Victoria 3 Update 1.7.1 Patch Notes

A major Victoria 3 game update 1.7.1 is available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Victoria 3 patch notes, the latest update brings a number of improvements, bugfixes and balance changes. Apart from this, today’s Victoria 3 patch 1.7.1 also includes stability fixes.

Victoria 3 1.7.1 Patch Notes – June 27, 2024


  • Added mandate generation from Unrecognized countries to all Identities
  • Earning Recognition Journal Entry is now unlocked by Colonization rather than Civilizing Mission and only requires 50 relations with a Great Power to complete
  • It is now possible to ‘upgrade’ an Investment Rights pact to a Mutual Investment Agreement, if the other part agrees to it
  • Conquering a split state now applies the ‘Recently Liberated’ rather than ‘Recently Conquered’ modifier, as the latter ended up giving tax penalties to a state you already owned, which could be devastating for tiny nations
  • Ranches no longer consume grain as a default good, but only if more advanced PMs are activated
  • Regime Change Diplomatic Play can no longer be used against your own subjects since Law Imposition can be used for it instead
  • Collectivized building levels, or buildings with levels that are undergoing collectivization, can no longer be nationalized
  • Cuirassiers no longer consume iron, but use more small arms instead
  • Sovereign Empire statues now provides a 25% Decree Cost discount to the state it is constructed in instead of applying it to the whole country
  • The Boer States now start with National Militia and with their independence guaranteed by Britain


  • The autonomous investment AI now keeps track of how much investment has gone into foreign/domestic states and biases future investment towards domestic states if an excessive amount has gone towards foreign investment, to ensure investment isn’t all going overseas
  • Fixed an issue where civil war countries and native uprisings would not recruit commanders for their armies due to incorrectly set AI tags for their formations
  • Rebellious and Defiant subjects will no longer actively aid their overlord in diplomatic plays outside of what they consider necessary to defend their own territory
  • Loyal subjects now mobilize a higher fraction of their troops to aid their overlords in diplomatic plays
  • The AI is now able to reassign armies/navies that are traveling, preventing suboptimal naval invasions due to the best fleets not being ‘available’
  • The AI is now able to launch simultaneous naval invasions, but will generally avoid using all of its armies/fleets at once for this


  • Manor Houses no longer require infrastructure, as this caused major issues for highly populous countries with a lot of subsistence agriculture
  • Reduced investment weights for Manor Houses on all non-agricultural buildings, as their tendency to invest into factories in countries like Japan would lead to an odd aristocrat-led industrialization
  • Reduced the rate at which generic random events appear to compensate for increased overall event spawn rate due to prior bug fixes
  • Reduced effect of Asceticism (Devout) trait from -50%/-100% to -15%/-30% reduction on radicals from changes to standard of living (sorry)
  • Reduced effect of Secular Shrine Theory (Devout) trait from +20%/+40% to +15%/+30% conversion
  • Reduced effect of Da Wat (Devout) trait from +50%/+100% to +20%/+40% conversion
  • Reduced effect of Propagandists (Intelligentsia) trait from +25%/+50% to +15%/+30% migration attraction
  • Decrees now have a minimum cost of 10% of its base cost, to prevent modifier stacking for free Decrees
  • Imperious now provides a 20% rather than 25% Decree Cost discount
  • Cruel trait now provides a 5% Authority boost rather than a Decree Cost discount


  • Map markers will now indicate where your foreign construction is happening
  • Demand Force Nationalization wargoal will now display how many building levels and what fraction of GDP would be nationalized
  • Fixed some issues with the ‘failing to hire’ tooltip for buildings where it would sometimes lack a reason for failing to hire and/or contain unnecessary whitespaces
  • Added Bloc Leader interaction icon to differentiate it from Bloc Member actions
  • Cursor will no longer flicker between the game cursor and operating system cursor while moving the mouse in the loading screen
  • Removed duplicated Leverage Resistance description in tooltip
  • Fixed long overlapping texts to not overlap anymore in the Trade States Diplomatic Action popup
  • Max number of setbacks modifier will now be displayed as a whole value instead of a confusing percentage value


  • Fixed a bug where modders using a create_country effect in global history files would lead to blocs being disbanded during initialization
  • Added mandate generation by rank modifiers for unrecognized major, unrecognized regional, unrecognized and insignificant powers
  • Added new generic Power Bloc invite acceptance modifier
  • Made Power Bloc invite acceptance by rank modifiers support arbitrary ranks defined in script
  • Cost calculation for Decrees is now done on a per-state rather than per-country basis, permitting for differing costs dependent on the state the Decree is applied in
  • decree_cost link now operates in state scope rather than country scope


  • Fixed a crash related to CollectOwnAndAlliedLandHQs
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to make a diplomatic demand against a country you were already at war with
  • The “Land of the Rising Sun” event for Persia now gives a claim on the correct Georgia (hint: not the one north of Florida)
  • Fixed inverted values in Earning Recognition Journal Entry causing you to gain progress for low GDP/SoL and vice versa
  • Fixed a bug where leaders of Military Treaty Power Blocs would not pay maneuvers for adding wargoals in diplomatic plays where they were a main participant
  • Fixed a bug where formations with no commanders could not be mobilized due to incorrect ‘all commanders are busy’ error
  • Fixed bug where cohesion for ideological union was inexplicably trending towards 0
  • “Enemy of my Enemy” lobby event can no longer target your own country as the enemy in question, however amusing that might sound
  • The Pamir Delimitation will no longer carry over script variables from previous attempts
  • It is no longer possible to capture a state in less than 2 battles, as this could result in issues such naval invasions that were impossible to consolidate due to creating multiple fronts
  • Fixed bug that made Pacifists only spawn in the Armed Forces rather than the other way around
  • Fixed a bug where the -30 relations penalty with Power Bloc leaders for creating a Power Bloc was applied during history initialization, causing the Great Powers to have erroneously low relations with each other at game start
  • Political Lobbies will no longer form targeting Revolutionary countries until they actually win the revolution, to avoid highly temporary lobbies forming and then disbanding
  • Replaced the Power Bloc Statue throughput with a level scaling effect under the “Prestige Only” game rule to prevent it from granting the prestige while they are still in the construction queue
  • Fixed an AI issue that could lead to incorrectly removing conscript units, leading to negative amount of conscripts in an army
  • Fixed a bug when manor house levels weren’t removed when subsistence farms were removed
  • Fixed a bug where the “Add to Primary” button would show up on an Overlord’s Wargoals for the Subject
  • Resolved issue where Communism and Populism progress bars didn’t properly retreat due to laws
  • Fixed an issue when 100% worker-owned buildings can still be nationalized if the building is level 1
  • Fixed an issue where exiling/inviting agitators would never create lobbies in their home countries
  • Fixed a bug where a victorious revolution could end up with a political lobby targeting itself
  • The East Indies’ End event can no longer fire multiple times per game
  • The Tibet Expedition will now properly cancel if at war with Tibet
  • The “Can’t Touch This” achievement can now be gained even if a country has (non-nationalizable) gold fields or subsistence farms
  • Fixed an out-of-sync related to markets
  • Fixed the amount of compensation in the notification when nationalizing foreign assets
  • Replaced the University and Art Academy’s “Increased Exchange” (unlocked by the Freedom of Movement Principle) Production Method’s country modifier with a state modifier as originally intended. The former led to way higher migration attraction as it was stacking all states’ effects where it was active.
  • General Brusilov no longer requires owning the American state of Georgia to spawn
  • Fixed a bug where accept/decline effects of reverse pact actions such as Request Knowledge Sharing and Request Support Regime were not correctly shown in tooltips
  • The emergency hunger relief modifier from the Famine event chain is now applied only to states affected by famine
  • Pink faces will no longer be submitted alongside several Diplomatic Action proposals
  • Pink face and NULL_STATE will no longer briefly appear briefly after a building has finished construction in Foreign Queues
  • Fixed Power Bloc formation tutorial to prevent player moving forward despite not having completed a necessary step
  • The British aid button for Persia will no longer state that it adds the “Russian Military Mission” modifier
  • Fixed some instances of missing loc in Tibet Expedition tooltips (English only, other languages will be translated for 1.7.2)
  • Fixed missing localization for key catalyst_revolution_successful
  • Moved Saint Basil’s Cathedral back to Moscow (from Mazovia)
  • Added missing text for Building Relationships map mode (English only, will be translated for 1.7.2)
  • Fixed a description error in the Dominion concept that stated that they wouldn’t need to join their overlords (English only, will be translated for 1.7.2)
  • Fixed error spam in the “Britain Demands Withdrawal from Herat” event
  • Event ig_revolutions.8 will no longer display [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetTitle] instead of the ruler’s actual title

Previously, a major Victoria 3 update 1.4 added various quality-of-life changes and fixes. Unfortunately, players have been experiencing several issues with the Victoria 3 save files. Today’s Victoria 3 patch 1.7.1 will address a few of these issues.

Download free Victoria 3 update 1.7.1 for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.