Strange Beggar Lumbar in BG3: Full Guide

The strange beggar lumbar in Baldur’s Gate 3 is an intriguing character that players can encounter during their adventure in the Lower City. Interacting with this mysterious figure opens up new quest opportunities and rewards. However, finding the strange beggar lumber in BG3 can be tricky. This guide provides everything you need to know about locating and completing the associated quests with the strange beggar lumbar in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Who is the Strange Beggar Lumbar in BG3?

The strange beggar lumbar refers to a disheveled looking man dressed in rags who can be found begging on the streets of Baldur’s Gate 3’s Lower City. He has long, unkempt hair and appears weak and frail.

Despite his meager appearance, the strange beggar lumbar holds vital information for unlocking secret quests and gaining valuable loot. He plays an integral role in the “Mystic Carrion’s Thrumbo” side quest. Interacting with him is necessary for receiving the powerful Torch of Revocation reward.

However, finding the strange beggar lumbar is not straightforward. He spawns randomly at different locations and days during a playthrough. Players must explore the Lower City meticulously to encounter this elusive figure.

Where to Find the Strange Beggar Lumbar in Baldur’s Gate 3

The strange beggar lumbar can spawn in a few set locations in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate 3.

The key areas to search are:

  • Near the Magister Barracks by the Basilisk Gate waypoint at X:125 Y:-29
  • Along the outer docks west from the Temple of Selune fast travel point
  • Inside the Slums district behind boarded up buildings
  • Next to the passage to the Underdark across from the Hidden Sanctum

He seems to favor the poor and decrepit sections of the Lower City. Focus searches on shadowy corners and alleys away from main roads.

Also, save often while searching and re-load to reset spawn points. The strange beggar lumbar appears randomly, so saving and reloading will refresh the area.

What Days Does the Strange Beggar Lumbar Appear?

In addition to location, the strange beggar lumbar also only spawns on certain in-game days. He will not appear every day.

Players report the strange beggar lumbar showing up on:

  • Day 4
  • Day 6
  • Day 9
  • Day 12

So be sure to check thoroughly for him on these days when patrolling the Lower City.

Starting the Mystic Carrion’s Thrumbo Quest

Once found, interacting with the strange beggar lumbar will trigger the Mystic Carrion’s Thrumbo side quest.

During the conversation, the strange beggar lumbar will explain that he requires a body part from a creature called Thrumbo. He asks the player to find and kill Thrumbo and return with the body part to him.

This kicks off the quest to track down Thrumbo out in the woods northwest of the Druid Grove.

Finding Thrumbo for the Quest

Thrumbo resides in a cave not far from the Druid Grove. To find it:

Step 1: Travel northwest from the Druid Grove toward the mountains.

Step 2: When you reach a waterfall flowing south, head north following along the river.

Step 3: The cave entrance will be up the hill directly west from where the river turns sharply east.

Step 4: Enter the cave and battle the creatures inside.

Step 5: At the back of the cave is Thrumbo – a large beast with curved horns.

Defeating Thrumbo completes the first part of the quest. Now you must return to the strange beggar lumbar with proof.

Completing the Quest

After slaying Thrumbo, loot its body to obtain one of its horn segments. This horn segment must be returned to the strange beggar lumbar as proof the deed is done.

To complete the quest:

Step 1: Travel back to the Lower City and locate the strange beggar lumbar again.

Step 2: During conversation, give him Thrumbo’s horn segment when prompted.

Step 3: The strange beggar lumbar will thank you and hand over the Torch of Revocation as a reward.

Step 4: Quest completed!

The Torch of Revocation is a powerful magical item that dispels illusions. It is needed to unlock secret areas and complete other side quests in Baldur’s Gate 3.

In Summary – September 14, 2023

The strange beggar lumbar in Baldur’s Gate 3 kicks off an intriguing quest tied to the mystical Torch of Revocation. By searching the Lower City thoroughly and slaying the beast Thrumbo, players can complete the quest and obtain this powerful reward. With the torch in hand, new adventures and mysteries await!

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.