The First Descendant update 1.59 (1.2.11) is available to download on PS4, PS5, PC and Xbox. According to the official The First Descendant 1.59 patch notes, the latest update enhances Sigma Sector, Void Erosion Purge, and UI/UX with better rewards, balance changes, and interface improvements. Apart from this, today’s TFD patch 1.59 also fixes various bugs affecting quests, combat, and item tooltips.
The First Descendant Update 1.59 Patch Notes – March 20, 2025

Summary of Key Changes:
- Sigma Sector Updates: Increased mission attempts, reduced visual fatigue, and adjusted enemy difficulty.
- Void Erosion Purge Tweaks: Increased rewards, extended time limits, and reduced death penalties.
- Descendants & Weapons Adjustments: Improved visual effects for certain skills and weapons.
- UI/UX Enhancements: Improved shop navigation, interface clarity, and added notification messages.
- Bug Fixes: Addressed various UI, quest progression, and gameplay issues.
Content Improvements
Sigma Sector
- Landing Zone Cassian: Reduced height of the Vulgus Storm Breaker in the Broken Boundary High-risk area.
- Mission Challenge: Increased the number of attempts from 5 to 8.
- Commander Visual Effects: Adjusted teleportation effects for “Karel’s First Descendant Dia” and “Obliviant Commander, Pattern Elias” to reduce visual fatigue.
Void Erosion Purge
- Increased Core Amplifiers: Higher rewards for Stages 21-30.
- New Loot: Core Particle Disruptors now drop from monsters in Stages 21-30, with higher drop rates at later stages.
- Time Limit Extended: Stages 1-30 now have 12 minutes instead of 10 minutes.
- Death Penalty Reduction:
- Initial Death Penalty start time: 20s (down from 24s).
- Penalty increase interval: 20s.
- Enemy HP Adjustments: Decreased monster HP in Stages 25-29.
- Serena’s Module (Divine Surge): Adjusted Purifying Blaze effect to minimize visual fatigue.
Weapons & Modules
- “Restored Relic” Adjustments: Modified projectile explosion and Cluster Rounds effects for improved visibility.
- “Ground Sweeper” Enhancement: Equipping another “Ground Sweeper” in Sigma Sector replenishes rounds per magazine.
UI & UX Improvements
- Shop Navigation: Improved hotkeys for smoother browsing.
- Text Change: “Deselect All” button in Descendant selection changed to “Select All”.
- Related Items Filtering: Now only shows customization-relevant products.
- Event Time Display Fix: “Assist with Serena’s Covert Operations” now correctly shows Achievement period.
- Research Interface Update: Fellow-related materials now display “Owned” when applicable.
- Photo Mode Enhancement:
- Tilt/Rotate sliders now loop continuously.
- Gamepad UI Changes: Adjusted button assignments for core equip results.
Miscellaneous Updates
- New Sub Quests Added:
- Weapon and Training Missions in “View Quest Again” under Descendant Instructor.
- Sigma Sector Fix: Resolving Today’s Bonus issues where selections became unavailable.
Bug Fixes
Content Fixes
- Commander Attack Fix: Initial attack range and effect direction for “Karel’s First Descendant Dia” and “Obliviant Commander, Pattern Elias” now match when they are immune.
- Quest Progression Issue: Fixed reconnection issues preventing progress in “A New Encryption Scheme” and “Invasion” missions.
Descendant Fixes
- Valby & Ultimate Valby: Fixed animation issues when using “Clean Up” skill while airborne.
Weapons & Modules Fixes
- Module Stat Display: Fixed incorrect stat values for Multi-Sight Module (Impact Rounds) and Multi-Processor Module (Special Rounds) at Enhancement Level 0.
- Albion Cavalry Gun UI: “Firing Duration” now correctly displayed.
UI & UX Fixes
- Shop Filters: UI updates real-time when applying Descendant filters.
- Shop Inbox Notification: Red dot now appears when items are available.
- Attachment Pickup Guide: Improved “Acquire Attached Item” key guide in Shop Inbox.
- Event Purchase Limit Notification: Added message when exceeding limits in “[Event] Operation Support Shop.”
- XP Bar Display: Now properly fills when reaching max Unique Arche Factor level.
- Sigma Sector Bonus Notification: Added message when acquiring Today’s Bonus.
- Back Attachment Paints: Now correctly displayed when changing maps.
- Weapon Info UI: Fire Rate now displayed without decimals.
- Controller Issues: Fixed slot unequip bug in Customize > Fellow Main Screen.
- DPS UI Calculation Fix: Multi-Hit Chance and Multi-Hit Damage now show correct formula.
Miscellaneous Fixes
- Acquisition Info Scroll Fix: Combining/Dismantling info now scrolls correctly.
- Tooltip Fix: Corrected Inversion effect tooltip values across all languages except Korean.
- Affected effects:
- Strike Point Amplification
- Ammo System
- Evolutionary Cutting Mechanism
- Aerial Maneuvering Raider
- Affected effects:
Recently, a major The First Descendant update 1.23 resolved various issues including a bug where party members cannot join mid-session. Unfortunately, players have been facing various server issues with the game. Today’s TFD patch 1.59 will address a few of these errors.
Download free The First Descendant update 1.59 for PS4, PS5, PC and Xbox One.