UBOAT Update Patch Notes – January 11, 2022

Uboat update 2022.1 (Patch 19) is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Uboat patch notes, the latest update adds changes for localization, UI and audio.

Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are still facing several issues while playing the game online. Today’s Uboat patch B131 will fix these issues.

Check out more details below.

Uboat Patch Notes – January 11, 2022

  • Japanese localisation update by Surumeika1987, Largo, [JP]AWPsan, 泥遊戯, Mononok Kori.
  • Chinese localisation update by Alex Zheng, JM-LeiDao, 36 D, Xenon_Tennessee.
  • Ukrainian localisation update by vovanvoks.
  • Spanish localisation update by Miguel Haakon.
  • French localisation update by FvJ and Placebo.
  • Italian localisation update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
  • Turkish localisation update by Narberal Gamma.
  • Portuguese localisation update by AlexShuma.
  • German localisation update by Ruby.
  • Polish localisation update.
  • Fix: Sonar decoy label on the map wasn’t translated into the local language and was always written in English.
  • Fix: Quotation characters are now correctly localised in the sunk ships summary.
User interface:
  • Fix: Chronometer pointers weren’t aligned completely with the scale and there was a small error of up to 2-3 minutes in the pointed time.
  • Fix: Lighting icons in TAB menu were always visible in an enabled state.
  • Fix: Enabled and disabled snorkel icons in TAB menu were displayed the other way around in TAB menu.
  • Fix: Egyptian flag was missing after selecting Alexandria.
  • Fix: Equipment upgrade prices are now displayed as the actual amount to pay in relation to the currently installed version after selling it.
  • Fix: Changed warning font color from red to orange in dialogues to make it more readable on black background.
  • Fix: Time compression was affecting the ping sound from asdic/sonar.
  • Fix: Sonar pings could continue to play for up to a few minutes after enemy warship was evacuated or even sunk.
  • Fix: Officers weren’t stopping a started order despite toggled evacuation of a compartment, if they haven’t yet arrived at the destination when the evacuation order was started.
  • Fix: It’s no longer possible to send crew on a vacation before releasing survivors from the sunk ships.
  • Fix: Milk cow submarines could sometimes follow passing convoys or single merchant ships and don’t stay at the appointed coordinates.
  • Fix: Player was still receiving assignments associated with the Southern Routes campaign after completing all of its stages.
  • Fix: Citizens walking on the streets of Vigo and La Spezia were missing. There were also some errors written into the log right after entering one of those ports.
  • Fix: Improved bow wake effects on Town-class destroyers.
  • Fix: Resolved remaining issues with using Neural Network Physics component in mods.
  • Fix: Using classes from the “com.unity.standardassets.Runtime” assembly was causing compilation errors.
  • Various other fixes, based on player logs sent to us.
  • Fix: Equipment upgrade prices that were paid after buying were ignoring economic difficulty setting.

Download free Uboat update 2022.1 on PC(Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.