visible when pursuing German unification.
  • Fixed a bug where decreasing relations with your overlord would have a lesser impact on lobby appeasement than increasing it, making it possible to endlessly increase appeasement by alternating increasing and decreasing relations
  • Resolved an edge case where the Strike: Labor Negotiations event could have no options.
  • Removed Liberty Desire impact from insufficient supply if a land connection exists between subject and overlord
  • Added impact on Ranching building group to Collectivized Agriculture law
  • Amended the India collapse script to account for the Princely States being transferred to Britain
  • Interface: Fixed a bug that was hiding lobby funding in the budget breakdowns
  • It is now possible to add the Force Nationalization wargoal to an ongoing Diplomatic Play
  • The “Secure Influence Over Persia” Great Game subgoal may now progress by annexing Persia
  • Fixed a bug where the Weak Power Bloc penalty would not be applied after loading a save
  • Fixed several issues with Cohesion factors not being correctly displayed in the Cohesion tooltip

Previously, a major Victoria 3 update 1.4 added various quality-of-life changes and fixes. Unfortunately, players have been experiencing several issues with the Victoria 3 save files. Today’s Victoria 3 patch 1.7.1 will address a few of these issues.

Download free Victoria 3 update 1.7.4 for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.