Stoneshard Update Patch Notes – December 6, 2021

Stoneshard update is now available to download on PC. According to the official Stoneshard patch notes, the latest update added custom map markers and more fast travel destinations.

Previously, a major update added the Pawnshop to Brynn, 2 new capes, 3 new glove variations, and much more.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Stoneshard version will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Stoneshard Changelog – December 6, 2021


  • Verren can now give you a ride to some additional destinations: the Ralph & Sons Inn, the Rotten Willow Tavern and the Oaken Barrel Brewery. You’ll need to discover these places first though.
  • Added an option to place markers on the global map.
  • It’s now possible to use a waterskin to pour water over yourself or surrounding tiles. This feature can be used to extinguish flames and reduce the duration of Burning.


  • Traveling with Verren now skips time in the same manner as does sleeping in a tavern: it will increase Hunger and Thirst, improve Bodypart Condition, although it won’t grant Vigor or improve Morale and Sanity. The amount of skipped time depends on the travelled distance.
  • The composition of ambushes and random brigand groups is now more diverse.
  • Block Power now scales with Strength rather than the character’s level. Starting Block Power was reduced.
  • Tweaked Pyromancy spells’ damage in accordance with the updated armor system.
  • Rebalanced secret rooms: their loot now scales with a dungeon’s level. Overall they’ll provide you with much more money and valuables. High tier unique items no longer spawn in low level dungeons’ secret rooms.
  • Rebalanced Hunger and Thirst: reduced Hunger and Thirst gain from traversing tiles, skipping a turn, and attacking. Increased Hunger and Thirst gain from the Rest mode and casting spells. Reduced Thirst gain from shouting.
  • Reduced items’ Durability loss from Wetness by 25%.
  • All characters start the game with Peasant Shoes instead of Travelling Shoes.
  • The Hazzun Celestial Sphere no longer grants the effects of Elusiveness and Vigor.
  • Reduced the chance to ruin a pelt with Slashing Damage (slightly), Piercing Damage (significantly), and Crushing Damage (significantly).
  • Reduced the influence of the wilderness factor on enemy and animals’ spawn rates: very low wilderness will no longer result in completely empty tiles.
  • The duration of Burning can now be reduced by skipping a turn (the same mechanic as with freeing yourself from Ensnarement).
  • The speed of reducing the duration of Ensnarement by skipping a turn is now also affected by Agility.


  • Removed the possibility of finding additional copies of already acquired artifacts.
  • Fixed the error in the fog of war calculations that sometimes allowed revealing tiles through walls upon entering a dungeon.
  • Fixed the incorrect trajectory for chopped heads.
  • Fixed the combination of Saiga Horns and Lentil Soup appearing in containers more often than it should.
  • Fixed “Seize the Initiative” always hitting its target when used with a ranged weapon.
  • Fixed “Endurance Training” not triggering under certain circumstances.
  • Removed the possibility of selling unidentified and cursed items to regular traders. Cursed items can still be sold to a certain NPC that was added in one of the previous hotfixes.
  • Fixed enemies abandoning the chase quicker than expected.
  • Increased the number of turns required for transitioning from the Territorial state to Hostile.
  • Fixed incorrect formatting of the pawnbroker’s opening line.
  • Fixed Magic Resistance affecting Rending Resistance.
  • Traders should no longer move around while you trade with them.
  • Removed the possibility of repeating the dialogue about the brewery with Odar, preventing repeated Reputation loss from choosing certain lines.
  • The dog at the mill no longer complains about the weather or tells you to move out of the way.
  • Birds will now fly away if you miss a shot at them.
  • Fixed some containers in houses not having an owner.
  • Fixed the crash caused by opening a new container without closing the previous one.
  • Fixed the possibility of moving around while sleeping.
  • Fixed Two-Handed Swords’ treatises unlocking incorrect passives.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.