The Long Dark update 2.40 is available to download on PC, PS4 and Xbox. According to The Long Dark 2.40 patch notes, the latest update enhances performance, Safehouse customization, UI interactions, and environmental consistency. Additionally, The Long Dark patch 2.40 also fixes floating objects, disappearing items, frame rate drops, and platform-specific issues.
The Long Dark Version 2.40 Patch Notes – March 19, 2025

Patch Notes Summary
- Performance Boost: Optimized memory performance and improved object detection.
- Safehouse Fixes: Resolved multiple issues with item placement, floating objects, and disappearing furniture.
- UI & Gameplay Improvements: Adjusted cooking UI, improved item interactions, and fixed visual glitches.
- Environment & Art Enhancements: Fixed floating objects, lighting issues, and incorrect shadows.
- Platform-Specific Fixes: Resolved controller prompt issues and Safehouse customization limits on consoles
- Adjusted asset groupings to improve memory performance in-game.
- Adjusted collider settings on hundreds of objects, resulting in performance improvement and more accurate object detection.
[Safehouse Customization]
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Crafted Work Benches disappearing when exiting and re-entering an interior.
- Fixed an issue where some folding chairs could not be broken down for materials.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to place Decorations and Furniture on or intersecting interactable doors.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the “Clear Junk” prompt not appearing as expected when Safehouse Customization mode was invoked.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the “Clear Junk” prompt not appearing at all when using a controller and invoking Safehouse Customization mode.
- Fixed multiple issues with Decorations and objects in the Airfield Hangar that could not be Broken Down, Placed, or Destroyed.
- Fixed an issue with sign Decorations that prohibited them from being placed on walls.
- Fixed multiple issues with Safehouse Customization that resulted in objects and Decorations floating if an item they were placed upon was moved.
- Fixed an issue in Blackrock’s Last Prospect Mine that caused the signs within to be interactable via Safehouse Customization
- Fixed an issue with multiple light emitting Decorations that resulted in them failing to light up during Aurora events when moved from their original interior to any other.
- Adjusted the placement behaviour of some items to deny some more preposterous item placements.
- Adjusted the placement behaviour of mattresses to make it easier to line up with existing bed frames.
- Fixed an issue where RĂĽdiger’s remains could be picked up and moved using Safehouse Customization. The remains can now only be removed.
- Fixed an issue in Bleak Inlet Cannery that resulted in the inability to move a Fire Barrel via Safehouse Customization.
- Fixed an issue with handheld light sources in Safehouse Customization mode, that could result in the light source being thrown while interacting with Decorations or Furniture.
- Fixed an issue where Shower Curtains and Shower Curtain Bars had no time cost to Destroy.
- Fixed multiple issues in Blackrock Penitentiary with Safehouse Customization item placement not working as expected.
- Fixed an issue that could result in Decorations and Furniture disappearing from interiors and the player’s inventory.
- Fixed an issue in Desolation Point Lonely Lighthouse with wall-hung Decorations that resulted in incorrect placement rules on the spiral staircase.
- Fixed an issue that prevented a player from ascending or descending Rope Climbs if they activated Safehouse Customization while climbing. Safehouse Customization can no longer be invoked on Rope Climbs.
- Fixed an issue in Forsaken Airfield Control Tower where the Folding Table could not be moved, only destroyed.
- Fixed multiple issues in Zone of Contamination Pumphouse that resulted in some objects being difficult to place.
- Fixed an issue in Zone of Contamination Pumphouse that prevented players from moving or destroying a specific wooden Crate.
- Fixed an issue with Dial Knob Decorations to make them easier to place on wall surfaces.
- Fixed an issue with Decorations and Furniture with interactable doors that made them difficult to select in Safehouse Customization while their associated door was open.
- Fixed an issue with a small Mount Decoration that prevented it from being placed on walls.
- Fixed an issue in Coastal Highway Quonset that resulted in the double Locker Furniture item being difficult to place.
- Fixed multiple issues in Zone of Contamination Miner Lodging that resulted in some objects not being interactable in Safehouse Customization.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Decorations transferred from Zone of Contamination to any other Region being invisible when placed.
- Fixed an issue in Zone of Contamination Concentrator where a metal sheet could not interactable via Safehouse Customization.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Plank Piles displaying debug text when selecting them in Safehouse Customization.
- Adjusted the Cooking Menu UI for consistency, to allow for keyboard input when choosing an item to place on a cooking surface.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Ravaged Wolf Carcasses disappearing from view when interacted with.
- Fixed a rare issue where player input would become unresponsive after harvesting a Carcass.
- Fixed an issue that caused frame rates to drop when near Timberwolves.
- Fixed an issue in Sundered Pass Lotte’s Rest where placing a Storm Lantern anywhere inside the cabin would result in it slowly drifting towards the front door.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a temporary black screen when attacked by a wolf while Breaking Ice to create an Ice Fishing Hole.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to exploit Ice Fishing Holes to obstruct Wildlife pathing.
- Adjusted the Photo Album Journal tab for clarity to state that the player has no photos rather than leave it blank in that case.
- Fixed an issue where spawned Beachcombing items would appear ‘ruined’ even if the item Condition indicated otherwise.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in both ‘Infection Risk Healed’ and ‘Infection’ notifications appearing when an Infection Risk progressed to a full-blown Infection.
- Adjusted Campfire and Rock Cache placement logic on sloped surfaces to be a bit more lenient and sensible.
- Fixed an issue that could result in a held item visually duplicated and attached to the Survivor’s feet when attempting to place it from the Radial Menu while inside a Snow Shelter.
- Fixed an issue that could result in the Travois becoming stuck in the entryway to Blackrock Prison.
- Added an additional UI marker to make it clear which Heat Pack is actively providing a Warmth bonus to the Survivor.
- Added additional iconography to the HUD to make it clear which type of Arrow is currently selected for use with the Bow.
- Fixed an issue with Cheat Death Recovery Campsites that resulted in item duplication each time the player transitioned to and from the Region in which the Campsite was located.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in colour Photographs when using Sepia Film.
- Fixed an issue in Bleak Inlet Cannery that resulted in a corpse couple missing the option to ‘Remove Respectfully’.
- Fixed an issue where Milk Crates were incorrectly labelled as ‘sign’.
- Fixed an issue where a space was missing in the label “Furniture Work Bench”.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Large Shelf Furniture item being incorrectly labelled ‘Lamp’.
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Down Below’ achievement could not be unlocked in certain older save files.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Tasting Menu’ achievement unlocking before the requirements were met.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a debug Inspect view after discarding a Photo and immediately examining another in the Journal.
- Fixed an issue where no icon was visible when notifying the player that Animal Fat in their inventory became ruined.
- Fixed an issue with certain Tool trades that could result in an incompletable trade.
- Fixed an issue with Forlorn Muskeg Poacher’s Camp which made it impossible to Survey, preventing the Faithful Cartographer achievement from being completable.
- Fixed an issue with the Meat Curing Box that prevented players from removing its contents if the Box was full.
- Fixed an issue in Forsaken Airfield Main Hangar that resulted in Lockers becoming inaccessible if a Suitcase was stored within.
- Fixed an issue in Forsaken Airfield Main Hangar that resulted in a floating rope after moving Traffic Cone Decorations.
- Fixed an issue where the Wooden Spatula had no icon in the player’s inventory.
- Fixed an issue where the Radio had no icon in the player’s inventory.
- Fixed an issue where multiple Craftable Furniture items had no weight.
- Fixed an issue in Keeper’s Pass North that prevented Rabbits and Wolves from spawning in certain locations.
- Fixed an issue in Desolation Point Hibernia Processing that resulted in a floating dish after removing the table beneath it. The dish can neither be moved nor destroyed.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in overlapping UI elements when repairing the Mountaineer’s Cabin roof.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Camera’s Viewfinder overlay remaining on screen if the player took damage from Wildlife while looking through it.
- Fixed an issue where a Weapon was incorrectly referenced in the error message displayed when trying to hold a Camera with two sprained wrist Afflictions.
- Fixed an issue with the Radio that made it difficult to find a location to place it.
- Fixed multiple issues in Forsaken Airfield Terminal where objects would remain floating when the item they were placed upon was destroyed or moved.
- Adjusted Pemmican Bars so they deteriorate at a much slower rate.
- Adjusted Recipes in the Recipe Book to better communicate the number of items produced when Cooking.
- Fixed an issue in Zone of Contamination Pumphouse where items would remain floating in place when moving or destroying one of the Metal Shelves they were placed on.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to destroy a cooking surface while it was lit, or actively Cooking items.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Survivor’s hands shaking while they had the ‘Severe Lacerations’ Affliction.
- Fixed an issue in the Carter Hydro Dam Lower Level that resulted in incorrect shadows being cast on a damaged door.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect camera behaviour if a Survivor entered into a Struggle with Wildlife while Harvesting a Carcass.
- Fixed an issue in the Empty Prepper Cache that caused the metal shelf within, to fall through the ground layer if an object on the bottom shelf was moved.
- Fixed an issue in Blackrock Steam Tunnels that impeded player passage with invisible collision.
- Adjusted Carcass Harvesting to disallow players from attempting to Harvest Carcasses on Weak Ice.
- Fixed an issue where Rifles were left floating in mid-air if the Gun Rack they were placed on was disassembled.
- Fixed an issue in a Coastal Highway Cabin Crate where a Candy Bar would spawn, but remain invisible to the player.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Camera’s viewfinder overlay to appear misaligned or disjointed when using certain display resolutions.
- Fixed an issue in Bleak Inlet Caves that resulted in Tools and Weapons dropped within to appear notably too bright.
- Fixed multiple issues which could result in Junk decals still appearing on objects when placing them in specific interiors.
- Fixed an issue in Bleak Inlet that resulted in a large visible gap between boulders in an outcropping near Frozen Delta.
- Fixed an issue in Blackrock Steam Tunnels that caused a set of frayed wires to become invisible when viewed at certain angles.
- Fixed an issue in Blackrock Penitentiary that resulted in a gate sign remaining mid-air while the door it should be attached to opened and closed.
- Fixed an issue in the Ash Canyon Cave system North of Long Falls that resulted in god rays missing from the Cave ceiling.
- Updated the underside of Train Cars to remove unsightly details.
- Updated Stag Skulls to visually reflect whether they are mounted or unmounted in the player inventory.
- Improved the look of Pemmican Bars with a new icon and model.
- Fixed multiple issues in Sundered Pass where the back side of snow piles could be incorrectly seen through.
- Adjusted the lighting in multiple caves for consistency and quality.
- Fixed an issue in Sundered Pass where a player could get stuck among a shallow rock outcropping.
- Fixed an issue that caused projectiles to collide with invisible geometry between the gaps in rope bridges. Projectiles now pass through correctly, and items cannot be placed on bridge surfaces.
- Fixed an issue in the Broken Railroad Cave where the snow layer was shifted beneath the terrain.
- Fixed an issue in Zone of Contamination Idle Camp that resulted in an invisible Table within one of the buildings.
- Fixed an issue where no error sound effect could be heard when attempting to harvest a Salt Deposit without a Hatchet in the player’s inventory.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Cougar music being triggered in games where the Cougar is turned off.
- Fixed an issue where Xbox button prompts were displayed when using a PS5 controller on PC.
- Fixed an issue for Xbox and PlayStation players that resulted in Safehouse Customization Decoration capacity incorrectly tabulating the number of items in a scene, severely limiting the number of items a player could place.
Since the last major update 2.22, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s The Long Dark version 2.40 will address some of these issues and bugs.
Download The Long Dark update 2.40 on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox.