Thulla BG3 Guide: Location, Poison Cure Quest & More

Thulla is a key NPC in Baldur’s Gate 3 that players can choose to save or let perish. This guide will provide an overview of Thulla in BG3, including how to find her, the quest to cure her, and why saving Thulla can benefit players.


Thulla is a Deep Gnome NPC located in the Underdark region of Baldur’s Gate 3. She can be found poisoned and dying near the Myconid Colony. Players have the choice to save Thulla by curing her poison, or leave her to perish.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thulla is a poisoned Deep Gnome NPC found in the Underdark
  • Players can choose to save Thulla or let her die
  • Curing Thulla’s poison will provide rewards and open up further interactions

Finding Thulla’s Location in Baldur’s Gate 3

Thulla can be found lying injured atop a large mushroom in the Underdark region of Baldur’s Gate 3. Here are the key details on locating Thulla:

  • Thulla is located at the Ebonlake Grotto
  • She can be found near the Myconid Colony teleport waypoint
  • Coordinates for Thulla are approximately X: 83, Y: -97
  • Thulla will be atop a mushroom near the Myconid Sovereign
  • Dialogue with nearby Myconids can provide clues to finding Thulla

Utilizing these tips on Thulla’s location will help players quickly locate her in the Underdark. Interacting with Thulla triggers the quest to cure her poison.

Completing the Thulla Poison Cure Quest

Upon interacting with Thulla and realizing her plight, players are presented with the option to save her life by curing her of a deadly poison. Here are methods of completing the Thulla poison cure quest:

  • Lesser Restoration – Clerics and Druids can cast this spell to immediately cure Thulla. It uses a 2nd level spell slot.
  • Protection from Poison – Another spell Clerics/Druids can cast for immediate results.
  • Duergar Antidote – This antidote can be looted from Duergar slavers near the Decrepit Village in Underdark. Cures Thulla when used.
  • Medicine Skill Check – Can attempt to cure Thulla with a Medicine skill check. Difficult skill check, high medicine skill recommended.

Each of these methods can potentially cure Thulla of her poison. Using Duergar Antidote or spells provide the most straightforward solutions.

Why Save Thulla? Benefits and Rewards

Here are some of the key reasons to save the poisoned Deep Gnome Thulla in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Thulla provides information on Underdark locations and characters
  • She can offer quest rewards such as gold or useful items
  • Saving Thulla unlocks additional dialogue options with her
  • Opportunity for players to commit an altruistic act
  • Can lead to a possible romance with Thulla
  • Provides roleplaying opportunities for good or evil characters

Saving Thulla can enrich the story experience in Baldur’s Gate 3. If players don’t cure Thulla, they miss out on these benefits.

Thulla and Myconids – Her History

Thulla has a close history with the Myconid fungus creatures found in the Underdark. Here are some key notes:

  • Myconids found Thulla poisoned and brought her to their colony
  • They are using their spores to slow the poison while protecting Thulla
  • The Myconid Sovereign can provide details on Thulla’s plight
  • Players may have to persuade or intimidate Myconids to gain access to Thulla

Understanding Thulla’s ties to the Myconids provides insight into her background. Players may need to interact with Myconids first before Thulla can be accessed.

Other Key Thulla BG3 Tips and Notes

Here are some other important tips to know about Thulla in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Thulla is a non-combatant NPC who cannot join the player party
  • Killing Thulla will fail the quest and garner disapproval
  • Thulla remains at the Myconid colony after being cured
  • She can be revisited to check for new dialogue options
  • Saving Thulla is required for the “Best Intentions” Achievement
  • Thulla provides unique roleplaying opportunities as a poison victim

With this background on Thulla, players should be well equipped to track her down in the Underdark and make an informed choice on whether to save this unique Deep Gnome NPC. The richness of her character can add some interesting moral choices to Baldur’s Gate 3.

FAQ – August 25, 2023

Who is Thulla in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Thulla is a Deep Gnome NPC found poisoned in the Underdark region of Baldur’s Gate 3. She is located near the Myconid Colony and requires the player’s help to cure her poison.

What is the Thulla quest in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The Thulla quest involves saving the poisoned Deep Gnome by using spells, medicine skills or obtaining the Duergar Antidote. Completing the quest provides rewards and new dialogue options with Thulla.

How do I save Thulla in BG3?

Thulla can be saved by casting Lesser Restoration or Protection from Poison spells. The Duergar Antidote found near Decrepit Village also cures her. High medicine skills allow an attempt to cure her poison as well.

Where can I find Thulla in BG3?

Thulla is located in the Underdark atop a mushroom near the Myconid Colony and Ebonlake Grotto. Her coordinates are approximately X: 83, Y: -97.

How do I get the Duergar Antidote in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The Duergar Antidote can be looted from Duergar slavers in the Decrepit Village area of Underdark. Defeating them allows you to obtain the antidote.

What is the rescue mission for Thulla in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The rescue mission involves saving Thulla from her poisoned state. This is done by providing her with spells, medicine or the Duergar Antidote found in Underdark areas near the Myconid Colony.

How do I complete the Thulla quest in BG3?

Completing the Thulla quest simply requires curing her poison using one of the mentioned methods. After she is cured, Thulla will provide rewards and dialogue options.

What happens if I don’t save Thulla in Baldur’s Gate 3?

If Thulla is not saved, she will succumb to the poison and perish. Players will miss out on rewards, achievements and further interactions with her.

Can I save Thulla without medicine skills in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Yes, Thulla can be saved without medicine skills by using spells like Lesser Restoration or the Duergar Antidote obtained from the Decrepit Village location.

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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.