Stay Out July 11 Update Patch Notes Details

A new Stay Out update is available on PC(Steam). According to the official Stay Out patch notes, the latest update include event-based chelicerae from the Special Spider, object removal in the Central Library, location change for players without a team at the Warehouse of the military camp, decreased damage from Great Khan attacks, icon changes for in-game items, and various bug fixes and quest improvements.

Unfortunately, players have been experiencing problems with the game since the last Stay Out patch. Today’s Stay Out patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Stay Out Patch Notes – July 11, 2023

  1. Special Spider’s Lair:
    • Chelicerae obtained from the Special Spider are now event-based and disappear after the event is completed.
  2. Central Library:
    • Removed some objects in this location.
  3. Warehouse of the Military Camp:
    • Changed the location where players without a team appear.
  4. Great Khan Attacks:
    • Some Great Khan attacks now deal less damage to players.
  5. In-Game Item Icons:
    • A large number of in-game item icons have been changed.
  6. Black Leshy:
    • “Infested Plant” now drops from the Black Leshy.
  7. Increased Durability:
    • Increased maximum durability for SIG SG 550 and M16A4.
  8. Map Distance:
    • Increased the limit of the possible distance on the map.
  9. Camera and Machine Gun Fixes:
    • Fixed camera sticking when exiting the helicopter.
    • Fixed incorrect machine gun grip in the Forgotten Ice event.
  10. Obelisk Event:
    • Fixed locations giving a non-playable advantage in the Obelisk event.
  11. Grishkovets Anomalous Line:
    • Fixed a bug where the next quest in the Grishkovets anomalous line could not be received due to the Journal being full.
    • Alerts for Grishkovets quests have been changed.
    • Grishkovets quests can now be canceled and retaken.
    • Chapter 1 of “The Walls of Lubech” can now be correctly completed if the Grishkovets anomalous quest line has been completed before.
  12. Serguni’s Quest:
    • Serguni’s quest for meat exchange can now be accepted regardless of the status of the quest “Friends of Liubech”.
  13. Dmitry Kalchanov’s Autoquest:
    • Replaced autoquest from Dmitry Kalchanov in the Black Forest, which required Ozokerite ointment that cannot be obtained in the game.
  14. “Problem with Verlioks” Quest:
    • Fixed re-acceptance of the “Problem with Verlioks” quest for those who did not receive a continuation – the quest “From Tatarin to Shtaket” due to an error.
  15. Removed Quest:
    • The old quest “A couple of Spiders for a snack” was removed from the game with a partial reward (experience).
  16. Dialogue Fixes:
    • Fixed the dialogue of Skvornik (taking the quest “The duty of the watchman of the northern borders”) and Vaclavich (closing the “Liubech acquaintances”).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.