Starfield Lockpicking in Simple Steps

Starfield Lockpicking allows you to access locked containers, doors, and terminals throughout the game world. With the right tools and techniques, you can become a master lockpicker and unlock Starfield’s many secrets.

Introduction to Lockpicking in Starfield

To pick locks in Starfield, you need a Digipick. Digipicks function like lockpicks in other games – they allow you to access the lockpicking minigame and try to open locked objects.

You can find Digipicks as random loot, sold by merchants, or as quest rewards. The quality of your Digipick determines how easy it is to pick locks. Novice quality Digipicks can open apprentice locks, while master quality Digipicks are needed for the most complex locks.

When you activate a Digipick near a locked object, you enter the lockpicking minigame. This minigame requires you to match keys to patterns in order to open the lock. The difficulty depends on your Security skill level and the quality of lock you’re picking.

With practice, you can become adept at lockpicking in Starfield. It takes patience, proper tools, and an understanding of how the minigame works.

How to Pick Locks in Starfield

Follow these steps to pick a lock in Starfield:

  1. Equip a Digipick. Make sure it’s high enough quality for the lock you want to pick.
  2. Approach the locked door, chest, or terminal.
  3. Activate the Digipick to enter the lockpicking minigame.
  4. Rotate and match key patterns to the lock patterns.
  5. When all lock layers are cleared, the lock will open.
  6. If you fail, you can try again or use an Auto-Attempt consumable.

Tips for Successful Lockpicking

  • Upgrade Security skill to pick harder locks
  • Use highest quality Digipick available
  • Watch patterns carefully before inserting keys
  • Rotate keys to match lock patterns perfectly
  • Use consumables like Auto-Attempts if stuck

Where to Find Starfield Lockpicking Challenges

Lockpicking challenges allow you to test and upgrade your Security skill. Here’s where to find them:

  • Lockpicking dungeons – Special dungeons with locks to pick
  • Lockpicking chests – Found in caves and dungeons
  • Merchants – Some sell security kits with locks
  • Robots/Guards – May drop locks when defeated
  • Quest rewards – Some quests reward lockpicks

FAQ – September 1, 2023

What are the best lockpicking tools?

Master quality Digipicks, security kits, and hacking tools make lockpicking easier.

How do I level up lockpicking?

Pick locks constantly, upgrade Security skill, complete challenges, and use high quality tools.

Where are lockpicking challenges?

In lockpicking dungeons, chests, from merchants, on enemies, and as quest rewards.

What are some tips for lockpicking?

Use the best tools, be patient, watch patterns carefully, rotate keys, and use consumables if stuck.

How to pick master locks?

Use master Digipicks, have a high Security skill, watch patterns closely, and be very patient.

How to pick safes?

Safes operate like locks but are harder. Use master Digipicks and high Security skill.

How to hack terminals?

Use hacking tools and play the hacking minigame. Upgrade Hacking skill to hack higher level terminals.

Can you pick locks without tools?

No, you need a Digipick to enter the lockpicking minigame and pick locks.

Is lockpicking important?

Absolutely! It allows access to hidden areas, valuables, and more. It’s an essential skill in Starfield.

With the right tools and techniques, you can become a master lockpicker in Starfield. Use this guide to level up your skills and unlock everything this expansive game world has to offer.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.