UBOAT Update 17 Patch Notes – November 30, 2022

Uboat update 2022.1 (Patch 17) is available to download on PC. According to the official Uboat patch notes, the latest update resolves issues related to localization, UI, crew, and more.

Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are still facing several issues while playing the game online. Today’s Uboat patch B131 will fix these issues. Check out more details below.

Uboat Patch Notes – November 30, 2022

  • Japanese localisation update by Surumeika1987, Largo, [JP]AWPsan, 泥遊戯, Mononok Kori.
  • Portuguese localisation update by AlexShuma.
  • Czech localisation update by Spid3rCZ.
  • Turkish localisation update by Narberal Gamma.
  • Spanish localisation update by Tordo.
  • Ukrainian localisation update by vovanvoks.
  • Italian localisation update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
  • German localisation update by Ruby.
  • Polish localisation update.
User interface:
  • Improvements to new decoration and campaign progress screens.

Added a separate notification type for less important messages, like communications from the other u-boats. This notification is less intrusive and helps to quickly distinguish important messages from the common communications from the other ships.

  • Crew fatigue modifier to discipline is now displayed in the discipline tooltip, even when the ship is docked in the port. There is an information added, that the modifier is currently inactive.
  • Added a dedicated icon for the equipment upgrade action.
  • Fix: Radio message about completing the Scapa Flow assignment was displayed in its full form, rather than shorter form, on the button used for sending the messages.
  • Fix: Notification about interrupted radio transmission was sometimes appearing during quick return to port or while skipping time in port.
  • Free vacations now last for 14 days instead of 21 days. As a drawback, the fatigue is growing slightly faster than after a longer break.
  • Fix: Character controlled in FPP could start to move on his own after moving through the hatch from the control room to battery room no. 2.
  • Fix: It’s no longer possible to leave the port, when there is more sailors on board than allowed by the current limit (it was possible to achieve by completing Enigma recovery assignment).

Fix: Officers were continuing to wear items that they were given on the group selection screen for external interaction after cancelling it (for example, a diving suit).

  • Fix: Sailors could sometimes not return to their duties defined in the schedule after vacation for the duration of the first shift. The limit of sailors possible to assign to officers could also increase for the duration of the first shift.

Sight detection range at which groups of ships are spotted (funnel smoke, masts etc.) is now much more affected by bad weather than the direct sight range at which individual units are told apart. This fixes situations, where for example, it was possible to spot smoke over horizon in a heavy fog at a few hundred meters.

  • Fix: Map camera was often slightly vibrating during movements, especially if temporal anti-aliasing was enabled in the settings.
  • Fix: Labels on the ships weren’t appearing at distances from which it should be technically possible to read them through a periscope.
  • Fix: View through UZO and periscopes was very bright in dark fog, much brighter than the other views.
  • Fix: After returning from the map to a view close to the u-boat after at least a few hours of travel, the reflections on the sea and other objects could look wrong and don’t match the current weather.
  • Fix (regression of B129): The dynamic wetness effect on the u-boat’s hull wasn’t working since a few major versions back. This fix may have a small impact on the performance.
  • Aesthetical fixes and improvements to Wilhelmshaven.
  • Fix: Cars try to avoid turning into blind roads to avoid turning 180 degrees back.
  • Fix: Green dot that points mission targets, wasn’t always centred on the u-boat’s wreck in the Enigma recovery assignment.
  • Sound effect for course change is now quieter.
  • Vacation data from the data sheets is now updated after loading a saved game state. There is no need to start a new campaign for changes to show up.
  • Fix (regression of 2022.1 Patch 15): Random issue with loading saved game states.

Download free Uboat update 2022.1 on PC(Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.