Tetris Effect Update 1.25 Patch Notes – Official

Tetris Effect update 1.25 released on PS4, Xbox, and PC. According to the Tetris Effect update 1.25 patch notes, the latest update added new changes and fixes. Apart from this, Tetris Effect patch 1.25 also includes stability improvements.

Previously, a major update added various quality of life improvements and fixes. Unfortunately, many players are experiencing several issues when trying to play the game online.

Today’s Tetris Effect version 1.25 will resolve a few of these issues. Read full details here.

Tetris Effect Patch 1.25 Notes – March 10, 2022

Added support for in-game key bindings, analog stick sensitivity options and menu button icons for Windows MR and Valve Index.
(You can customize your key bindings from OPTIONS > CUSTOMIZE CONTROLS and adjust your analog stick sensitivity from OPTIONS > GAMEPLAY > RIGHT STICK SENSITIVITY (VR), UP/DOWN STICK SENSITIVITY (VR))

*If you have Active Controller Binding set to Custom in your SteamVR Settings, the in-game key bindings and stick sensitivity options will not work. To use the in-game options, press ≡ on the upper left corner of SteamVR, go to Settings > Controllers > Manage Controller Bindings For: and change Active Controller Binding to Default.

Added analog stick sensitivity options for game pad.
(You can adjust your analog stick sensitivity from OPTIONS > GAMEPLAY > RIGHT STICK SENSITIVITY and UP/DOWN STICK SENSITIVITY)

Fixed an issue where players ranked lower than 1000 were sometimes displayed in certain MULTIPLAYER rankings.

Widened the matchmaking range for players over 10,000 SR. Now, players over 10,000 SR can always matchmake with each other.

Fixed an issue in RANKED matches where the -0 SKILL RATE (SR) adjustment on the results screen were shown in white text instead of green.

Fixed an issue where the game soft locks when transitioning to a match while the Spectator HOST is in the MATCH OPTIONS screen.

Other minor adjustments and bug fixes.

Download free Tetris Effect update 1.25 on PS4.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.