Starfield Companion Guide: Skills, Strategies, & Gameplay

One of Starfield’s most exciting features is its companions system. Throughout their journey, players can recruit companions with specialized skills to join their crew. Proper use of companion abilities adds an extra layer of depth and strategy to the gameplay.

Skills of Starfield Companions

Companions in Starfield have various skills that players can utilize for different situations. According to reports, some of the known skills are:

  • Astrodynamics – Knowledge of spaceship mechanics and piloting
  • Lasers – Proficiency with laser weapons
  • Leadership – Provides buffs and strategic advantages to the player’s crew
  • Botany – Specializes in plant-related tasks and vegetation knowledge
  • Engineering – Repair and optimization of mechanical objects and systems
  • Medicine – Healing abilities and health boosts for the player’s crew
  • Athletics – Physical fitness and combat maneuverability
  • Stealth – Skills for avoiding detection and sneaking
  • Persuasion – Social skills for negotiation and rhetoric
  • Ship Command – Bonuses to commanding and controlling spacecraft

As players progress in Starfield, they can level up companions to expand their skill sets. This allows the player to customize their crew’s abilities to suit their playstyle.

A combat-focused player may want to improve their companion’s Lasers and Athletics skills, while an explorer may focus on Astrodynamics and Engineering.

There are around 20 potential companions in Starfield, each with their own starting skills and unique personality. Choosing which companions to bring along and developing their skills is an important strategic decision. Their specialized abilities can make a major difference in how the player experiences the game world.

List all Starfield Companions

Several companions are members of the Constellation faction and play key roles in the main storyline missions.

Sarah Morgan – Chair of the Constellation explorers group.


  • Astrodynamics ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Lasers ⭐⭐⭐
  • Leadership ⭐⭐
  • Botany ⭐

Recruited during The Old Neighborhood mission.

Barrett – Brave Constellation member.


  • Starship Engineering ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Particle Beams ⭐⭐⭐
  • Robotics ⭐⭐
  • Gastronomy ⭐.

Joins after the Back to Vectera mission.

Sam Coe – Former Freestar Ranger.


  • Piloting ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Rifle Certification ⭐⭐⭐
  • Payloads ⭐⭐
  • Geology ⭐

Can be recruited following The Empty Nest mission.

Andreja – Mysterious woman.


  • Stealth ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Particle Beams ⭐⭐⭐
  • Energy Weapons ⭐⭐
  • Theft ⭐

Joins after Into the Unknown.

Unique Named Companions

Unique named companions can be found and hired at specific locations:

New Atlantis

Marika Boros –


  • Shotgun Certification ⭐
  • Ballistics ⭐⭐
  • Particle Beams ⭐
  • 13,500 credits.

Gideon Aker –


  • Ballistics ⭐⭐
  • Missiles ⭐⭐
  • 18,000 credits.

Simeon Bankowski –


  • Sharpshooting ⭐
  • Sniper ⭐⭐
  • Marksmanship ⭐
  • 15,000 credits.


  • Rosie Tannehill –


  • Medicine ⭐
  • Wellness ⭐⭐⭐
  • 18,000 credits.

Omari Hassan


  • Shield Systems ⭐⭐⭐
  • Engineering ⭐
  • 13,500 credits.


Mickey Caviar –


  • Gastronomy ⭐
  • Wellness ⭐⭐
  • Incapacitation ⭐
  • 13,500 credits.

Companion Gameplay and Strategies

Now let’s take a deeper look at how Starfield’s companions work and how players can utilize them effectively.

Recruiting Companions

There are around 20 companions that players can recruit over the course of the game. Each one has their own methods of recruitment. Some may need to be rescued or recruited through a faction. Others might require the player to complete certain tasks first.

Once recruited, companions occupy slots on the player’s ship, the VASCO. Early on, only 2 companions can accompany the player simultaneously. But as the VASCO is upgraded, up to 6 total companions can be active. The others remain on the ship for later swapping.

Using Companions Effectively

Here are some tips for making the most of Starfield’s companions:

  • Match skills to activities – Bring companions with relevant skills on missions. For example, take stealthy companions while infiltrating.
  • Coordinate skills – Try combining multiple companions’ skills for powerful bonuses. An Engineer and Botanist may reveal unique discoveries.
  • Level key skills first – Focus companions’ level-ups on their most useful abilities at first.
  • Know their personalities – Companions have likes, dislikes, and moral attitudes. Keep them happy for best results.
  • Give strategic commands – You can direct companions to use certain skills in different situations.

Proper management and coordination of companions will make overcoming challenges smoother. They effectively act as specialized assistants that expand the player’s skill set.

Companion Relations

In addition to their practical skills, companions have their own personalities and attitudes. Players can build relationships with companions that influence their interactions and effectiveness.

Activities companions like or approve of will improve their relation with the player. Disliked actions may negatively impact it. Higher companion relations unlock unique narrative content and new perks.

Ultimately, companions are not just tools to use but fully realized characters. Learning their individual personalities and tailoring the player’s actions accordingly leads to the most powerful team-ups.

Companion Progression

Companions earn XP through combat and mission completion alongside the player. When they level up, the player can assign points to improve their skills.

Some companions may even ask the player to help them pursue certain goals related to their backstory. Completing these companion quests grants substantial rewards and upgrades.

So proper companion management involves not just utilizing their skills but unlocking their true potential through levelling, relationship building, and quest completion.

Companion Archetypes

Starfield’s 20+ companions fall into various archetypes. Here are some of the common companion types revealed so far:

The Veteran

Veterans are former soldiers and mercenaries. They specialize in combat abilities.

Their skills may include One/Two-Handed Weapons, Defense, Tactics, Leadership, and First Aid.

Veterans make useful front line fighters. Prioritize their combat skills first when levelling.

The Scholar

Scholars have extensive technical and scientific knowledge. Their skills lean towards research and problem-solving.

Typical skills are Engineering, Physical Sciences, Xenology, Botany, Medicine, and Computers.

Bring Scholars when investigating ancient ruins or analyzing discoveries.

The Maverick

Mavericks are space truckers and smugglers with pilot skills. They prefer operating on the fringes of society.

Mavericks are skilled in Astrodynamics, Energy Weapons, Dodging, Streetwise, and Persuasion.

They make good dogfighters and can access the seedy underworld. Level their piloting abilities.

The Protector

Protectors use heavy weapons and armor to safeguard others. They have strong moral compasses.

Skills often include Heavy Weapons, Power Armor, First Aid, Persuasion, and Leadership.

Protectors draw enemy fire on the front line. Focus on boosting their survivability.

Of course, companions have cross-disciplinary abilities too. But being aware of these basic archetypes helps match companions to playstyle.

FAQ – September 2, 2023

To summarize key details about Starfield’s companions, here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What are the skills of Starfield Companion?

Companions have skills like Engineering, Persuasion, and Leadership. Players can develop companion skills for bonuses.

Can you steal with Starfield Companion?

No, only the player can steal. But some companions have Stealth skills to help avoid detection.

Are there factions in Starfield Companion?

The player can join factions, which may unlock new companion recruitment opportunities.

What are skill books in Starfield Companion?

Skill books permanently boost the player’s skills. Companions do not use skill books – they gain XP through missions.

What platforms will Starfield be available on?

Starfield launches September 6, 2023 exclusively for Xbox Series X/S and PC.

Starfield’s companion system looks to be a game-changing feature, providing new strategic depth through specialized recruitable allies. The variety of companion skills, archetypes, and progression systems allows tremendous flexibility in how the player experiences the galaxy. If utilized properly, companions will be invaluable assets on the player’s cosmic journey. With its companion mechanics and massive procedurally generated universe, Starfield promises to be an incredible sci-fi RPG adventure.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.