UnMetal Update 1.0.2 Patch Notes for PS4 – Oct 2, 2021

UnMetal update 1.0.2 is now available for PC (Steam). According to the official UnMetal patch notes, the latest update addressed bugs that prevent players from progressing, improving their ability to dodge, and reducing stress in some parts of the game.

Recently, a big update was released with new features, changes, and improvements.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s UnMetal patch 1.0.2 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

UnMetal Patch 1.0.2 Notes – Oct 2, 2021


  • You can now cancel reloading the gun by rolling.
  • You can now cancel holding a slingshot by rolling
  • Entering a code now clears the entry dialog in the options every time
  • Mission descriptions in English have been reviewed and raise less eyebrows when read.
  • Some achievements had misbehaiving descriptions, we hope they have learned their lesson

Chapter 2

  • Fixed an issue where a second radio could be obtained after a doggo.

Chapter 3

  • Added a hankerchief on one of the guards that wake you up from an dream.

Chapter 4

  • The forest is now a portion smaller and takes less time to navigate
  • Mike has learned how to swear properly, and isn’t confused about his final line.

Chapter 6

  • You can now pick up torpedos from the top crate from above

Chapter 9

  • A tip has been added about the many uses of string
  • Clips that would normally hide behind a water tower now bounce freely in the open to the side


  • When using the Mine Detector, you can rotate without moving until you release the button
  • Jesse is now less greedy and can apply Med Kits intended for others more easily as long as he’s not bleeding

Grenade Guy

  • No changes, but he was last seen fishing with grenades.

Download free UnMetal version 1.0.2 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.