Viconia in BG3 is one of the most complex and interesting companions. As a neutral evil drow cleric, she provides a unique perspective and skillset to the player’s party. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about recruiting, building, and utilizing Viconia in Baldur’s Gate 3 effectively.
- Backstory and Personality
- Recruiting Viconia as a Companion
- Romancing Viconia
- Stats and Abilities
- Spells and Skills
- Equipment and Gear
- Character Builds
- Party Synergy and Role
- Dialogue Choices and Approval
Backstory and Personality
Viconia BG3 is a drow cleric born in the Underdark city of Menzoberranzan. Like most drow, she was raised in a vicious matriarchal society where only the strongest survive. Her mother was a high priestess of Lolth, the drow goddess of spiders and deception.
As a young woman, Viconia followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a priestess of Lolth herself. However, over time she began to question the Spider Queen’s doctrines and the ethics of drow society. Her outspoken doubts made her a target, and she was forced to flee Menzoberranzan to avoid assassination.
Now on the surface, Viconia remains devout in her worship of Shar, the drow goddess of darkness and loss. She is wary of outsiders and slow to trust. Her pragmatism and instinct for self-preservation often lead her toward morally gray decisions. However, she has a strong desire to find acceptance and prove herself as more than just another villainous drow.
Personality Traits
- Cynical and suspicious
- Ruthlessly pragmatic
- Intelligent and perceptive
- Conflicted between faith and doubt
- Seeks redemption but struggles against her nature
Recruiting Viconia as a Companion
Viconia can be found outside the Druid Grove after you return from the Underdark. She is being accosted by Flaming Fist mercenaries who assume she is behind the recent attacks on the grove. Aid her in defeating the mercenaries and she will offer to join your party.
- Complete the Underdark segment and return to the Druid Grove
- Help Viconia fight off the mercenaries without allowing her to die
- Pass a persuasion check (moderate difficulty) to convince her to join you
Location: The road southeast of the Druid Grove entrance in Act 1.

Romancing Viconia
Despite her spiky exterior, Viconia can be romanced by a player character of any gender or race. However, pursuing a romance with her requires patience and an open mind. Viconia will only open up once she feels truly accepted by the protagonist.
To unlock romantic interactions, you must:
- Reach at least 60% approval with Viconia
- Select dialog options indicating interest in her backstory and personality
- Avoid patronizing or insulting choices when conversing with her
- Complete her personal quest (once added in later patches)
Successfully wooing Viconia leads to unique camp interactions and storyline content. Her romance culminates in a romantic encounter before the final battle.
Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Arfur Gregorio Guide
Stats and Abilities
As a cleric, Viconia’s key abilities are Wisdom and Charisma. She serves as a versatile support character with access to healing, buffs, and offensive magic.
Ability Scores:
- Wisdom: 18 (Primary)
- Charisma: 16
- Constitution: 14
- Intelligence: 13
- Dexterity: 12
- Strength: 9
- Religion
- Medicine
- Persuasion
- Stealth
- Poison
Advantages vs:
- Spells
- Mind-altering effects
Disadvantages vs:
- Radiant damage
Spells and Skills
Viconia has access to the full Cleric spell list in Baldur’s Gate 3. She specializes in buffs, healing, and controlling the battlefield. Her high Wisdom allows her to land devastating offensive spells as well.
Recommended Spells:
- Guidance
- Resistance
- Spare the Dying
1st Level
- Bless
- Cure Wounds
- Guiding Bolt
- Inflict Wounds
2nd Level
- Aid
- Hold Person
- Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level
- Dispel Magic
- Mass Healing Word
- Spirit Guardians
Notable Skills/Abilities:
- Channel Divinity – Harness Divine Power: Empowers an ally with extra damage
- Drow Spellcasting: Innate spells like Darkness and Faerie Fire
- Turn Undead: Repels undead creatures
Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Elminster Aumar Guide
Equipment and Gear
As a cleric, Viconia can only wear light armor. Prioritize boosting her Wisdom and protective gear over heavy armor she can’t utilize effectively.
Recommended Equipment:
- Shield
- Amulet of Health – Boosts HP
- Cleric vestments or enchanted robes
- Magic rings and cloaks that offer protection
- Mace or warhammer
High-Tier Gear Goals:
- Robe of the Archmagi – Improves Viconia’s spellcasting
- Circlet of Blasting – Adds a potent ranged attack
- Wand of Fireballs – Extra offensive magic
- Spell scrolls to expand her options
Character Builds
Viconia works best as a supportive cleric that heals, buffs, and controls the battlefield. However, she can also hold her own offensively if desired. Here are some potential builds:
Battlefield Controller
Focuses on spells like Bless, Bane, and Hold Person to influence the tide of battle. Maximize Wisdom, Constitution, and Charisma. Pick control and support focused spells.
Healing Cleric
Maximizes healing output with Cure Wounds, Healing Word, and other restorative magic. Grant allies resistance and whatever they need to stay alive.
Offensive Caster
Emphasizes offensive spells like Guiding Bolt, Flame Strike, and Spirit Guardians. High Wisdom allows Viconia to reliably strike enemies.
Disrupts enemy magic by improving Counterspell and picking abilities like Spell Breaker. Shut down casters before they can act.
Party Synergy and Role
As a cleric, Viconia excels when supporting a frontline fighter, tank, or rogue that benefits from her buffs and healing.
Good Teammates:
- Warriors:Fighters, paladins, rangers
- Tanks:Barbarians, moon druids, rogues
- Blasters:Wizards, sorcerers, warlocks
Key Strengths
- Healing and sustain
- Buffing allies
- Controlling enemies
- High magic resistance
Position Viconia behind the frontline to heal, buff, and harass enemies. Her spells and ancestral drow abilities give her an edge against magic users and undead. Lean into these strengths rather than relying on her average martial prowess.
Dialogue Choices and Approval
Gaining Viconia’s trust requires selecting certain dialogue options when interacting with her. Avoid patronizing or insulting responses.
- Emphasize acceptance and understandingwhen discussing her past or drow heritage. Assure her that she can find belonging with the party.
- Allow her pragmatic approacheven when it clashes with your character’s morality. Viconia respects results over idealism.
- Defend herfrom racist NPCs who judge her solely as a drow. Make it clear she is part of the group.
- Engage with her religious beliefsand encourage her self-reflection. Support redeeming her faith on her own terms.
Making choices contrary to these guidelines will lose approval rapidly. Tread carefully in your conversations with Viconia.
How to Kill Viconia in Baldur’s Gate 3
Follow the steps to kill Viconia in BG3.
Step 1: Find Viconia in the House of Grief
Viconia is located in the House of Grief dungeon in the Overgrown Ruins area of the Lower City. You’ll need to either persuade the guard or sneak in the back.
Step 2: Decide to Fight Viconia
When you encounter her, you can either side with Shadowheart or Viconia. Choosing Shadowheart means you’ll have to fight.
Step 3: Use Radiant Damage
The Sharrans are vulnerable to radiant damage. Bring clerics and paladins with radiant spells and abilities.
Step 4: Focus Your Characters on Viconia
Attacking Viconia’s followers first will allow her to transform and heal. Concentrate attacks to interrupt her.
Step 5: Finish Off Viconia Quickly
Once she starts taking damage, finish her fast. If she heals, you’ll have to whittle down her health again. Don’t let up.
Step 6: Collect Your Rewards
Killing Viconia completes Shadowheart’s quest and provides loot. You’ll also gain favor with enemies of Shar.
With the right party composition and focus fire tactics, Viconia can be defeated in Baldur’s Gate 3. Just don’t underestimate her self-healing abilities mid-fight.
FAQ – August 17, 2023
Is Viconia evil? Should I recruit her?
Viconia is neutral evil, but she can still prove a valuable companion if approached cautiously. Her unique skills and insights outweigh her ruthlessness.
What gift should I give Viconia?
Viconia appreciates practical magic items or rare poisons and potions from the Underdark. Avoid trivial trinkets.
Can Viconia teach me drow magic?
Unfortunately not – drow innate spellcasting is an inherited racial trait, not something teachable.
Does Viconia get along with other companions?
She respects competence and individual strength. However, more idealistic companions may view her as too extreme.
What happens if I betray Viconia?
Betraying Viconia after earning her trust will make her hostile forever. Tread very carefully in your dealings with her.
With her unique skills and perspective, a patient player can find great value in recruiting Viconia in BG3 despite her sinister origins. She shines best as a supportive cleric commanding the battlefield from the back lines. Manage her ruthless tendencies through careful dialogue and you will find her a powerful ally on the path to divinity.