Stoneshard Update Patch Notes – August 29, 2022

Stoneshard update is now available to download on PC. According to the official Stoneshard patch notes, the latest update added an alternative mode for picking up items and a long list of bug fixes.

Previously, a major update added the Pawnshop to Brynn, 2 new capes, 3 new glove variations, and much more.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Stoneshard version will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Stoneshard Patch Notes – August 29, 2022

  • Added an alternative mode for picking up items – while it’s enabled in the options, items on the floor will be collectable only when they are highlighted with Alt.
  • Increased Reputation gains for completing contracts to compensate for increased Reputation thresholds.
  • Fixed “Seal of Finesse” not losing stacks when moving to other tiles.
  • Fixed NPCs at the Rotten Willow not reacting to enemies.
  • Fixed Athletics abilities receiving reduced cooldowns for each AP invested into the ability tree.
  • Added a death animation for enemies killed with Shock Damage crits.
  • Removed the shrub growing in the middle of the road near Brynn gates.
  • Fixed the incorrect Weapon Damage granted by “Driven by Pain”.
  • Fixed the Alchemist not being able to open his own door.
  • Fixed “flickering” NPCs near entrances to some locations.
  • Fixed interactions with NPCs when they stand behind a counter.
  • Fixed burning tiles not dealing damage if they fail to set enemies or the Character on fire.
  • Fixed “Seal of Insight” occasionally creating Places of Power in the fog of war.
  • Fixed attacks against NPCs not counting as a crime if they fail to deal damage.
  • Fixed the Manticore’s “Deadly Tail” not triggering counterattacks.
  • Fixed Two-Handed Swords abilities not applying Stagger.
  • Fixed “Courage” only reducing the cooldown of “Heroic Charge”.
  • Fixed issues with Bran’s dialogue when encountering him by his cabin as Dirwin.
  • Fixed sleeping NPCs not reacting to smoke bombs.
  • Fixes to “Dispersal”: if dodged or blocked, this ability no longer makes Wraiths invisible.
  • Fixed Wraiths being able to instantly attack upon their reappearance.
  • Fixed “Make a Halt” reducing the duration of already existing “Vigor” to 360 turns when resting by a campfire.
  • Fixed “Raise Shield” granting incorrect amount of Block Power.
  • Fixed the inability to pick up the Bone Cradle if the Manticore is killed too far away from it.
  • Fixed the crash caused by Murkstalkers dying to traps.
  • Fixed the bug allowing to use abilities while in jail.
  • Fixed the possibility of targeting yourself with abilities that don’t support such interactions.
  • Fixed the Vagabond Knight’s Cuirass not spawning in secret rooms.
  • Proselyte Hierarchs now have a small chance to drop the Vampiric Staff.
  • Added a description to the effect of “Static Field”.
  • Fixed some traders being able to occasionally sell the Guardsman Broadsword.
  • Fixed “Austerity” raising negative Conditions’ thresholds by 10% instead of 5%.
  • Fixed collisions in some camps.
  • Gulons now have an animation for their Territorial state.
  • Fixed low level flail brigands dropping clubs on death.
  • Increased the Durability of Runic Boulders and Stone Spikes but reduced their Resistances. This change will increase the damage dealt to enemies that are Knocked back into them while keeping the amount of time required for their destruction more or less the same.
  • Slightly increased the level range of the equipment sold by Dockside merchants.
  • Added rings and necklaces to the Jibean Merchant’s stock.
  • Tweaks to the Fence’s prices and stock. Reduced the initial level range of his goods but increased their variety.
  • Reduced the price of some bombs.
  • Expanded the stock of Brynn Bailiffs.
  • Tweaked the effects of “Seal of Finesse” and “Seal of Power”.
  • Reduced high level spells’ base Armor Penetration.
  • Reduced the damage bonus to “Tempest” for each turn of “Resonance” affecting its targets from 10% to 5%.
  • Various tweaks to some enemies’ stats.
  • The Ancient Troll can no longer trigger attacks of opportunity.
  • Kromm is no longer interested in buying medicine.
  • Increased the activation distance of l’Owcrey’s quest dialogues.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.