Starfield FOV Unlocker (StarfieldCustom.ini) Hack

The highly anticipated space RPG Starfield is finally here, giving players an expansive new universe to explore. However, some gamers have noticed the lack of FOV (field of view) options in Starfield. Today, we have posted a guide on how to unlock Starfield FOV with StarfieldCustom.ini. Read more details about how to use Starfield FOV unlocker.

What is FOV and Why Adjust it in Games?

FOV determines how much of the in-game environment is visible on screen. A wider FOV gives a more expansive, immersive view, especially on widescreen monitors. A narrow FOV feels cramped and zoomed in.

For first-person games like Starfield, FOV also impacts gameplay. A wider FOV improves spatial awareness in combat and exploration. Meanwhile, a narrow FOV can cause motion sickness in susceptible gamers.

How to Change FOV in Starfield

Unfortunately, Starfield has no FOV slider in its settings menu. However, hidden FOV configuration options exist within Starfield’s .ini files. By tweaking these values, you can set a custom FOV that suits your preferences and setup.

Here’s how to unlock FOV settings in Starfield:

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to Documents/My Games/Starfield
  2. Right click and create a new Text Document. Name it “StarfieldCustom.ini
  3. Open StarfieldCustom.ini in a text editor like Notepad
  4. Add the following lines:


Change the FOV values to your liking. Higher numbers increase FOV. 6. Save and close the file. Right click StarfieldCustom.ini and make it Read Only.

Now when you launch Starfield, it will use the custom FOV configured in your .ini tweak. Feel free to experiment to find your ideal FOV!

Optimizing FOV for Gameplay and Comfort

What FOV should you use in Starfield? Here are some guidelines:

  • Wider FOV (90-120) for immersive exploration and combat awareness
  • Narrower FOV (70-90) if you prefer a focused view
  • Higher FOV (100-120+) for ultrawide monitors
  • Lower FOV (70-90) if you’re motion sickness prone
  • Adjust FOV based on personal preference!

Starfield Mods – September 1, 2023

For even more granular FOV customization in Starfield, FOV mods are available. Mods like [insert mod name] provide an in-game FOV slider for real-time adjustments.

However, mods come with risks like bugs, crashes and bans. Proceed with caution and make backups before modding Starfield. For many, the simple .ini tweak is sufficient.

Unlock the hidden Starfield FOV settings using the steps in this guide. An optimal FOV can significantly improve your experience exploring the vast frontiers of this exciting new open world. Just remember to tweak FOV carefully to find your personal sweet spot.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.