State of Decay 2 update 1.2 is now available for Xbox One and PC players. According to the official State of Decay 2 update 1.2 patch notes, the new update brings stability, performance, and multiplayer improvements. Apart from this, the new patch also includes a huge amount of smaller quality of life fixes throughout the game.
The State of Decay 2 patch 1.2 size is around 20Gb. This is an automatic update you will be prompted to install upon logging in, and it will not affect your saved game. Check out more details below.
State of Decay 2 Patch 1.2 Changelog
The 1.2 patch features significant improvements related to:
- Increased stability
- Improved networking interactions for clients
- Improved networked vehicle interactions
- Elimination of Out Of Memory crashes
Patch 1.2 Highlights
- Grenades no longer get stuck and explode in front of client character’s face or behind their head while throwing
- Fixed instances of clients dealing damage to their host’s non-active community members with explosives
- Flashlight beams no longer cast shadows from the player’s character model (which had caused flickering shadows)
- Characters no longer “self-shadow” when using a flashlight in multiplayer
- Fixed issue with doors appearing the opposite of the state they are in
- Resolved situation where, when getting into vehicles, the camera could become detached from the player’s character
- Fixed issue where, when clients swap weapons while in vehicles, the weapons do not swap upon exit from vehicle
- Fixed rare bug that could prevent Warlord legacy arc from being completed
- Fixed rare bug that could block Sheriff legacy arc from starting
- Fixed issue where player’s loot sometimes becomes invisible until their entire backpack is deposited into a Supply Locker
Networking and Multiplayer
- Numerous networking bandwidth and CPU improvements
- The game now exits to the main menu faster when a client loses their internet connection, so players will no longer hang after dismissing the pop-up
- Improved network vehicle interactions in multiplayer games to address weird “rubber-banding” and physics issues (including cars flying into the air).
- Host facilities no longer appear invisible to clients during multiplayer
Zombie and Character Behavior
- Zombies no longer become immune to the Assault Kick
- Reduction of step height to prevent survivors popping up onto props while moving
- Fixed issue with player HUD disappearing after NPCs are executed by zombies
- Community advice list no longer shows up under vignette on the map
Environment and Collision
- Fixed numerous collision spots across all 3 maps where players or vehicles were getting stuck
- Fixed numerous collision spots across all 3 maps where players were getting stuck in an infinite freefall animation loop
- Elimination of white line that appears when driving at night time
- Addressed a variety of spots in world where player was not able to climb over props they should’ve been able to
- Additional polish and reduction of LOD popping
- Additional lighting tuning passes, reduction in glowing props
Other Fixes
- Addressed a variety of general crash bugs
- Updated a number of strings that were previously hardcoded in English
- Audio mix optimizations
Check your game update and download the latest State of Decay 2 update 1.2.