Stranded Deep console patch 1.20 is available on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Stranded Deep console patch notes, the latest update brings extensive multiplayer desync fixes. Apart from this, Stranded Deep update 1.20 also addresses various gameplay, UI, and interaction problems, ensuring a smoother gaming experience. Crafting recipes, map editing, and user interface improvements further enhance gameplay.
Previously, a big update was released which added co-op multiplayer support to the game. Unfortunately, since the last major patch, players are experiencing a number of issues and bugs. Today’s Stranded Deep PS4 update 1.20 addresses a few of these problems.
Check out more details below.
Stranded Deep 1.20 Patch Notes – October 16, 2023

- Fixed rafts loading back with missing pieces or attachments when saving on open water between islands.
- Fixed player unable to deconstruct raft pieces in some scenarios.
- Fixed player unable to attach extensions to rafts in some scenarios.
- Fixed incorrect notification showing when saving a game on a raft.
- Fixed client (Player 2) unlocking host achievements when joining a multiplayer game.
- Fixed ‘Call Me Ahab’ trophy not unlocking in some scenarios.
- Fixed quick-crafting not showing crafting history.
- Fixed Shark soundtrack persisting after killing the Shark.
- Fixed Speargun arrows not firing or getting stuck in some scenarios.
- Fixed crash on PS4 after long sessions.
- Fixed birds and bats colliding with constructions and rafts.
- Fixed Player 2 being unable to drag rafts.
- Fixed spears not loading back when stuck in rafts.
- Fixed boat motor fuel level not decreasing for Player 2 when operating.
- Fixed Fuel Still starting with no fuel when crafted with a full Jerrycan.
- Fixed Jerrycan not refunding with Fuel Still’s remaining fuel after dismantling the Fuel Still Boiler.
- Fixed UI showing last highlighted object when crafting a placeable item in some scenarios.
- Fixed item highlighting not showing for Player 2 when joining a multiplayer session in-progress.
- Fixed ‘Days Survived’ notification not showing.
- Fixed map square remaining highlighted after leaving ‘World Editor’ in Cartographer.
- Fixed player negative status effect visuals not resetting when revived.
- Fixed player health not regenerating while sleeping.
- Fixed player SPF depleting when sleeping at night.
- Fixed player colliding with Palm Tops.
- Fixed player being able to access inventory and crafting menu during the intro scene after controller disconnect.
- Fixed player being unable to access toolbelt while looking at an item.
- Fixed player being able to access toolbelt during end-game scene after controller disconnect.
- Fixed player being able to move behind ‘controller disconnected’ dialog after reconnecting controller.
- Fixed compass not visible when crouching.
- Fixed small fish being hard to see when close to shore during fishing sequence.
- Fixed windowed wall pieces being able to be placed on top of other window pieces.
- Improved placement of objects on terrain and terrain objects.
- Improved Tiger Shark animation.
- Improved holding position of Mysterious Box.
The following changes were added recently.
- Fixed crafting combos in the “Story” section of the crafting menu remaining locked for players after defeating the bosses.
- Fixed player being unable to craft the Boss trophies after defeating them.
- Fixed players not being able to place ‘Hooks’ or ‘Shelves’ when attempting to craft them.
- Fixed bonus crates only showing 5 out of 8 available slots.
- Fixed not able to place small structures on/inside constructions.
- Fixed Crab, Hog and Snake animals not respawning on custom islands. Use the new ‘Crab Spawner’, ‘Hog Spawner’ and ‘Snake Spawner’ items in the map editor to place animals that will respawn.
- Fixed female character sometimes playing male audio.
- Fixed scenarios where the player could load back with broken bones when saving in/on constructions.
- Fixed scenario where player could save on raft after drifting beyond the world barrier, causing errors when reloading the saved game. Please note, this will not fix games that have already been saved out-of-bounds.
- Fixed ‘Sunscreen’ duplicating on game reload.
- Fixed ‘Spears’’ and ‘Arrows’ remaining stuck in trees after hitting fruit.
- Fixed player dropping current item when switching items. Consolidated with the PC version.
- Fixed scenario where player could lose interaction after crafting a placeable item.
- Fixed a multiplayer disconnect occurring when a player selects an item in their Tool Belt UI which gets consumed or used by another player.
- Fixed placeholder text appearing when joining multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed loading screen message for host and client when joining a multiplayer game.
- Fixed players unable to access crates if another player moves the crate away.
- Fixed able to place ‘Container Shelf’ and ‘Light Hook’ at the same position.
- Fixed scenario where interaction could be broken after dragging a projectile stuck in a ‘Coconut’.
- Fixed jumping from a ‘Palm Tree’ causing apparent loss of item in hand.
- Fixed scenario where camera zoom can get stuck when switching between ‘Bows’, ‘Spears’ and ‘Speargun’ very quickly.
- Fixed ‘Drinkable Coconut’ not taking damage from projectiles.
- Fixed being able to drag projectiles when stuck in terrain.
- Fixed projectiles attached to sea creatures causing rafts to be bumped aggressively.
- Fixed ‘Furnace’ ghost visuals when placing.
- Fixed players being able to build on environments in boss areas.
- Fixed players being able to enter emoji characters in input dialogs.
- Fixed scenario where player input could get stuck in label maker dialog when connecting and disconnecting a controller twice.
- Fixed label maker assigning an incorrect name when the player uses a special character in the item name.
- Fixed player being able to change camera view mode in prologue sequence.
Changes and Adjustments:
- Changed ‘Antidote’ crafting recipe to match the PC version.
- Changed ‘Boat Motor’ to function as a rudder when out of fuel.
- Changed ‘Flare Gun’ projectile behavior to match PC version.
- Changed ‘Lantern’ brightness to match the PC version.
- Changed inventory to auto-equip a lesser match if possible, e.g.: If throwing ‘Refined Spears’ the inventory will auto-equip a ‘Crude’ or ‘Fishing’ spear when out of ‘Refined Spears’.
- Changed world barrier from yellow buoy balls to holographic barrier to match PC version.
- Increased ‘Meat’ inventory capacity from 4 to 8.
- Increased ‘Fish’ inventory capacity from 4 to 8.
- Increased ‘Fruit’ inventory capacity from 4 to 8.
- Improved all crafting placement.
Download free Stranded Deep update 1.20 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.