UBOAT Update 9 Patch Notes – October 26, 2022

Uboat update 2022.1 (Patch 9) is now available on PC. According to the official Uboat patch notes, the latest update fixes some of the most common issues reported so far.

Since the last patch, players are still facing several issues while playing the game online. Today’s Uboat patch B131 will fix these issues.

Check out more details below.

Uboat Patch Notes – October 26, 2022

  • French localisation update by FvJ and Placebo.
  • Ukrainian localisation update by vovanvoks.
  • Japanese localisation update by Surumeika1987, Largo, [JP]AWPsan, 泥遊戯.
  • Portuguese localisation update by AlexShuma.
  • German localisation update by Ruby.
  • Polish localisation update.
  • Radiomans are now receiving incoming radio transmissions automatically, if they are in the radio room or have an assigned role with specified radio use and don’t do anything else at the moment. The notification about a new incoming transmission doesn’t appear, if there is a radioman that starts to receive it.
  • “Supporter” skill now works only once per assignment rather than once per alarm. Since alarm can be now controlled manually by the player in 2022.1 this was allowing for an easy exploit.
  • Crew members that leave for a vacation now have a “vacation” order displayed on their portraits and in other places in the UI. This helps to understand what they are currently doing.
  • Fix: It was possible to receive multiple penalties for dirty interiors, if a saved game state was reloaded after obtaining the penalty. The duplicated penalties weren’t going away even after cleaning. This fix also applies to existing game states that already contain multiple penalties.
  • Fix: Sailor could still try to block leaks in evacuated compartments, if they haven’t yet arrived at the destination when the evacuation was ordered.
  • Fix: Survivors from sunk ships no longer speak in German about leaks.
  • Fix: Officers were sometimes becoming tired, even though they were on an automated schedule, which should ensure that they would switch to rest before becoming tired.
  • Fix: U-boat’s interiors are automatically cleaned and all dirt modifiers to discipline are removed after using quick mission completion. U-boat’s interiors also don’t accumulate dirt during long stays at port.
  • Compressed air tanks are now filled automatically during long stays in a port.
  • Fix: NPC ships could quickly submerge below water, if time compression was repeatedly switching between x140 and x48.
User interface:
  • Expanded discipline tooltip with information that fatigue modifier may be removed by sending crew on a vacation.
  • Owned reputation points are now displayed in the HQ in the task view for quick reference.
  • Fix: Photographs of campaign objectives that ask the player to move to another flotilla (like Gibraltar Passage) could disappear from the map after completion.
  • Fix: Keyboard shortcut settings screen was having duplicated entries, if it was opened and closed multiple times.
  • Fix: There is now a different status on the selection panel for aircraft to indicate that they were shot down. They no longer use the same status as sinking ships, because the icon and tooltip weren’t fitting.
  • Fix: Notification about compressed air could for a short time display values above 100%.
  • Fix: Subtitles could appear behind torpedo launchers UI.
  • Fix: “Free camera enabled” label wasn’t horizontally centred on the screen.
  • Fix: Fuel cost now disappears after completely filling the fuel tanks.
  • Fix: Engineer follower bars were sometimes having gear icons on them without reason.
  • Fix: “Daredevil” skill wasn’t visible in the skill tree of the skipper after completing The Happy Time (the skill was granted correctly though, just not visible).
  • Fix: It wasn’t possible to load star shell ammunition into ammunition storages.
  • Fix: CHANT ships were very hard to sink.
  • Fix (regression of 2022.1): Scapa Flow was sometimes empty. The underlying issue could have similar effect on some other ports that should be more populated.
  • Aesthetical improvements to Wilhelmshaven, added more people along the undock route.
  • Various fixes to La Spezia and La Rochelle.
  • Fix: It wasn’t possible to mark AA guns in some of the ports from certain positions.
  • Fix: It was possible to start any HQ task, while having only one reputation point, even if the cost was higher due to an early research penalty. The reputation was becoming negative after that.
  • Vacations are now selected with a physical map in the background, without borders and historical events for a better feeling.
  • Fix: Customisation screen was brighter than normal, if red lighting was enabled on the ship and the weather was dark.
  • Fix: HQ camera now doesn’t rotate as much upwards while zooming in, because it was causing issues on some graphic cards.
  • Fix: When map skins were switched, some elements of the map weren’t updated from the new skin until the game was restarted. In some cases it was also possible for the map grid to disappear in the process.
  • Fix: Various issues with damage decals on NPC ships.
  • Fix: Circular shadows could appear in the map view after zooming out the view at a certain distance near lands during a sunset or sunrise.
  • Fix: After pressing a keyboard shortcut to adjust an user interface scale, while being on HQ map, map skin was reverting back to the default one.
  • Leading officer now offers different assignments after vacation ends rather than offering the same choices as before the vacation.
  • Assignment about planting mines now requires to move away a bit further from the destination after completing the objective.
  • Ships sunk outside of the patrol area now still count towards campaign objectives asking to sink a certain tonnage, if it’s in a matching area for example anywhere in North Sea or Western Approaches in Tonnage War.
  • Decreased a required number of merchant ship inspections to perform for the Southern Routes campaign objective.
  • Fix: Mine planting assignment could become stuck at the “Leave area” objective.
  • Fix: After completing all stages of a campaign objective asking to sink a specific tonnage of merchant ships, there were still new patrols appearing associated with it.
  • Fix (regression of 2022.1): After obtaining Daredevil skill for the skipper, it was possible to receive an assignment about attacking La Rochelle, while being in La Rochelle.

Download free Uboat update 2022.1 on PC(Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.