The Division 2 Update 1.38 Patch Notes (Season 9)

The Division 2 update 1.38 (Season 9) is now available to download on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Division 2 1.38 patch notes, the latest update added a new game mode (Countdown), new gears, new weapons, and much more. Apart from this, Division 2 patch 1.38 also includes a long list of bug fixes and balancing.

To celebrate the release of the new season “Hidden Alliance” and its new game mode, The Division 2 is free to play this weekend.

Previously, a big update added a new Seasonal Manhunt, new Leagues, a new Global event, and new unique rewards, as well as an Apparel Event. Recently, a hotfix 1.37 was also released.

Unfortunately, players are experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Division 2 version 1.38 will address a few of these issues. Read more details below.

The Division 2 Patch 1.38 Notes (Title Update 15) – May 12, 2022

New Game Mode (Countdown)

Countdown is a new 8-player endgame mode for The Division 2. Two groups of four SHD agents are deployed to a power plant to prevent a lockdown. Racing against the clock, the agents must work together to secure the site and stabilize the power plant. Believing their mission is complete the agents prepare for extraction and are pursued by heavily armed and technologically advanced hostiles.


  • 8 players PvE
  • Timed mission
  • Various objectives
  • Randomized encounters and flow on a new unique map
  • New gear and weapon drops [Phase 2]
  • Available through matchmaking


Expertise is a progression feature, that allows to improve the maximum performance of select weapons, gear sets, skill variants and more. This feature is composed of two types of progression systems: the Expertise Level and the Proficiency Rank.


  • Expertise Level: Agent level
  • Proficiency Rank: Item type level
  • Proficient: Reaching Max Proficiency Rank in an item type
  • Grade: Individual item level

Research Categories:

  • Weapons
  • Gear brands
  • Gear sets
  • Named Items
  • Exotics
  • Skill Variants
  • Specialization Weapons

New Gears

Named Gear:

  • Closer — Chest
    • Talent Perfect Spotter: Amplifies total weapon and skill damage by 20% to pulsed enemies.
  • The Setup — Backpack
    • Talent Perfectly Opportunistic: Enemies you hit with shotguns and marksman rifles amplifies the damage they take by 15% from all sources for 5s.
  • Heartbreaker — Gear Set:*
    • 2 set: +15% Assault Rifle DMG & +15% LMG DMG
    • 3 set: +15% Weapon Handling
    • 4 set: Heartstopper
    • Headshots apply pulse 5s.
    • Weapon hits on pulsed enemies add and refreshes a stack of +1% bonus armor for and +1% damage to pulsed enemies for 5s. Max stack is 50.
    • 4+ Chest: Max stack is now 100.
    • 4+ Backpack: Stacks now supply +2% bonus armor
  • Uzina Getica — Gear Brand Set*
    • 5.0% Armor
    • 10% Armor on Kill
    • 10% Hazard Protection

New Weapons

[TCTD2] News - Title Update 15: Patch Notes - IMAGE 5

Exotic Weapons:

  • Dread Edict— exotic variation of the SVD Marksman Rifle
    • Talent Full Stop: Shooting enemies builds stacks to a cap of 20. Headshots grant 2 stacks. Each stack grants 2% Weapon Damage and 5% Headshot Damage. On reload, clear all stacks and gain 5% of your max Armor as temp armor for 10 seconds for each stack removed. Headshot kills with Dread Edict restore all bullets in the magazine. This does not count as a reload.
  • Catharsis— exotic mask
    • Talent Vicious Cycle: Taking damage builds stacks to a cap of 30. Each stack grants 1% Weapon Damage. Taking damage at max stacks triggers a purge, removing all stacks and Status Effects and then dropping a healing cloud which restores 5% of Max Armor for 10s to all allies in the cloud.
  • Bluescreen— exotic variation of the Stoner LMG
    • Talent Disruptor Rounds:Shooting an enemy marks them and adds a stack to the agent up to a count of 50. Shooting a marked enemy refreshes the mark and adds stacks to the agent. When you deploy a non-shield skill, remove all stacks on agent and all marked targets trigger an effect.
    • 1 -10 Stacks – Pulse marked targets for 5 seconds
    • 11 – 25 Stacks – Pulse and Disrupt marked targets for 5 seconds.
    • 26 – 49 Stacks – Pulse, Disrupt, and Disorient marked targets for 5 seconds.
    • 50 Stacks – Pulse, Disrupt, and Disorient marked targets and all hostiles within 10 meters of the marked targets for 5 seconds. This effect will trigger immediately if any marked enemy is killed.

Named Weapons:

  • Dare —LMG HK GR9*
    • Talent Perfect Flatline: Amplifies weapon damage by 20% to pulsed enemies. After 2 kills, applies pulse to the next enemy you hit.
    • Currently incorrectly displays as“Talent Perfect Jeopardy.”
  • Kingbreaker — TKB-408 Assault Rifle
    • Talent Perfect Flatline: Amplifies weapon damage by 20% to pulsed enemies. After 2 kills, applies pulse to the next enemy you hit.

5 New Targets

The Division has intercepted a message between Captain Lewis and General Anderson, new leader of the true sons. 5 of them, including Lewis, are moving on D.C : something big is coming.

Balance Adjustments

Adjustments have been made to the functioning of various talents in order to curtail undesirable behaviors and imbalance.

  • Modifications to shield skill behaviors
    • Shields now take significantly more damage in PvP.
    • Shields now irresistibly disorient their user when broken.
  • Excluded shields from the In-Sync Talent
    • In-Sync and Perfectly In-Sync no longer trigger from shield skills.
    • The text of these talents has been updated.
  • Updated Intimidate and Perfect Intimidate Talents
    • New Behavior: While you have bonus armor, gain 1 stack each second up to a max of 7. Each stack increases total weapon damage by 5% to enemies within 10m.
    • All stacks are lost when you have no bonus armor.
    • Perfect Version: Increase max stacks to 8
    • PvP: 4% weapon damage per stack instead of 5

Gameplay Adjustments

  • Added a disorienting effect to players when their shield breaks .
  • Updated Intimidate and Perfect Intimidate so that there is a ramp-up to their effectiveness .
  • Omit shields from the effects of the In-Sync talent .
  • Increased the PvP damage to shield .
  • Repair Traps now heal allies for the proper amount .

Bug Fixes


  • The cost of Field Recon Data, SHD Calibration and Exotics Materials is now reduced by half from level 11 up to level 20.
    • Levels 1-10 and 21+ remain unchanged.
  • Reduced the materials requirements for all ranks of Gear pieces by half.
  • Upgrading armor now gives 1% Armor on the individual piece rather than 1% Total Armor.
  • Fixed the issues with the Exotic SMG “Lady Death” not receiving a damage increase after being upgraded.
  • Fixed the issue with the Bonus Armor from upgraded gear being received only after unequipping and then re-equipping the said gear.
  • It is no longer possible to upgrade items that are not in the inventory
  • UI changes:
    • Added the “Donate All Junk” button in the main Expertise menu.
    • Using the “Donate All Junk” button from the Expertise menu does not result in donating all the items anymore.
    • “Donate All Materials” button does now changes to greyed out when the player has no materials.
      • Now you can preview how much materials it is going to take when you donate them.
    • “Donate Resource” no longer has the same function as the “Donate All Materials” button when interacted with in the Expertise menu.
    • Fixed the issue with the Expertise menu disappearing when pressing the “Mark As” button.


  • Fixed fog intensity to prevent it from affecting the gameplay.
  • Social menu UI is no longer missing from Countdown.
  • Fixed the invisible bullet collision hinders the agent combat at one location.

Gear and Weapons

  • “Heartbreaker” Gear Set
    • The “Heartbreaker” mask should now give blue (defense) stats.
    • Two stacks are now lost per second.
  • “Kingbreaker” rate of fire is upgraded to from 500 to 650 TKB-408.
  • Assault Rifle rate of fire is upgraded to from 500 to 650.
  • The “Dare” LMG can no longer be equipped with AR attachments.
  • “Bluescreen” Exotic Weapon
    • Fixed the issues with the Exotic Weapon “Bluescreen” not having the exclusive skin.
    • Fixed the issue with the “Disruptor Rounds” Talent of the Exotic Weapon “Bluescreen” that could not be triggered.
    • Fixed the issues with the Focus Talent not working with the new exotic “Dread Edict.


  • The issue with the character appearing as a floating head after booting the PTS for the first time is now fixed.

Download free Division 2 update 1.38 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.