The Crew 2 Patch 1.32 Notes (Update 1.32)

The Crew 2 patch 1.32 released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC players. According to the official Crew 2 1.32 patch notes, the latest update introduces more quality-of-life updates to the game, as well as some exciting new features to the Race Creator. Apart from this, Crew 2 update 1.32 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a big Season 9 update was released that added 60 FPS, 4K, Fuzz and Screen Space Shadow, Weather changes as well as Color Grading. Unfortunately, since the last update, some players are experiencing issues with the online gameplay. The Crew 2 version 1.32 will address a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

The Crew 2 1.32 Patch Notes – March 6, 2024


Vanity Items:

  • Added 25 new vanities:
    • Nitros: 8 items
    • Outfits: 1 item
    • Rooftops: 1 item
    • Smokes: 10 items
    • Tires: 2 items
    • Underglows: 3 items
  • Fixed issues with Forgotten Island Smoke’s particles spawning under the ground.
  • Fixed functionality of smoke while performing Donut/Burnout.
  • Improved design modifications for Underground Underglow and Golden Eagle Underglow.


  • Added 8 new Bundles, including 2 new LIVE Summit Bundles.


  • Added 2 new premium summits. (Note: LIVE Summits will be generated based on automated content rotation using existing previous summits.)


  • Added a new hobby called “The Stunt Performer Volume 2,” focusing on all MAD skills from volumes 1 and 2.


  • Fixed sound effects for story completion, preventing incorrect triggers when pining Photoquest in freedrive.


  • Fixed bugs where rain was visible inside abandoned buildings.
  • Resolved flickering graffiti in Aquapark.


  • Fixed AI confusion when the player reaches 12% progression in the event Jersey Chaebung Cup Touring Car.
  • Corrected text for USST2 events in Your Next Activity.


  • Added 12 new “Mad Skills” across various categories, including Rally Cross, Aerobatics, Street Race, Touring Car, Power Boat, Alpha GP, and Motocross.
  • Fixed various issues related to textures, assets, and collision detection in MAD Skills.

Fixed Issues:

  • Fixed an issue where the ladder texture was missing in the “Maze Escape” skill.
  • Addressed a bug where the camera stand was clipping with assets in the “Maze Escape” skill.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mad skill tent was clipping with the stage beside the skill gate of “Drift & Smash.”
  • Addressed a bug where Mad skill theme container assets were floating in the air in The Leap skill.
  • Fixed an issue where a tree was floating in the air near the rear end of The Monument Climb MAD Skill.
  • Addressed a bug where the focus light asset was floating in the air of the skill The Perfect Spot.
  • Fixed an issue where the MAD Skill poster was clipping with vegetation in The Monument Climb MAD Skill.
  • Addressed a bug where the Mad skill Flags were floating in the air in the Maze Escape skill.
  • Fixed an issue where asset texture was flickering in the donut jump Mad Skill.
  • Addressed a bug where the Mad skill theme patch was present on the track near the finish gate of The Longest Jump skill.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a blank ticket for the MADSkill DRIFTIN’ POOL.
  • Addressed a bug where the Mad skill banner was floating in “The Catfish Slalom” skill and now has a supporting pole.
  • Fixed an issue where asset collision was missing for the camera present in the Driving test.


  • Improved the HUB menu, with bundle and vanities shop displayed, and removed This Week in the Crew displayed on the right side.
  • Added a new background in the profile menu.
  • Modified the profile menu to only include driver and vehicle sections.
  • Modified the activities menu to include hobbies and stories, and removed the seasonal highlight ticket.

Race Creator:

  • Improved race creator functionality to include boats, planes & helicopters!
  • Added new words and tickets.
  • Retry will now bypass vehicle selection.
  • Fixed an issue where all filter categories applied by players remained active when applying conditions from two different filter categories in the “Community Races” tab of the Main Menu.
  • Modified the Race Creator “tutorial” to add “boat” and “plane” mentions.
  • Fixed an issue where the extra modifier icon was present on every event ticket after creating a race.


  • The Crew 2 patch 1.32 Added 8 new vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue where the DeLorean DMC12 Rad Edition did not have a proper reward flow.


  • Added a new multiscrap feature.
  • Fixed an issue where colored callipers on default vehicle configuration switched to black.
  • Added a restore to default color caliper button in the vehicle custom menu.
  • Improved the functionality where bought vanities are not automatically equipped on the current vehicle anymore.
  • The Crew 2 version 1.32 added a back button when vehicle selection menu in summit.
  • Added a new filter for summit vehicle in the vehicle menu.
  • Added a new icon displayed for bonus set on vehicle snapshot.


  • Fixed sound effects for various menu interactions and events throughout the game.

Download free the Crew 2 update 1.32 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.