Stay Out Update Patch Notes – March 2, 2023

A new Stay Out update is rolling out on PC. According to the official Stay Out patch notes, the latest update brings various new changes and improvements.

Unfortunately, players have been experiencing problems with the game since the last patch. Today’s Stay Out patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Stay Out Patch Notes – March 2, 2023

– City N closes its doors until next year.

– Squirrel candies that you didn’t have time to exchange in City N can be exchanged at the NPC Trader in the Airport.

– Start of the 8th PvP season: 04.03.2023 to 04.05.2023
Please note that the season now lasts two months!

– Change in weapon rewards for 1st-10th place this season:

1st place – “Colt M16A4”

2nd place – “AK-109”

3rd place – “SIG 550”

4th place – “VSS”

5th place – “VSS”

6th place – “AS VAL”

7th place – “AS VAL”

8th place – “Steyr AUG A2”

9th place – “Steyr AUG A2”

10th place – “FN FNC”

– PvP mode “Sabotage” now participates in the rating competition.

– In PvP “Sabotage” mode, an alert about the task of attack or defense has been added at the beginning of the round.

– Fixed a bug in PvP quests for the Capture the Flag arena (the arena type was displayed as Sabotage).

– Fixed a bug in the “Usov-Topi” event, when the fighters of the “Cliff” private security company were respawned during the event with verlioks.

– Mazai now allows characters who are at war with the Mustache Village group to enter the Mustache-Marsh event (however, the passage through Mazai is still closed for such characters to the Black Forest).

– The description of the quest “Arachnids of the Lubech Outskirts” has been corrected; in quests, several quest items no longer drop out where one should drop out.

– Fixed the door to the laboratory (Outlands): now it is not shot through, and the spiders correctly cover it with cobwebs.

– The Swamp Men camp now has a safe zone for PC players, like the Pioneer at the Airport location (also the Pioneer now talks to the PC).

– Fixed the old reward in the Khmyr quest “Delicate work”.

– Fixed access to Tunguska through the pilot Mykola Afanasich with sufficient reputation of the “Former ZATO Administration”.

– The dialogues of the Greek and Mark in Lyubech have been recompiled.

– Fixed re-acceptance of the quest “Planes are flying: Details from Karl” after canceling (from Karl).

– Fixed a bug where Tatarin would not give a package to Shtaket in case when “Problem with Verlioks” was performed twice in a row with a short break.

– Fixed appearance of Kuzma inside the stands of the stadium.

– In the settlement “Radius” the hole in the fence is closed, and the mutants can no longer attack the Quartermaster.

– Information dialogs have been added to the guards of the Gourmet Kitchen and Mokrukha.

– Mark’s “Olympic Training” quest is now a Chapter. You can try to go through it again a day after the failure, without waiting for the full rollback of the chapter.

– Fixed a bug in the counter of the number of simultaneous “side jobs” taken from NPCs (when the NPC did not want to give a new task even if there were no active side jobs in the Journal)

– Fixed minor errors in the dialogues of such NPCs as: Peter, Sanya Portnoy, Kich, Shperling, Vatslavich, Savva Garadze, etc.

– Weapon modifiers now correctly display the category they belong to. (Some modifiers used to have a “Parts” category.)

– Now the reward for the “Forgotten suitcase” event on Novaya Zemlya, O. Severny, is sent to the NPC Artyom.

– Reduced the flash of flames when firing the OTs Groza 14-4.

– In the quest “And again the road in the ice” instead of “Frozen Coins” are now issued “Black Cartridges”.

– The exchange of “Frozen Coins” for “Black Cartridges” has been added to the Specialist.

– In the Forgotten Ice event, the attack range of mutants has been increased.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.