Synced Update 1.0.134 Patch Notes

Synced update 1.0.134 is available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Synced patch notes, the latest update adds a list of fixes and optimizations. Apart from this, Synced patch 1.0.134 also includes stability fixes.

Recently, the game was released with positive reviews. Unfortunately, since the day one patch, players have been experiencing various issues with the game. Today’s Synced patch 1.0.134 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Read the official patch notes below.

Synced Patch 1.0.134 Notes – October 26, 2023

New Content:

  • Master Ops++ added to Dead Sectors:
    • Master Ops++: In this mode, bosses will challenge Runners with even stronger abilities. Master Ops++ requires higher proficiency in your skills and a thorough understanding of the boss mechanics to successfully clear the stages
    • New Master Ops++ weekly missions have also been added
  • Added 38 new Red Mods, which can be obtained in Elite Run Endless Mode & Weekly Master Ops++ missions

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved additional technical issues that could lead to crashes in some scenarios
  • Fixed some localization issues
  • Fixed an issue which caused incorrect death animations to play when larger Nanos were defeated
  • Fixed an incorrect “swing” effect for the water bottle and grenade featured on the Lucky Leshy skin
  • Fixed an issue which occured when shooting at Nanos with The Bouncer: split bullets would not hit the original target and deal no damage when the original target moves
  • Fixed an issue which resulted in controllers failing to work correctly after attempting to claim rewards through the task interface via the store interface
  • Fixed an issue where Runners could accept a team invitation link from the world chat channel despite Power level being lower than the level requirement
  • Fixed occasional lag when rolling
  • Fixed an occasional overlap between a weapon’s iron sight and its reflex sight when using ADS

General Optimization:

  • Reduced the challenge posed by NanoPillar enemies:
    • The number of NanoPillar spikes has been adjusted to 1
    • The NanoPillar will no longer give chase if the player moves away
  • Gold and red mods are now filtered out automatically when using the Batch Recycle feature
  • The maximum knockback distance has been adjusted from 10 meters to 4 meters
  • The drop rate of Guntech weapons dropped from caches has been adjusted as follows:
    • The first 4 levels will drop 1 specific Guntech weapon
    • Levels 5-18 will drop 1 random Guntech weapon (excluding gold quality guns)
    • The following levels will have a random chance to drop GunTech weapons (excluding gold quality guns)
  • Tyrant Flamers no longer deal ground burning damage to other enemy Nanos (however a status effect may still be applied)
  • Added a shader compilation progress bar, which is now visible after launching the game
  • Weak points are now displayed when enemy Nanos are knocked into the air
  • The “Healthy Dodge” mod cooldown has been extended from 5 seconds to 30 seconds

Weapon Balance Optimization:
We have completed a comprehensive review of Vicious Cycle’s performance in-game and made the following adjustments:

Weapon Basics

Fire Piercing Blades that return to the weapon when reloading or reaching their maximum distance. May also trigger a Stun effect.


  • Fire Piercing Blades that can penetrate enemies
  • Every 3 shots a special Piercing Blade will fire that can return back to the weapon
  • Each time the weapon is reloaded, or when the Piercing Blades reach their maximum distance, the special Piercing Blades will return to the weapon and deal damage
  • In addition, every 4th special Piercing Blade will turn into a lightning ball and deal area damage on its way back, and all special Piercing Blades will have a chance to trigger a Stun effect

Stat Changes

  • Bullet velocity increase: 8000 → 16000 (160m/s)
  • Penetration damage no longer reduces upon each successive penetration
  • Flight time → 0.5 seconds
  • Flight distance: 60m → 80m
  • Penetration target count: 2/4/6/8/10 → 20 for all levels

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