The Legend of Tianding Update 1.1.51 Patch Notes – Nov 12, 2021

The Legend of Tianding update version 1.1.51 is now available to download on PC. According to the official The Legend of Tianding patch notes, the latest hotfix added quality of life improvements and fixes.

Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s The Legend of Tianding version 1.1.51 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

The Legend of Tianding Patch Notes – November 12, 2021

Bug Fixes

Added the Archive Repairment function: The early version before patch 1.1 has encountered a problem of “a soft lock when players quit in the middle of the story plot forcibly”, now you can simply punch the “Archive Restore” button to fix the problem. “Archive Restore” appears only when the system detected a glitch.

  • Load the archive from the demo version will automatically grant “Hero Arrives” and “Eat the Rich” achievements.
  • Fixed the bug where pressing the attack button could suspend Yang Xiuqing’s ballad performance.
  • Fixed the faulty display on the “Controls” chart when plugged in with some controllers.
  • Fixed the NPCs (Uncle and Auntie Niu) missing when players quit in the middle of the “Threaten Li Hong” plot forcibly.
  • Fixed the faulty dialogue display in some plots.
  • Fixed the bug where Matsumoto Yuitsu carries abnormal light effect along with the “Lucky Charm” equipped.
  • Fixed several faulty displays for the character’s name.
  • Players can customize the keyboard setting normally now.
  • Fixed the localization issues within different languages.
  • Fixed the bug where there is a chance to carry the stolen weapon from Boss to the street.
  • Fixed the SFX anomalies in Boss fight with Courtesan.
  • Increased the rate of stealing omamori after equipping with the “Lucky Charm”.
  • After equipping the “Lucky Charm”, an enemy who carries collectibles or omamori will light up.
  • Adjusted the spells order of Shimada Yunoshin in the third phase battle (only for Wanted Outlaw).
  • Delayed the first attack of Shimada Yunoshin at the beginning of the battle.
  • Adjusted the hitfeel of the weapon “Sabre”.
  • Adjusted the attack range of the homeless person with an axe.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.