UBOAT Update 18 Patch Notes – Dec 11, 2022

Uboat update 2022.1 (Patch 18) is available on PC. According to the official Uboat patch notes, the latest update localization changes, UI fixes, and various quality-of-life improvements.

Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are still facing several issues while playing the game online. Today’s Uboat patch B131 will fix these issues. Check out more details below.

Uboat Patch Notes – December 11, 2022

  • Chinese localisation update by Alex Zheng, JM-LeiDao, 36 D, Xenon_Tennessee.
  • French localisation update by FvJ and Placebo.
  • Czech localisation update by Spid3rCZ.
  • Japanese localisation update by Surumeika1987, Largo, [JP]AWPsan, 泥遊戯, Mononok Kori.
  • Spanish localisation update by Miguel Haakon.
  • Turkish localisation update by Narberal Gamma.
  • Portuguese localisation update by AlexShuma.
  • Russian localisation update by Hard.
  • Ukrainian localisation update by vovanvoks.
  • German localisation update by Ruby.
  • Polish localisation update.
  • Fix: Improved fonts used by Spanish localisation.
  • It’s now possible to make your boat harder to detect for the enemy asdic/hydrophone operators by moving close to another ship with working propellers or by moving inside a convoy with many ships nearby.
  • Non-alarmed warships are now less effective at detecting u-boats using hydrophones and asdics.
  • The damage inflicted on the u-boat by high water pressure at great depths (as indicated by the red section of the depth meter) was slightly reduced, to make it more viable to hide under the thermocline.
  • Sight range in moonless nights was considerably reduced.
  • Thermocline depth is now a bit more varied and is now often slightly higher than it used to be.
User interface:
  • Added a short congratulatory message from the command on the screen that appears when a campaign objective is completed.
  • Added icons to the tooltip of notification about survivors to help with distinguishing between different survivor types, such as a captain and chief engineer.
  • Added a label to the shop window that indicates when the fuel tanks are full.
  • Clicking with a right mouse button on the notification about less important incoming messages is now marking all of them as read.
  • Added an information about speed and range of each torpedo type in their respective descriptions.
  • Added a confirmation popup when an attempt is made to overwrite an existing game state.
  • Changed icons for torpedoes with a revised Pi1 pistol to have them labeled as Pi1+ instead of having a star in the corner.
  • User interface scale set in the settings is now applied also to the loading screen contents.
  • Added notifications about completing certain optional objectives during assignments like sinking a certain tonnage during a patrol.
  • There is now a lunar phase shown on the weather state icon that appears in the map view.
  • Added a label with the ending date of the campaign objective on its details screen.
  • Torpedo icons now have color-coded detonator types.
  • Fix: The notification about background loading wasn’t appearing in some situations where something important was being loaded.
  • Fix: The notifications about new messages were often appearing again some time later after dismissing them with a right mouse button.
  • Fix: If a character customisation option was highlighted and previewed on the character, and then player left the character screen entirely, the previously highlighted item would be worn by the character, even though it wasn’t confirmed.
  • Fix: Group contact markers from the map could remain visible in HQ scene.
  • Fix: There was a redundant scroll visible, if cursor was moved over an item with a long description in the storage user interface and then moved over a blank slot.
  • Added a new gameplay setting that allows to specify, if time compression should be stopped after receiving a low priority message (for example, from another u-boat). The default behaviour is now not to stop the time compression in such cases.
  • Added a new realism setting for disabling torpedo solution previews, as well as additional information that comes with it, like the estimated salvo hit angle.
  • Fix: When neutral ship trading with an Allied port was inspected, the documents could clearly state that the ship is headed towards the Allied port (making it a valid target), but the story was ignoring that fact.
  • Fix: Blue light and leader’s iron fist skill weren’t decreasing noise made by an engineer loading or performing maintenance tasks on the torpedoes, while it was explicitly mentioned in the iron fist skill description that it has an effect on it.
  • Fix: Crew was reporting flames on deck on enemy ship, even if the ship wasn’t seen at the moment.
  • Various improvements to NPC u-boats behaviour during wolfpack attacks.
  • Fix: If player ordered a neutral vessel’s crew to evacuate and then attacked that vessel, the alarm bells would activate on the ship, even though there was nobody left on the ship.
  • Reworked the sonar ping sounds on the u-boat’s hull. They are more frequent, consistent and their volume depends on many factors.
  • Fix: The ticking sound audible during the use of a chronometer was improved and is now looped correctly.
  • Fix: Background music could become permanently muted after watching cutscene with orchestra, on return to port.
  • The mechanism that selects side missions during patrols was reworked in a way that should provide more variety and a break from repeating the same mission types frequently.
  • Fix: Cars no longer spawn on roads that don’t connect with any other roads.
  • New models for the civilian official suits.
  • Civilians no longer stand near war maps in HQ and appear only near Enigma machines.
  • Changed the texture of a newspaper that lies on one of the tables inside the u-boat.
  • Fix: Moon light intensity wasn’t affected by the current lunar phase.
  • Fix: Lighting on conning towers other than Turm 0 was wrong inside the submarine pens. The affected conning towers had a blue tint on them like they would be out in the open rather than inside a building.
  • Fix: Various shadow artifacts on the light casted by Flower-class spotlights.
  • Fix: Corrected a typo on one of the electric engine labels.
  • Fix: Some types of ships weren’t having damage decals displayed on their hulls after being hit.
  • Fix: Turm I and Turm II conning towers were having some artifacts on them in rainy weather.
  • Fix: Mods referring to assembly “com.unity.standardassets.Runtime” couldn’t be compiled by the game.
  • Lifeboats with a crew evacuated from a ship are now numbered.
  • U-boat upgrades now have a minimum installation time of 5 hours. None of the upgrades are installed instantly.
  • Fix: Potassium absorbers were present in a warehouse in La Rochelle even before completing the associated HQ task that unlocks them.
  • Fix: The warehouse icon inside submarine pens is now correctly centred on the warehouse worker.

Download free Uboat update 2022.1 on PC(Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.