Tetris Effect Update 1.23 Patch Notes (Official) – January 20, 2022

Tetris Effect version 1.23 released on PS4, Xbox, and PC. According to the Tetris Effect update 1.23 patch notes, the latest update added various bug fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Tetris Effect patch 1.23 also includes stability improvements.

Previously, a major update added various quality of life improvements and fixes. Unfortunately, many players are experiencing several issues when trying to play the game online.

Today’s Tetris Effect version 1.23 patch is expected to resolve a few of these issues.

Read full details here.

Read what is new in Tetris Effect update 1.23 Patch Notes? – January 20, 2022

Extended the timing window of button / key presses required for fallen players in CONNECTED and CONNECTED VS to successfully REVIVE themselves.

Added SteamVR support for Quest headsets. (Note: the Y button of the Touch Controller is assigned to pause the game by default.)

Fixed an issue that caused colors to look incorrect in certain cases when HDR was enabled. Also fixed an issue where the game switched from BORDERLESS / WINDOWED to FULL SCREEN when entering MULTIPLAYER when HDR was enabled. (Note: DISPLAY MODE will now automatically switch to FULL SCREEN when HDR is enabled in the Options. HDR will be disabled if the display mode is changed to BORDERLESS / WINDOWED.)

Temporarily removed OVERALL SR decay. Your OVERALL SR will no longer decrease after extended periods of inactivity. We are working on an alternate system for encouraging players to not “sit on” high scores or records for a future update.

Added local backups of saved game data.

Download free Tetris Effect update 1.23 on PS4.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.