Stranded Deep Update 1.18 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox One

Stranded Deep update 1.18 is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Stranded Deep 1.18 patch notes, the latest update added new craftable itemPiles as well as various bug fixes and changes. Apart from this, Stranded Deep version 1.18 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a big update was released which added co-op multiplayer support to the game. Unfortunately, since the last major patch, players are experiencing a number of issues and bugs. Today’s Stranded Deep PS4 update 1.18 addresses a few of these problems.

Check out more details below.

Stranded Deep Patch 1.18 Notes

  • Fixed crates on an island unable to be picked up after traveling to the island while operating a vehicle.
  • Changed item piles to not be included in ‘Gotta Craft ‘Em All’ trophy requirements.
  • Fixed ‘Call Me Ahab’ achievement not unlocking for players that had unlocked all boss trophies prior to v2111.
  • Fixed background color of crafted items in the crafting menu changing back to uncrafted color.
  • Fixed players unable to deconstruct rafts.
  • Fixed difficulty placing new pieces on rafts.
  • Fixed Container Shelves not refunding crafting materials when destroyed.
  • Fixed smoked meats stacking in 4 instead of 8.
  • Fixed spoiled meat inventory icon not updating when stored in storage.
  • Added color change to food that has spoiled for better visual feedback.
  • Added unique inventory icons for cooked, smoked and spoiled meat for easier identification when scrolling through meats in a stack.
  • Fixed inventory and storage menus not displaying item name in some scenarios
  • Fixed no SFX when operating a Sail or Rudder.
  • Fixed client pause menu displaying single player days survived for multiplayer games.
  • Fixed boss health UI not updating correctly after final hit.
  • Fixed Ajuga not highlighting correctly.
  • Fixed game getting stuck if controller disconnects and reconnects while placing an item.
  • Fixed Yucca only produces 1 fruit per game.
  • Fixed possible desync when P1 constructs and P2 damages a construction at the same time.
  • Fixed players able to construct stairs while colliding with other objects.
  • Fixed multiple issues when the player is revived while accessing their watch.
  • Fixed client able to join the game while host is busy in ‘Go Home’ dialog.
  • Fixed host and client able to craft items with the same materials.

The following changes were added previously.

New Features

  • Added new craftable itemPiles!

You can create a pile by looking at or holding an item that you have 2 or more of in the surrounding area. Use the Quick Craft menu to craft a ‘pile’ of that item, which is shown by a new pile icon in blue. Piles are free to create and store 1 type of crafting item. The supported items are: Sticks, Rocks, Palm Fonds, Lashings, Fibrous Leaves, Clay, Logs and Coconuts. The capacity for most items is 50x but can vary depending on the item.

You withdraw and deposit items just like a storage container. The first item stored assigns the type of pile it is. You can remove all items and re-assign a pile at any time. When you withdraw all items from a pile, it will disappear.

Items stored in a pile are available and can be used when crafting without having to manually remove them from a pile.Note: Pile materials will be used last.

For those interested in the tech side of things, the benefits of the new piles are:

  • Faster zone loading: 1 item to load, instead of 50x individual objects.
  • Batched rendering for 50x items. Rendering multiple items was batched before, but the new method is even more efficient.
  • Less physics overhead! Piles are a static object with 1 collider, instead of 50x physics bodies and colliders.
  • Less overhead from individual Unity GameObjects. GameObjects and Components in Unity incur a small amount of overhead to validate state and run callbacks on every instance. This all adds up, so it is good to mitigate.


  • Changed inventory to display the item the player is holding in slot 1.
  • Increased inventory storage from 10 to 12 slots.
  • Increased crate storage from 3 to 5 slots.
  • Added max raft size limitation: 5W x 4L.
  • Added billboards to raft pieces.
  • Changed placing to snap to terrain objects.
  • Changed placing to snap on foundations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed players unable to host games in the “USA, East” region.
  • Fixed player unable to jump while holding Wollie.
  • Fixed “Seafarer” achievement not unlocking.
  • Fixed game loading errors for players using a non-Gregorian calendar, eg: Arabic, Thai.
  • Fixed player falling from Palm Tree when climbing to the top.
  • Fixed game session showing as ‘Busy’ if host is near a boss.
  • Fixed loss of input when switching to another item immediately after firing a projectile.
  • Fixed multiple issues when using Spyglass.
  • Fixed “Call Me Ahab” achievement not unlocking.
  • Fixed P1 stuck in fire lighting animation if P2 destroys Camp Fire during lighting.
  • Fixed rafts moving in random directions when operating a raft motor.
  • Fixed game getting stuck in Cartographer when reconnecting controller.
  • Fixed player colliding with raft sails.
  • Fixed host and client being able to drag the same ‘Palm Tree’
  • Fixed “Two of Each” achievement not unlocking.
  • Fixed consecutive achievements not unlocking.
  • Fixed high detail LOD always enabled for some objects.
  • Fixed spoiled fruit/veg stuck in containers.
  • Fixed Snake attack animation not playing for client.
  • Fixed P1 able to sleep while P2 operating vehicle.
  • Fixed Shipwreck ladders missing localization.
  • Fixed animals not dither fading out when skinned.
  • Fixed unnecessary notifications showing when loading game.
  • Fixed food ‘Smoked’, ‘Cooked’, ‘Spoiled’ display name prefixes stacking.
  • Fixed crafting using multiple of one material
  • Fixed scenarios for host and client crafting with same materials
  • Fixed able to place craftable items inside terrain objects.
  • Fixed glitchy Foundation placing check.
  • Fixed storage playing push audio when loading a zone.
  • Various consolidation and changes to improve stability.
  • Addressed players unable to host games in the “USA, East” region.
  • Addressed no feedback when client disconnects during join-in-progress during ‘Sync World’.
  • Addressed Map Editor save menu not localizing for French language.
  • Addressed UI navigation becoming partially unresponsive after attempting to create an online session with no internet connection in Host Game menu.
  • Cartographer: Addressed game hanging when the player clicks on the ‘Yes’ button multiple times on the confirmation prompt for ‘Generate Perlin’.
  • Addressed a repro for players getting stuck on ‘Cleaning Up’ screen.
  • Addressed loss of input when switching to another item immediately after firing a projectile.
  • Addressed local co-op games getting stuck if P2 opens pause menu and unassigns their controller.
  • Addressed player able to change settings of existing save game after creating a new game with different settings on the same save slot.
  • Addressed ‘Apply’ button position in the Join Game lobby menu.
  • Addressed game not displaying confirmation notification when saving a game.
  • Addressed host and client being able to drag the same ‘Palm Tree’ simultaneously.
  • Addressed changing ‘World’ mode in New Game menu affecting mode in multiplayer Host Game menu.
  • Replaced internet connectivity check with a more reliable method.
  • Changed localization to load immediately from system language.

Download free Stranded Deep update 1.18 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.